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View Full Version : Playing for the other side

09-30-2012, 04:32 PM
As you know i am Bi, i play for both sides. Its frustrating that this must be hidden as many of my family and friends would freak, so to keep the peace i keep quiet. Bilbo knows of course and a few VERY close friends who i know are biased.

And its not just me. I seen two drop dead gorgeous guys the other day in a local shopping centre. They were holding hands and being lovey, certainly not out there xrated lovey, just a couple in love. I was facinated, they looked so damn sexy and cute, i stared lol But then i started looking at the reactions of others in the shop, many had outright disgust on their faces and proceeded to cross to the other side of the walkway as far as they could. FFS people its not contagious!! It got me angry. These guys were in love, if ya couldnt see that alone you were blind! It was beautiful actually. And i'd have loved to see more lmao. Phew i tell ya.

Am i just more tolerant because i am bi?? Though even before i came to that realization myself i never had an issue with it....

I'm a Gleek, and my favorite couple on the show is between Blaine and Kurt, i talk about it on my facebook and have had some messages about it being gross...WTF. It is in no way gross, it is sexy as all hell. They make the most beautiful couple its crazy (yes yes i KNOW they are fictional).
And i admire the actors. Chris Colfer (Kurt) is openly gay. Darren Criss (Blaine) is straight. Darren is not at all homophobic, he plays his part so damn well, in the back of my mind i wonder if he has a bit of a boy crush on Chris lmfao,.

Why the hell cant guys be allowed to show love to each other?? Surely to goodness people can leave them to love whom they wish. By far worse things are happening in the world as far as i am concerned....

Blah i say. Bring on the guy in public love!
Dont mind me.....i'm a tad annoyed at how close minded some are!

09-30-2012, 07:19 PM
I am straight but my mind set is open. Seeing 2 guys or girls together is fine with me. I don't see it as gross or unnatural. When 2 people no matter what gender are in love it should be a beautiful thing. Not for somebody else to jugde. Just my 2 cents

09-30-2012, 07:51 PM
Love is love

09-30-2012, 07:59 PM
I am not bi but I respect all people and find all love beautiful. Hate is what disgusts me.

10-01-2012, 08:12 AM
Eh, joke them if they can't take a fuck.

10-02-2012, 12:13 AM
It is a pity that such bigotry exists in this world. :(

10-02-2012, 02:02 AM
People are often the product of their parents' prejudices. Some of us aren't.