View Full Version : Looking Back

05-09-2010, 09:02 AM

Back in the 50s and early sixties,
(I’m dating myself, I know)
This time of year would beckon,
Guys and gals to drive-in shows.

Their school years almost over,
Summer getting near,
The kids were looking forward,
To the drive-ins and some beer.

A place to park and cuddle,
To make-out beneath the stars,
Touching and caressing
In the back seat of their cars.

The movie didn’t matter,
That’s not why they were there,
The boy was usually hoping
To feel her lovely pair.

You can all imagine,
How things would soon progress
Belts and buttons getting undone,
Hands underneath her dress.

But now it’s all so different,
No more drive-ins to give that spark,
Only PC’s on the desktop,
Or Frisbee golf there in the park.

TV in the family room,
Domino’s pizza on a stand,
Air conditioned comfort
A store bought golden tan.

It doesn’t seem romantic,
Like the days that went before,
But I truly must admit now,
It’s much nicer on the floor.

The carpet makes it softer,
The fireplace gives a glow,
Two bodies entwined together,
Where would you rather go?

But, I guess I’m sentimental,
And so let me simply say,
“It was really something special
In that good ol’ Chevrolet.”
