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View Full Version : Tagalongs, Samoas, Do-si-dos

03-21-2010, 05:57 AM
….. And THIN MINTS. :bite:

It's time to take out that second mortgage again. :banghead:
Yep! The Girl Scout cookies are in and I have FOUR granddaughters. :faint:

So how does "the good cause" break out for you? The sociable co-workers' candy bars, the community associations fund raiser, the family obligation to contribute to? There are and will always will be more truly worthy places to give some help than we can aid. The problem I have is the gap between the cause and the place my few $$$ go. Some I do for the person I'm interfacing with and feel I am helping them with something THEY believe in or are working for. Other times I want to give a little to something that truly needs it, like the recent Haiti earth quake, or the 2005 Tsunami, but feel my pittance will be down to nothing (if anything) by the time it gets to where it is needed. I have a few that over the years I've felt gets the highest percentage of my dollar to the place I am intending it, but have been disheartened to not be able to get it to some of the true disasters that need it. I'm sorry to say I feel many of the biggest and prominent organizations have become such bureaucratic bodies and even that conduit ends up going into flat-ass corrupt hands.

Now I give to the very few that are personal to me and the fewer where I feel the biggest bag happens at the END of the line. That, and am trying to work more direct with local causes where I feel I am handing it directly to the people that need it and can use it now, rather than to the actual life threatening situation somewhere that I just can't reach.

So how do you part with your little a$$i$tance? :confused:

03-21-2010, 06:13 AM
Biggest percentage is to our church; but we also sponsor a young girl (young lady now); and several charities that help the local community. Like you, PF, we tend to think less of the dollars get skimmed off that way.

03-21-2010, 06:28 AM
A pretty much always give to Cancer/Leukemia causes.

03-21-2010, 06:48 AM
Local charities have an immediate effect, as opposed to Haiti and such, which go through layers of bureaucracy. By the time the money gets anywhere near the problem, it's reconstruction rather than lifesaving.

Local assistance to families in need is not only better bang for your buck, it can help people back into the mainstream. Young don't grow alienated and disaffected and grow up to pay taxes to keep us in our old age.


Fr Chris Reilly.

Teddy Bear
03-21-2010, 06:17 PM
Also tend to give both time and money to local charities.

03-21-2010, 06:38 PM
What little I can & do give, I tend to give to help those in need when disaster strikes a fellow employee at work or something of that ilk.

Vicious Tease
03-22-2010, 01:55 AM
We give food and funds to local food banks. We also donate children's clothing and toys to a local organization that helps victims of abuse.

As for Girl Scout cookies, be happy with $6.00 a box. My nieces and nephews are selling $14.00 tubs of mediocre cookie dough and $10.00 restaurant discount cards we will never use. Of course, we load up on them anyway.