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View Full Version : The funny things, you can't tell everybody else

07-10-2010, 10:38 AM
There are lots of funny things that happen in the bedroom, or other places, that you just can't tell EVERYBODY.

Tell them here.

My wife and I were on our anniversary date. We had secured our favorite hotel room with a jacuzzi in the room. Oversized bed, tall so that it is just the right height for sex and play. We were at our favorite date restaurant for our romantic, sexy, evening.
We had already gone to the hotel before and had a quickie before dinner. I had plans for the rest of the night.

To set the role play scene, when dinner was over, after we paid, I went to the bathroom and left a note on the table. The note said:

"We have your husband. If you ever want to see him alive again, go to the van in the front of restaurant, get in the back, face the rear seat with your face in the seat. Put on the blind fold and don't say a word."

She came out to the van, opened the door and started to ask a question. I told her to shut the fuck up and do as she was told. I was now playing the role as kidnapper.

She didn't say another word. She submissively got into the back seat in the position that she was told and put on the blindfold.

When we arrived at the hotel, I got out, opened the back door, slid the bonds onto her arms behind her back, and led her into the room.

I backed her up to the bed and told her to sit while I got some things ready.

She was close to the end of the bed and jumped onto the side to sit. When she did, she bounced. The edge of the bed sank a little and rolled her off the end.
She did a complete flip, head over heals, and landed on her stomach on the floor.
As soon as I found out she was ok and untied and took her blindfold off, we laughed for 10 minutes or more.

The moment passed and the scene was ended.

We did have more sex on that evening, but it was a little more light hearted than I had planned.

Tell us your story.

07-10-2010, 11:52 AM
Great story.:D It does seem some of our best plans take a turn for another direction and a totally different 'game' develops. LOL This should be a fun thread :thumbs:

07-10-2010, 12:08 PM
Hehehe, when I was dating Lake, I had flipped like that one night when we were playing on his bed... I think I was backing up so I could get a better angle to suck him, and WOOPS there I went, head first back flip off the edge of the bed!!! :rofl:

07-10-2010, 01:35 PM
Last night we were playing around and I was on my back and he was straddling my chest while I was teasing him with my talented tongue and tonsils :p He made a noise that I misinterpretted as pain and I immediately let him go as he shot jizzzzzzzzzzzzz alllllllllll in my left ear. The best part has been acting like I can't hear saying shit like, "I must have something in my ear." and banging the side of my head etc. all day in front of the kids.

07-10-2010, 01:36 PM
OMG when you see me in Vegas make sure you say stuff in front of him like, "we have to make sure and talk in your good ear. " :rofl:

07-10-2010, 02:09 PM
Deal! :nod: LMAO

07-10-2010, 03:34 PM
When we were still childless and lived in an apartment shortly ater we married, we played in the living room alot, on the floor, or the couch, watching porn and reaching as many orgasms as we could in 1 day with whatever was available.

My sister and her son came to visit one evening for dinner.

My nephew, who was about 8 at the time walked in with the blue vibrator and said, "What is this?"

We failed to notice we left it out because it had rolled under the edge of the chair.

My sister said, with a wild look in her eyes, "It's a drink stirrer."

My wife quickly took it and acted like she took it into the kitchen. She discreetly snuck it into the bedroom later.

My wife was 6 different shades of red.

When my nephew left the room, we all fell to the floor laughing.

Later, he wanted us to make smoothies and he was looking for the "drink stirrer" in the kitchen. We told him, "We use the blender to make those."

That was 7 years ago. We still talk about it often, and laugh.