View Full Version : All things Vampire chat
10-31-2009, 04:20 AM
Gonna chuck it all in one thread *L*
Vampire Diaries
Anyone watching this. Adding this one to my list of obsessions *L* Whew now Stefen is...MmmmmMmmmmmmmm. Really really enjoying this show. Loving the good/bad vamp thing between the brothers for sure.
I'm desparately waiting for New Moon, roll on 19th Nov is all can say on this *L* Making fans wait a year is damn torture!!
True Blood
Now this show is my No 1 obsession, love everything about it, its certainly got a bit of everything too *L* Absolutely hanging for Season 3 next year!
Now i know this one was axed (idiots!!), but i hear there may be a movie in the future. They are hoping to finish the show off in the movie. Alex (Mick St John) has already said he'll do it...woohoooooo...hope this one is a goer!!
I'm slowly getting a collection of vamp related books together too now
The Sookie Stackhouse series
Dead Until Dark
Living Dead In Dallas
Club Dead
Dead To The World
Dead As A Doornail
Definately Dead
All Together Dead
Frem Dead To Worse
Dead And Gone
Twilight series (hoping Stephenie will finish the 5th book)
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
Vampire Academy series
Vampire Academy
Shadow Kiss
Blood Promise
Vampire Beach Novels
Ritual & Legacy
High Stakes & Hunted
Bloodlust & Initiation
Susan Krinard
Chasing Midnight
Dark Of The Moon
Christing Feehan
Dark Prince
Dark Possession
Sherrilyn Kenyon
One Silent Night
Dream Warrior
If ya wanna chat about any of the above books, please do! In fact anything vampire chat is acceptable *LOL*
Fangtasia ~ Fan of the Fang!!
10-31-2009, 10:50 AM
Have you read any of the Anne Rice Vampire series? I loved that one.
10-31-2009, 04:58 PM
I'm currently trying to read Twilight, and just not feeling it. I know I'm not the target audience, but the whole concept is hard for me to swallow. They're sparkly? Seriously WTF?
Lord Snow
10-31-2009, 05:06 PM
I'm big into the vampire Animes. I have both Vampire Hunter D movies, and the Hellsing series. Only one I know of that I don't have is Blood, but I'm not sure if I want that one or not. I also have a ton of other vampire movies. Interview With the Vampire, Vampire in Brooklyn, Bram Stoker's Dracula, all three Underworld movies (I want Kate Beckinsale for Christmas. Preferably in her Underworld costume). I think I have a few others I don't remember off hand.
10-31-2009, 05:09 PM
No i havent Lil...i'll add that to the list of going to purchase then *LOL*
Jude ~ Yep sparkly vamps, certainly different. But i could get past that, the books got better as the series progressed, well for me anyway. :)
10-31-2009, 05:12 PM
Another series you might consider is the Anita Blake series. It's not completely about just vampires, but it is interesting none-the-less.
10-31-2009, 05:22 PM
shadowsfate ~ other supernaturals & vampires? Hmmm might need to look that one up too then :) Thank you
10-31-2009, 07:02 PM
You should not be allowed near anything Vampire until you've read Dracula by bram Stoker and The Vampire Lovers by J Sheridan le Fanu, which is where this all came from.
Viewing the Count Yorga series and Nosferatu is helpful.
They have an unearthly quality these modern bits don't.
10-31-2009, 07:21 PM
I'll have to keep an eye out for them too OF, thanx hun
11-01-2009, 02:15 PM
It is funny how vampires have come full circle from the predator who seeks only victims for their blood,to the sexy alluring vampire of today. I have only read Bram Stoker's Dracula,and Ann Rice's first two Vampire books. I tried to get into True Blood on HBO,but couldn't.Every generation adds something to the legend. On a related subject,if you google Wolf Man,you'll find a new movie coming out in 2010 updating the old Lon Chaney's 1940's movie. Watch the trailer.
11-01-2009, 02:28 PM
Another series you might consider is the Anita Blake series. It's not completely about just vampires, but it is interesting none-the-less.
yep...I love these! I'm currently listening to them at work. And I've read them several times. I'm currently working on the "Night World" series by LJ Smith. It's got vamps, werewolves & witches, etc...which are all part of the "Night World" far, there's 4 books and each book has 3 mini books in it that all tie together. I just finished the 2nd one last week. The "target audience" for them is probably around 15-17yrs old, but they're pretty good...a fast read for me though.
Lord Snow
11-01-2009, 10:00 PM
I've kind of gotten sick of the 90210 Vampire thing. I prefer the vampires that stalk the night as predators, but are very aristocratic in their ways.
11-01-2009, 10:13 PM
Most even modern vamp shows/books, have the predator vamp. Personally i like to see both, i do enjoy the struggle the 'nice' vamps have to try to fit into the human world, even the 'nice' vamps have their 'naughty' moments.
Bring on more vampires, naughty or nice i say *LOL*
Being Human
I see the 2nd season is currently being filmed...woooohooooo. Loving this show. The seasons are far too short though. Then i'll be hanging waiting for the 3rd *L*
11-01-2009, 10:52 PM
There's also the great White Wolf game Vampire: The Masquerade. A lot of the source books have some great fiction, that really give you a feeling for the world.
I finnaly got all of "Being Human" and watched it a week or so ago, thanx for the recomendation on that.
I PMed you a month or 2 ago with my recomendation of vampire and supernatural book series :) so I think I have that covered
Nice Guy
11-05-2009, 12:32 AM
A great book series is The Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward. I may be a guy and they may be classified as romance novels but they are really good.
03-17-2010, 06:45 PM
True Blood is getting closer to screening (June)...bout damn time!'Though rewatching 1st & 2nd seasons is just getting me through..MmmmmmMmmmmmmmm Eric!
Being human, i've started watching season 2 online seeing as Oz hasnt got it showing here as yet, and i'm NOT good with waiting *LOL* Loving it
Twilight, i'm a slacker, still havent seen New Moon, will have to wait for it to come out on DVD now :(. Eclipse is due out June 30th. Very much looking forward to seeing both of them!
06-28-2011, 02:38 AM
Being Human - Finished watching Season 3...WOW I had tears in the finale!
True Blood - IS BACK!!! Watched Season 4 Ep 1 yesterday, and watch Ep 2 today OMG OMG, totally wickedly awesome! My favorite book is #4, and this season looks to be heading close to that! Yeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Twilight - I've now watched New Moon & Eclipse *L*. Breaking Dawn part 1 is out later this year, another i am very much looking forward to
The Vampire Diaries new season should start sometime late this year, woot more hot Damon & Stefen.
06-28-2011, 02:39 AM
Becoming Human is another i'll be starting to watch soon, Adam a vampire character from Being Human has a spinoff
06-28-2011, 05:50 AM
A great book series is The Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward. I may be a guy and they may be classified as romance novels but they are really good.
I have these on my Kindle & will be starting them asap. :)
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