View Full Version : Sex - better in lust or love
10-19-2001, 05:23 AM
Is sex better with someone you lust for or with someone you love?
Me personally find, I find sex with my fiance to be both... Especially due to our son, as sex is not as often as it used to be, I not only love my girl but also am lusting for her by the time we do it...
But apart from me, have any single people found the sex from a one night stand to be better than the sex they have had with someone they loved???:confused:
no question about it, sex has always been better for me with someone i love. the one night stands are like jerking off, u get your relief, nothing more... yes some sort of guilt. i might be conservative but this is how i see it...
10-19-2001, 05:50 AM
and the good thing is you can still have lust ful (one night stand type) dirty sex with someone you love too.
The best thing is that after the one night stand type sex, you don't wak up next someone you did not want to be with........
10-19-2001, 04:33 PM
Doesn't have to be mutually exclusive. I love and lust for my wife. I've had sex with someone I only lusted for and I've regretted it since. Sex is definitely more rewarding with someone you love.
the queen
10-19-2001, 04:49 PM
It is much better with someone you love. Lucky me, I love and lust after my boyfriend. One night stands can be pretty hot, but it is so much better when you can give mind, body, soul and heart.
11-12-2001, 11:17 PM
I've never been one for the one-night stand, but when I've had them, they've been great for getting my rocks off, but the sex itself was definatly not fulfilling.
I couldn't agree more with the queen, tis much better when you can give mind, body, soul and heart.
11-18-2001, 02:18 PM
I'm not ashamed to disagree here, I've had this discussion with my husband. Now if your asking would I rather have sex with a one night stand or someone I love, no doubt about it I'd pick my husband. But the rush of sleeping with someone new, just to do it, can't be topped, it's amazing, the power you can have over someone else, and the power another person exhibits over you just blows my mind. I love my husband, sex with him is great, and one of a kind, but it just isn't the same as lusting for a person. Their two totally different things, I'm not really sure I can honestly comparethem.
11-18-2001, 02:28 PM
Shes right there is nothing like having sex with your wife who you will be with for life. But having an encounter with someone new or you dont know gives you some kind of electricity that cant be compared to anything else.
11-25-2001, 04:15 PM
I am very lucky to be in love with someone who I lust after- esp. sinse we do long distance. Sex for us is equally spiritual and physical and the most rewarding sex we have had has been when our hearts and bodies are in control. I think that sex and love go hand in hand, but it it even better when the person you love can give you the orgasm of a one night stand. and everytime they touch you if feels like the first wonderful time.
Yeah sex with your spouse is one of the greatest things in the world but nothing can top touching someone for the first time or being touched by this person for the first time.New experiences are usually the best rushes you can get.
11-29-2001, 03:57 PM
I completly agree. Sex with my husband has its great nights but that first time your not worried about bills, it just the here and now. With my gf its,its about 75 lust and 25 love, but with my husband its about 75 Love now and 25 lust, Theye are different but I can't really say one is better than the other.
01-13-2002, 12:01 PM
I have to agree with LegzUp. I'm not married but we've been together for several years. When you are worried about bills and other household issues it sometimes takes away from the experience itself. But it seems with a one night stand they seem to take out all the stops to impress you. there is nothing that can comepare to a new experience. Not knowing what to expect. I'd say sex with someone you love is emotionally fulfilling, but the excitement of your "secret" is an emotional high.
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