View Full Version : Flood of 2010

Teddy Bear
04-05-2010, 12:19 AM
If you watch the nightly news you may have seen the rain we’ve had in Rhode Island. An average of 7 to 8”+ in a 24 hour period! And it continued to fall for 2 days. Reaching an all time high for the most rain to fall in a week since 1825! Rivers and lakes rose to and above flood levels. Roads flooded or washed away. People who had never had water in their basements in 40 years, suddenly did!

Here are some pictures…..
1 – My road
2 – field for horses (usually dry) on my road
3 – driveway to a house thru the trees
last few – washed out roads near me

Teddy Bear
04-05-2010, 12:27 AM
6 – Rt. 102 – not far from my house
7 – little stream starts on one side of the road – usually a quiet country stream
8 – it flows under the road and to a country club
last 2 – what that little stream did!!

Teddy Bear
04-05-2010, 12:36 AM
11 - damn on a local lake - somebody lost a dock.

More pictures from around the area…..
Two good size malls, many smaller strip malls, single stores, restaurants, etc are closed indefinitely.
In many places sewers failed and backed up into the flood waters. So these stores face extensive and expensive clean up, loss of merchandise and so on. Not many can afford it unless the Pres. comes through with funds.

Even Rt. 95 was closed due to flooding. We're all forced to find new ways to work, school, shopping, etc And when you live way out in the country you're limited in the number of roads. So its been interesting getting around.

04-05-2010, 12:44 AM


How did you fair through that nightmare?

Teddy Bear
04-05-2010, 12:46 AM
So.... teddy bear only had apx 5” of water in her basement. Still had stuff stored down there floating around and getting wet. Been busy drying things out if possible. Throwing out a lot too. Good way to weed out the junk.

Baby bears friend posted a sign that said:
Swimming in my basement,
From 9AM to 9PM,
No life guard,
Swim at your own risk.

Random flood pictures....

Teddy Bear
04-05-2010, 12:52 AM
Hi PF.....
We made out not to bad compared to others. Our yard was about 10" deep but only apx 5" in the basement. We had two pumps running non-stop. Down to one now.

Papa bear and the daughter bears have to allow extra time to get to work. Added 40 min to Papas drive!!

I go north to shop since its a challenge to go to my usual stores south of me.

Its been sunny and warm the last 2 days. We're drying out slowly!

04-05-2010, 02:44 AM
Teddy, we've been thinking and praying for everyone in RI after seeing all the flooding that was done. We've been there with flooded basements and so can easily relate. Glad you're okay and slowly getting things back in order.

04-05-2010, 03:20 AM
What's a basement? j/k

I hope you've lost nothing precious and irreplaceable.

04-06-2010, 01:14 PM
Holy shit.

04-06-2010, 03:32 PM
Sorry to see that you got the brunt of it this time Gods speed in drying out

04-15-2010, 12:35 AM
Teddy.... hope you are dried out by now. I was there that weekend. We had dinner at a restaurant (forget the name) that was right beside a raging high river!

Hope you're doing well! hugz :molest: