02-01-2015, 04:52 AM
Can you believe ... it's only one more day until Groundhog's Day?
Are you all ready for Phil's forecast?
To help you get in the mood ... and a little insight into one of the factors that affects his predictions ...
Here we are just a day way
From celebrating Groundhog’s Day.
You know, when that rodent, his name is Phil,
Comes out from his burrow on ol’ Nob Hill.
He looks around, his shadow to see,
If he does, winter will 6 more weeks be.
But if he doesn’t, then we can be sure,
Spring will arrive much earlier.
Now we often think Phil wants spring (we hope :wish: ),
But Phil’s pretty smart … he’s no dope.
Phyllis, his partner, is down below,
And Phil wouldn’t mind more time in the hole (pun intended),
So sometimes even if he does not see,
It’s back to his burrow for some ol’ revelry.
There’ll be moaning and groaning as their movements get fast,
And shouts of “I’m cumming!” as they quickly climax.
With six more weeks of winter
Ol' Phil will consider,
"We could do this all spring, summer and fall,
Do it all year and just have a ball.
"I think we need a new holiday
Groundhog's Day 2 OR Let's Romp in the Hay.
For me and my gal, this sounds quite ideal,
She loves having it happen and I love hearing her squeal." :)
Are you all ready for Phil's forecast?
To help you get in the mood ... and a little insight into one of the factors that affects his predictions ...
Here we are just a day way
From celebrating Groundhog’s Day.
You know, when that rodent, his name is Phil,
Comes out from his burrow on ol’ Nob Hill.
He looks around, his shadow to see,
If he does, winter will 6 more weeks be.
But if he doesn’t, then we can be sure,
Spring will arrive much earlier.
Now we often think Phil wants spring (we hope :wish: ),
But Phil’s pretty smart … he’s no dope.
Phyllis, his partner, is down below,
And Phil wouldn’t mind more time in the hole (pun intended),
So sometimes even if he does not see,
It’s back to his burrow for some ol’ revelry.
There’ll be moaning and groaning as their movements get fast,
And shouts of “I’m cumming!” as they quickly climax.
With six more weeks of winter
Ol' Phil will consider,
"We could do this all spring, summer and fall,
Do it all year and just have a ball.
"I think we need a new holiday
Groundhog's Day 2 OR Let's Romp in the Hay.
For me and my gal, this sounds quite ideal,
She loves having it happen and I love hearing her squeal." :)