View Full Version : I was rear ended

02-27-2010, 08:14 PM
By my own daughter!!! :car:

We were on our way to change over the title of the car to give to her. She was following us on the highway, when some woman tried to cut her off. My kid got distracted and didn't realize that once we got off the highway we had stopped at a red light. The next thing she is slamming on her brakes and into the back of my Honda Fit! :ranting:

Thank God none of us were hurt and no one else was involved. I have a little bit of a stiff neck and sore wrist. My girl had the mother of all panic attacks, but she is doing well. $1100 later both cars are back and just fine as well.

Seriously how does this shit happen???? And what is the lesson? :shrug:

02-27-2010, 08:16 PM
Bummer! Glad no one was hurt.

02-27-2010, 08:30 PM
The lesson?

For you, "Lightning strikes wherever it wants."

For her, "Lack of attention will kill you if you let it."

Glad you're both OK.

02-27-2010, 10:20 PM
Main lesson: Shit happens.

I can imagine, after the relief that no one was hurt seriously, that the worst part was explaining it to the insurance adjuster :shrug:

02-28-2010, 01:20 AM
I was SO excited to see you post with this title on the thread :hump:, butt after it didn't turn out to be what I was hoping for, I REALLY didn't like the news. :( Sorry to hear about the $$$$, happy to know no one is worse for ware and I think the lesson is the best one possible. Academic tailgating is very different than the reality. And maybe a good lesson at this early :car: stage that all the other concepts will be there in a different way on the road. :console:

02-28-2010, 05:38 AM
Sorry about the accident but glad no one seemed to suffer ny serious injuries. Just reinforces my belief that we shouldn't go out unless we or our cars and totally wrapped in bubble wrap :spin: . The bubbles protect us and the sound of their popping alerts others to come to our assistance.

Like PF said, my first thought was that the thread would cover something a bit different. :(

02-28-2010, 08:37 AM
:D Sorry to disappoint the perverted minds. Maybe next time.

DB, the girl did say that she wishes she could wrap her car in bubblewrap.

02-28-2010, 12:17 PM
Or maybe try wearing one of those new experimental air-bag dresses.