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05-02-2013, 07:55 AM
….. At least to you, and maybe it will be of interest to others in our family.

I just watched the last part of a loooong (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/earth/australia-first-years.html) trip through Oz. No wonder they are such an odd lot. :rofl: Really,…………. Very interesting and an outstanding four-part presentation. Check it out :nod:

And post some links of things you find especially interesting. :)

05-02-2013, 08:10 AM
Saltbush desert and Chamber's Pillar.

Yep, welcome to the red centre.

05-02-2013, 11:18 AM
Ever dream about chucking it all and being a lighthouse keeper? Best view ever? Right on the water?

Rose Island Lighthouse (http://www.roseislandlighthouse.org/keeper_options.html) has a program that enables you to stay there and be the one in charge! I think that would be awesome!

05-02-2013, 11:19 AM

Should be of interest to you, PF.

05-02-2013, 11:28 AM
We're lucky that when they changed the definition of planet that they didn't require that to be a planet, there must be at least 5 moons orbiting the body. Pluto would be in (it has 5) and Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars would be out.

Boy, that was lucky for us. :)

05-02-2013, 12:16 PM
We should count our lucky stars. :p

05-02-2013, 04:32 PM



05-26-2013, 09:45 PM
Today is the 72nd anniversary of the sinking of the Bismarck.

North Dakota was never quite the same ever again.

05-27-2013, 02:25 AM
Last year it was so dry and this year ... the fields are so wet and saturated, the farmers are having trouble getting their crops planted. :(

05-27-2013, 01:37 PM
And east of you last year was tied for the high temp record and this year ................... well don't build the snowman too close to the barbi. :sad:

05-29-2013, 09:37 AM
Here's something interesting:

06-02-2013, 01:20 AM
This is my 16,000th post.

Just sayin'.

06-02-2013, 02:05 AM
Wow! Now ^^^^ that's something interesting!

Congratulations. BTW ... where's the beer? :confused:


06-02-2013, 06:40 AM
Drank it this afternoon with you in mind. You enjoyed it, I'm sure.

06-04-2013, 04:41 AM
Absolutely. Nice of you to think ... hick ... of me. :spin:

06-04-2013, 07:03 AM
Glioblastoma Multiformes are usually found in males over 50 and don't react to chemo or radiation.

06-06-2013, 09:10 AM
Here's something else interesting:


06-07-2013, 04:25 AM
What's wrong with Cheeseweed? :confused:

06-07-2013, 08:02 AM
What's wrong with Cheeseweed? :confused:

As far as I can tell, the only problem would be that their partner would be a Cheeseweed-eater. Other than that...:confused:

06-07-2013, 11:11 PM
Screaming Hairy Armadillo sounds good to me.

I like anything with hair. :D

06-08-2013, 07:58 PM
Get it frightened and you can be having a ball, PF.

06-16-2013, 06:50 PM
While I was off line a guy called and ask if he could come by my shop.After talking with him and showing him some of my work. He told me that they were opening a garden center in town and would I make. Most of thee iron work for. Them,. Trellis, plant hangers,and patio art for them,. I am going to ne one busy boy for awhile!

06-16-2013, 07:05 PM
^^^ They know quality work when they see it. ^^^

Lord Snow
06-17-2013, 07:16 AM
While I was off line a guy called and ask if he could come by my shop.After talking with him and showing him some of my work. He told me that they were opening a garden center in town and would I make. Most of thee iron work for. Them,. Trellis, plant hangers,and patio art for them,. I am going to ne one busy boy for awhile!

That sounds like a pretty good contract. Local business helping out another local business. Are they going to buy from you and mark up or sell on consignment?

06-17-2013, 06:46 PM
. Trellis, plant hangers,and patio art for them,. I am going to ne one busy boy for awhile!

Yay! You needs the money.

09-26-2013, 12:26 AM
Something interesting I watched tonight that may be of special note for jay-t and Lord Snow. :brows:

09-26-2013, 03:00 AM
That was neat, PF. I want an Ulfberht for Christmas ... :)

Lord Snow
09-26-2013, 07:23 PM
I'll have to watch it at a later date, but am definitely interested.

10-04-2013, 03:57 PM
Was a very good show and informative about making crucible steel

Lord Snow
10-04-2013, 06:54 PM
Ah steel............ Ya gotta love it.

10-04-2013, 09:35 PM
Being in the backyard and observing butterflies on a windy day...and rescuing a few.

10-05-2013, 09:33 AM
There's a friend of mine who posts to social media every time he goes through a tunnel. The post is "AAAAAAAAAAA".

10-05-2013, 07:58 PM

Sometimes a tunnel is just a tunnel.

10-06-2013, 12:39 PM
My 101 year old mother-in-law passed away this morning at 8:30 am. We have been waiting over a week while she was in hospice. My husband is so relieved that her long suffering has finally ended and now she is up in Heaven trying to organize God's life. :)

This will be my first funeral I have ever attended. That is a little strange at my age and I'm certainly not looking forward to it, but it will be something interesting to experience.

Lord Snow
10-07-2013, 08:39 AM
A coworker of mine was talking about this, so I looked up the video. I found it thought provoking to say the least.

Carl Miller (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV8gRA-JYeg)

10-09-2013, 04:10 PM
This is from 1965 and it is interesting....to me anyway! :)

His name is Paul Harvey. Titled.... If I were the Devil


10-09-2013, 09:35 PM
Oh how I miss Paul Harvey

10-10-2013, 09:32 PM
I just received 11 yrs as a friend of Bill W

10-11-2013, 12:20 AM
I just received 11 yrs as a friend of Bill W

Call me Sheldon, but that totally slipped past me.


10-11-2013, 10:25 AM
I just received 11 yrs as a friend of Bill W

Congratulations...such a wonderful accomplishment! :)

I have great respect for friends of Bill W!

10-11-2013, 10:25 AM
Call me Sheldon, but that totally slipped past me.



Hi Sheldon, wassup? :)

10-11-2013, 08:28 PM
D'oh. Google enlightened me, it's a term I hadn't heard before.

Congratulations, Winston77.

That's Mr Sheldon, BIBI. :)