View Full Version : what superhero/villian/powers would you want to have?
05-13-2010, 03:56 PM
well i know some of us want/wanted to be a superhero/villian at somepoint in our lives so lets hear what you guys think about it.
i know personaly i would love to be an anti-hero like DeadPool big mouth heals fast and never gives up.
as for others powers lets face it teleporting is pretty cool
05-13-2010, 07:14 PM
oh oh oh i wanna have the super power of mind control!!
make all the sexy men of the world
seriously id wanna make them ravage me relentlessly! and THEN clean my house ;)
05-15-2010, 09:49 PM
ummmmm anyone ever notice that almost all side kicks are young boys? i mean really what happens in the batcave stays in the batcave is that the message we are sending these days. lets look at batman hmmmmm rich white guy lives with older english butler in a cave where he dresses in a costume. Then he adopts an orphan from the circus and "trains" him to fight crime. then he dresses the young boy up to look like an archery target complete with a bright green speedo. Where was social services on this one? Hell he kept putting in him in harms way and no one said wait a sec Robin is just a kid. Wait a second is not Robin a womans name? I have never met a man named Robin, And also the kids name was Dick. Now wait i know you are saying what about batgirl? She was a female sidekick but when she started to growup he pretty much got rid of her.
Now lets see Green arrow had speedy also a circus orphan. Same with aqua-man and his sidekick aqua-lad. Wow looking back on it i think these guys all had some issues.
So maybe we should all remember to support our super villians because at least they don'y keep young boys as sides kick. :thumbs:
05-15-2010, 10:34 PM
Harley, you must be Joking.
05-15-2010, 10:40 PM
ahhhh the sexy, depraved, and crazed Dr. Harley Quinn sorry she was a henchman/woman. Not a sidekick she even had a fling with poison ivy :licker: . There for she is a devoted hench-person. I Say this because a sidekick is someone trained by a hero.
Lord Snow
05-16-2010, 10:56 AM
I don't remember Harley Quinn having a love affair with Poison Ivy, but I know she had a love interest with her boss Joker.
As for Robin, if I remember the comics I've read correctly, he volunteered for the job of sidekick. Also, in one series of comics that wasn't Batman, but the Dark Knight, Robin dies fairly early on in his career as a crime fighter.
05-16-2010, 01:12 PM
ok harley was not in the comics only the cartoon and the tv show birds of prey. there were 3 episodes of the cartoon and 1 of birds of prey where they either state or show harley and ivy living together in a one bedroom home. thier costumes all tangled on the floor. i watch way to much tv.
as for robin the first one that is he lived with bruce for almost a year before he began to train. and the robin that died pretty early in his time as a sidekick was jason todd the second or third robin.
Lord Snow
05-16-2010, 02:16 PM
Which cartoon? I've seen every episode of Batman the Animated Series from the 90's and don't remember that about Harley and Ivy.
With the Robin thing, I will take your word on it. I never read much in the way of comics. My Batman knowledge comes from Batman the Animated series, the now 6 Batman movies that were made since I've been born and Batman Mask of the Phantasm which is based off the Animated Series.
05-16-2010, 03:12 PM
Which cartoon? I've seen every episode of Batman the Animated Series from the 90's and don't remember that about Harley and Ivy.
With the Robin thing, I will take your word on it. I never read much in the way of comics. My Batman knowledge comes from Batman the Animated series, the now 6 Batman movies that were made since I've been born and Batman Mask of the Phantasm which is based off the Animated Series.
ok do you remember an episode where the joker slapped harley around once to often and she left him? i believe it was season 3 or 4 and she ends up with ivy living in a toxic waste dump? it was one of 3 times they teamed together. and it was a little over the top with the entire "girl power" thing. of course harley crawled back to her puddin in the end. love makes us do stupid things.
also check this out a must have for all villians
Lord Snow
05-16-2010, 10:11 PM
I do remember them teaming up, but not living together in a toxic waste dump or have a fling with each other. Though I have to admit, while I've seen every episode, I was less than ten at the time and am now 23 soon to hit 24 in August.
05-17-2010, 05:58 AM
Superman would be nice. I always thought Superman's x-ray vision would be a nice "Pixie-related" power to have :slurp:.
Lord Snow
05-17-2010, 01:32 PM
I found Superman to be to predictable and over powered. I know his villains are subsequently well powered to provide him a match, but still. Plus I prefer Batman's tragic past and tortured present.
05-17-2010, 02:31 PM
Yeah, but wouldn't his x-ray vision be fun. :shrug:
Lord Snow
05-17-2010, 02:52 PM
It could be, but other than the obvious of it's kind of useless unless you haven't something else to back it up with like Superman. I kind of like the idea of telepathy better. Truth be told I'd rather be a vampire than a superhero any day anyway.
05-17-2010, 03:02 PM
every comic company has its golden boy dc has superman and marvel has captain america. heros that are so powerful they never lose. Now that in no way takes away from them but when have they lost so bad that they never came back from it. Hell Superman dies and come back captain america was frozen for 40 or 50 years. And wolverine come on he is immortal give him the damn prize.
05-17-2010, 03:22 PM
every comic company has its golden boy dc has superman and marvel has captain america. heros that are so powerful they never lose. Now that in no way takes away from them but when have they lost so bad that they never came back from it. Hell Superman dies and come back captain america was frozen for 40 or 50 years. And wolverine come on he is immortal give him the damn prize.
Poor Ollie Queen, just a man with a bow and a million issues.
05-17-2010, 03:30 PM
yeah i love green arrow alas he also had a young male side kick named speedy. and was alot like batman without the dark colors and stuff. and still a rich guy who wears tights.
05-17-2010, 04:24 PM
He started rich until his stranding on a desert island led him into extreme archery. On his return, he somehow acquired Speedy and became a Batman clone. He lost his rich and he lost his Speedy. Last time I checked he had lost his bird and was pretty down and out. I don't know if he was sleeping in the Arrow-car, but it was rough.
05-17-2010, 04:47 PM
ahhhhhh look up something called super max ollie is more intrested in not dropping the soap in this one.
bet he wishes he was homeless rather than being in a prison for super villians
05-17-2010, 04:56 PM
Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven?
05-17-2010, 04:59 PM
Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven?
Do what you do well.
05-23-2010, 10:25 AM
I like Mystique or her adopted daughter Rogue I find i identify with them both Mystique is a scheming bitch who adapts to any situation and Rogue... well who hasn't felt that everything the touch dies at some point in their life?
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