View Full Version : Happy Halloween

10-29-2010, 03:37 AM
I know, it's a couple days early ... but just to get us into the mood,


It’s the end of October,
There’s a chill in the air.
Frost’s on the pumpkin,
Brown leaves everywhere.
The moon’s full and bright,
The harvest is in.
That night, dogs are howling,
Foreboding, like sin.
People look out windows,
Ghosts and goblins rush round,
The residents hide
Spirits abound.
Creaks can be heard,
And from Pixies there are groans,
The sound of anguish,
Inferred from the moans.
But, alas, listening closer,
The moans reflect joy,
Exuberant fun ,
For the girl and the boy.
The couple's embracing,
Bodies pushing to meet,
The guy thrusting inward,
The gal there to greet.
The action is wild,
The climax draws near,
If there was a crowd,
They’d all start to cheer.
With a loud exclamation,
And a powerful sigh,
A stream of white gold
Signals another new pie.
Kids are knocking
All yell, “Trick or treat,”
She said, “Yes, I was the trick,
And he was the treat.”
The oldest of kids,
They probably were teens,
Yelled back with a laugh,
“Have a great Halloween!”

10-29-2010, 09:03 AM
Awesome! What a great poem!

My favorite part was the "new pie" :slurp:

10-29-2010, 05:51 PM
Sweet. In a perverted sort of way. :p

Happy Halloween.

10-29-2010, 06:13 PM
Great poem, db! :thumb:

10-29-2010, 08:13 PM
Why would people want to go outdoors on All Hallows Evening?

A half dozen red and bunker down.

10-30-2010, 04:15 AM
Thanks. :)

Note Lil, not one clown was injured in writing that poem. ;)