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06-29-2012, 11:30 AM
HI all
I have a question for you all
Have you ever used a tens unit during sex
What is the set up an do you have to use certain pads for it..

Please pm me

Teddy Bear
06-29-2012, 02:36 PM
HI all
I have a question for you all
Have you ever used a tens unit during sex
What is the set up an do you have to use certain pads for it..

Please pm me

I know you said PM you, I don't follow directions well, sorry. Actually I thought other peeps might like to read about it.

I've never used one during sex, but have on my knee after surgery. I thought it was more painful then nice and don't feel the need to put it on my girlie bits. Not just yet. Maybe some day?

I have heard you should make sure the current will not flow anywhere near the heart, as it could cause problems. Don't use if you have a pace-maker.

Google it for more and there are different kinds of pads. You do need certain ones to conduct the eletricity. I think lube to. On my knee we used scilicone pads (I think thats what they were) and water.

Looking real quick, this looked like a good site:


Good luck and let us know how it was...... although that you may want to PM? ;)

Lord Snow
06-29-2012, 07:42 PM
Excuse my ignorance of the subject, but what is a tens unit?

06-29-2012, 07:56 PM
its a unit that gives electric impulses and use mostly for pain relief

06-29-2012, 08:43 PM
Pervs use them for electro stim play

06-30-2012, 08:03 AM
You can get one that is inserted and its for stimulating the pelvic floor muscles to assist people in building these muscles up

i've also seem the units and pads available at one of the local adult stores

06-30-2012, 11:12 AM
TENS units work on 2 levels: the electrical current keeps the nerves busy, confusing them so you can't feel as much pain, and to relax a muscle in spasm. You also need to keep the TENS pads away from your spine, not just your heart. I have a TENS unit for my back, but have never used it for sexual stimulation. The thought has crossed my mind, I admit, but you can get an uncomfortable short if the pads aren't stuck fully to the skin, so I think you'd have to be fairly closely shaved to put it on your lady bits and not get zapped. I am not closely shaved, and have done enough electrical work (and forgotten if I'd turned off the power or not) that getting zapped doesn't really appeal to me, so that was kind of end-of-story for me.

Basically, you get a control unit and pads, and you can turn it on as low or as high as you can stand, so you're in control. I suspect, though, going too high for too long might have a numbing effect, like a vibrator (at least, that's what vibes do to me). Not long term, I mean, but if you're looking to be stimulated, I think the current could eventually stop giving you the effect you want. That certainly happens on my back muscles...eventually, you stop feeling it, so you have to turn it up. I don't know what the effect of that much current on such sensitive body parts would be, I think it could be problematic.

06-30-2012, 11:32 AM
i use this on my back all the time and by the time the session is one on my back i am usually sound asleep as i am relaxed and finally my back isn't in pain

06-30-2012, 09:21 PM
Pervs use them for electro stim playin that case i MUST get one!