View Full Version : Big Apple Adventure

12-06-2014, 08:19 AM
Not me, sadly, and nothing to do with IT products of the same name!

A good (female) friend of mine is 30 next year, and is booked to go to Noo Yoik City for, I think, 6 days this time next year to celebrate. A few folk I work with have come up with an idea to get her something a little out of the ordinary as a gift, and someone thought that a non-touristy, yet fun and interesting, activity/visit/whatever might be possible.

Problem is, no-one we work with has ever been to New York, so we're a wee bit short of ideas; therefore my question is, does anyone here who lives in NYC, or has visited the city, any thoughts? Ideally something bookable from here (U.K.), and not too expensive - we all work in the lower echelons of the NHS remember, so not a lot of spare $$$!

So far, I know she's planning to visit Times Square, skate in Central Park (weather permitting) go to a show, go up the Empire State building and go to Ground Zero. Also planning a trip on the Staten Island ferry (?) and wants to drive over the Brooklyn Bridge.

So, any ideas will be gratefully received, and if you have web links to any ideas you may have, all the better.

Thanks in advance to all you wonderful Pixie folk! :wave:


12-07-2014, 06:02 AM
Sorry DM, but my knowledge of NY is marginally worse than yours.


12-07-2014, 06:45 AM
She should see the Metropolitan museum of art and the natural history museum.

12-07-2014, 11:19 AM
Go to Chinatown, find an authentic Chinese restaurant. The only thing about the city I could stand when I was living in Central NY.

12-08-2014, 10:49 AM

Always a good choice. Unless you don't like John Lennon. Then bad choice.

12-08-2014, 04:19 PM

Always a good choice. Unless you don't like John Lennon. Then bad choice.

Her taste (if one can call it that!) runs more to Westlife and Boyzone! I'll cheekily say the only Lennon she's ever heard of is Neil. (And I can hear you ALL saying "Who the fuck is Neil Lennon?" Heehee!!)

I do like John Lennon however, so if I ever make it there ……. :banghead:


12-17-2014, 04:16 AM
I always liked Rockefeller Center, Radio Music Hall, Times Square, the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Chinatown, and, haven't been there, but I imagine the new "Ground Zero" memorial would be interesting to visit. Broadway shows and Rockefeller Center might be good ... but a bit pricey.

A tip I was given by a cab driver ... know the street address of where you want to go ... he said a lot of cab drivers "recently got off the boat" and so they'll drive up and down the streets looking for where you want to go (and the meter will be running). If you know the address, they'll usually get there without much waste. He told me after I gave him the name of the Hotel I was staying at. He knew where it was, but, he said many of the drivers might not.

12-17-2014, 02:05 PM
That works over here too, DB.

12-17-2014, 04:22 PM
Handy tip DB, I shall pass it on. Thanks.

BTW, did you get my card yet? Posted it over 2 weeks ago now …


12-18-2014, 03:19 AM
Not yet, but hopefully in the next day or two. Ours just got mailed so I'm hoping it gets there in time. At least we know they're on their way. :)

Merry Christmas, my friend!

12-18-2014, 03:21 PM
Merry Christmas, my friend!

And to you sir, and to you. :)