View Full Version : Happy Birthday PantyFanatic

02-20-2015, 06:05 PM
Happy Birthday my friend.

I baked you a corned beef cake, but couldn't fit all the candles on it.

Marian sends her love.

02-21-2015, 01:18 AM

Sometimes it's like Nirvana with presents piled so high,
And when they're made of nylon, it can make a person sigh.
Sometimes their color is so bright, they almost shine you see,
And sometimes they are more subdued and lay there peacefully.
Sometimes they're made like briefs, and cover m'lady's charms,
And other times they're tiny thongs, the subject of risque yarns.
But, however bright or covering or a sexy great delight,
There's someone here at Pixies that cherishes their sight.
This is that person's special day and it's our very special wish,
That flanking his ol' birthday cake will be a pile like this.
Now that, my friends, would bring a cheer that could cross the oceans wide,
I can see his eyes get oh so big and still lower an "elevating pride."
So let's cheer him on to have a day like none ever had before,
And join together in a song that could shake the whole darn floor.

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday Pantyfanatic!
Happy birthday to you!
(and many more!)

02-21-2015, 08:31 AM
:cake: Happy Birthday PF!!!!!!

02-21-2015, 09:03 AM
Happiest of Birthdays, PF!! Hope it is full of glorious things!

02-21-2015, 05:01 PM
Happy Birthday my friend! It was great talking to you the other week!

02-21-2015, 06:11 PM
Happy Birthday PF !!!

02-21-2015, 06:48 PM
Happy Birthday sir. :wine:

02-22-2015, 01:44 AM
Thank you DB for the ultimate gift and all the great Pixie withes. :D

(all except Zoid who wants to cut me in half to count the ring.)


02-24-2015, 10:49 AM
Was he going to tell us how many rings he counted? :confused:

02-24-2015, 01:26 PM
I think he's still counting. :D

02-24-2015, 05:30 PM
He had to bring in three mates because everybody knows that boys can only count up to 21.

02-24-2015, 07:13 PM
Maybe him finding a friend is the hold up.

02-24-2015, 11:12 PM
Harsh, PF.

It's like the reason why JC wasn't born in Oz.

They couldn't find 3 wise men and a virgin.

02-24-2015, 11:29 PM
^^ :rofl:

02-25-2015, 01:50 PM
Happy birthday older old man

02-25-2015, 04:19 PM
Happy birthday .. PF ..

Teddy Bear
03-21-2015, 05:16 AM
This is the latest I've ever been with a late birthday wish......

Hope the rest of this years journey around the sun is great!!

Happy late B'day PF. :)