08-08-2010, 04:55 PM
Lizzardbits and Mayhem would like to announce the arrival of our newest little hatchling :D Daddy's Little Princess! She was born on Sunday August 1st at 11:01pm, CST, 8lbs 10oz, 21 1/2 inches, 42 weeks and 2 days gestation, after a marathon 44.5 hours of labor and emergency C-section due to maternal exhaustion! Whew!!!
We got out of the hospital on Thursday, and finally had a good night's sleep last night :) (hosp wifi wouldn't let us connect to Pixies as it is an adult site, or some silliness :p ) but now we are home and happy and awake enough to post. I am healing well and getting lots of help from friends and family.
"Princess" is a sweetie, and has a full head of dark hair and is adorable. She is a social butterfly and even smiles for us already! (Usually babies don't genuinely smile until 6weeks or older, but she smiled at several nurses and doctor and all agree that the smile she gives is genuine and not gas) We are besotted!
PM Mayhem or Lizz for Princess's real name.
.....and on top of all of this, Mayhem and I closed on a 7 bedroom 3 bath house converted from the town's old elementary school, we move in after the 15th. Good thing that it is just across the road from us!
We got out of the hospital on Thursday, and finally had a good night's sleep last night :) (hosp wifi wouldn't let us connect to Pixies as it is an adult site, or some silliness :p ) but now we are home and happy and awake enough to post. I am healing well and getting lots of help from friends and family.
"Princess" is a sweetie, and has a full head of dark hair and is adorable. She is a social butterfly and even smiles for us already! (Usually babies don't genuinely smile until 6weeks or older, but she smiled at several nurses and doctor and all agree that the smile she gives is genuine and not gas) We are besotted!
PM Mayhem or Lizz for Princess's real name.
.....and on top of all of this, Mayhem and I closed on a 7 bedroom 3 bath house converted from the town's old elementary school, we move in after the 15th. Good thing that it is just across the road from us!