View Full Version : Modest Trespass

05-17-2010, 12:36 PM


Modest Trespass: Police Called to Swinger’s Club to Deal With Man Who Refused to Take Clothes Off

Now, this is an interesting trespass and disorderly conduct case out of Australia. The White Cockatoo resort has complained that a Brisbane man and his wife came to an “anything only” sex party but the man refused to take his clothes off.

The man’s refusal to strip allegedly caused a “mini-riot.” The owner Tony Fox (yes, Tony Fox) said that four women at the swinger’s club objected to the full-clothed man and the club sought to throw him out.

Owner Tony Fox said the “mini-riot” erupted when four naked female guests protested when confronted by the fully-clothed man. The manager explained “They felt uncomfortable with him eyeing them off and I asked him to show some respect and take his clothes off.”

Some of this is lost in translation. The manager explained that the man “threatened to bash me, there was some argy-bargy and I ordered him off the premises and police were called.”

I have had to look up “argy-bargy.” It is defined as “[a] lively or disputatious discussion.” It was thankful it was just that.

07-21-2010, 09:54 PM
I would have felt the same way as the women.

You "rub blue mud on your belly" so as not to call attention to yourself when it could be dangerous to do so.

"rub blue mud on your belly" - appear to fit in even though you may have wildly different views from others (i.e.: personally, I hate clothes but, I wear them to stay out of trouble)

And if he didn't want to get naked he should have turned around and left as soon as he realized he didn't belong.