View Full Version : Making symbols using keypad??

Teddy Bear
02-14-2010, 05:10 PM
Does this work for anyone?

I found it on Yahoo but can not make the symbols like it says.

This should work in any Windows word processor, text editor, browser or email client.

1. Make sure your keyboard is in NumLock mode.
2. Hold down the ALT key and enter the number on the numeric keypad. (Note that many laptops have a blue FN key that changes a set of keys, also with blue numbers on them and usually in the 7-8-9-U-I-O area, into a numeric keypad.)

for ☺ 1
for ☻ 2
for ♥ 3
for ♦ 4
for ♣ 5
for ♠ 6
for • 7
for ◘ 8
for ○ 9
for ◙ 10
for ♂ 11
for ♀ 12
for ♪ 13
for ♫ 14
for ☼ 15
for ► 16
for ◄ 17
for ↕ 18
for ‼ 19
for ¶ 20
for § 21
for ▬ 22
for ↨ 23
for ↑ 24
for ↓ 25
for → 26
for ← 27
for ∟ 28
for ↔ 29
for ▲ 30
for ▼ 31

02-14-2010, 05:28 PM
Does this work for anyone?

I found it on Yahoo but can not make the symbols like it says.

This should work in any Windows word processor, text editor, browser or email client.

1. Make sure your keyboard is in NumLock mode.
2. Hold down the ALT key and enter the number on the numeric keypad. (Note that many laptops have a blue FN key that changes a set of keys, also with blue numbers on them and usually in the 7-8-9-U-I-O area, into a numeric keypad.)

for ☺ 1
for ☻ 2
for ♥ 3
for ♦ 4
for ♣ 5
for ♠ 6
for • 7
for ◘ 8
for ○ 9
for ◙ 10
for ♂ 11
for ♀ 12
for ♪ 13
for ♫ 14
for ☼ 15
for ► 16
for ◄ 17
for ↕ 18
for ‼ 19
for ¶ 20
for § 21
for ▬ 22
for ↨ 23
for ↑ 24
for ↓ 25
for → 26
for ← 27
for ∟ 28
for ↔ 29
for ▲ 30
for ▼ 31

Sorry hon, I use a Macbook these days!! A fella on another forum posted a site that explains the majority of Ascii-derived symbols, e.g. Alt + "4-digits" makes specific symbols etc.

This (http://www.asciitable.com/) is it. Don't know if it'll help, hope it does!


02-14-2010, 06:57 PM
Teddy Bear, I can't make my laptop do it either.

02-14-2010, 07:13 PM
Teddy Bear,

Num Lock + Alt + nnn numeric pad worked in IE8, Word '07, & Outlook '07, Notepad.

Did not work in Wordpad & Crimson Editor (programmer's editor)

02-20-2010, 09:08 PM

I also got it to work on my laptop...much like what jseal said...

turn NUMLK on, then hold down Fn and Alt keys at the same time and type the numbers you provided using the numeric pad, then after the Fn and Alt keys are released, the symbol is displayed.


Thanks for providing the info.

02-20-2010, 10:01 PM
I just have the character map pinned to my taskbar

02-21-2010, 01:54 PM

I like it ... thanks!

02-21-2010, 06:44 PM
♣{§) Th5s was the res43t 6f h5tt5ng ab64t 2/ 2eys.


Teddy Bear
03-01-2010, 09:50 AM
Still doesn't work for me.

Thanks for all your help!!

03-01-2010, 06:59 PM
Teddy Bear, they're only askey symbols, not groovy porno smilies.

03-01-2010, 07:17 PM
Gee, I've used the keyboard shortcuts for the extended ASCII set for about 20 years. I never did understand, though, why they're made to work only with the numeric keypad. And after I got a laptop, it took me years to realize that you can emulate a keypad with the function key.

Anyway, the Character Map accessory allows you to access all the glyphs without knowing the ACSII number.

And what I really want is keyboard shortcuts for the Open Type character set. I've never seen a way of getting that.

03-15-2010, 05:59 PM

these are from my MAC
†hæ§ åré ƒ®øm m¥ MåÇ keyboard.

The option key combined with another.

For example: <option 6> = § ; <option q> = œ ; <option '> = æ

<option p> = π ; <option 7> = ¶ ; <option z> = Ω ; <option d> = ∂ ;

<option w> = ∑ ; <option g> = © ; <option 5> = ∞ ; <option m> = µ.

<option u> = ¨ + any of a,e,i,o,u = ä,ë,ï,ö,ü ; or try <option i> = ˆ + a,e,i,o,u + â,ê,î,ô,û

"¥" could mean cameltoe? "œ" Could be monkeyvulva? Maybe "Ω" is labia lips? Perhaps "ßæ£∞" is gibberish from a fools nonsensical thoughtless mind!!

Someone could write cryptic msgs w/these cmds & be sure of certain obfuscation of perplexing derivative terminology?

∑†ƒ? :curse: