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View Full Version : Talk to me, from the place thats down under Down Under

10-17-2001, 07:49 AM
Seeking chat, and e-mail from couples, ladies who are interested in most things that provide ecstasy of the sexual nature, and pleasure to all the erotic senses

10-19-2001, 03:21 PM
Dont know how much better I could have it. Married the most beautiful woman in the world. Have two kids who I see smile all the time. And having the most rewarding sex with my wife.(more often would be nice) Just waiting for the maoney to roll in but not holding my breath!

10-19-2001, 04:53 PM
There's no substitute for the joy one gets from seeing a child smile. It has made the difference between a good day and a bad day for me many a time.

10-19-2001, 05:59 PM
I'm with Nubian on this one. We're expecting our first child in March, but past experience has shown that on any given day, the smile of a child makes me feel like nothing else.


10-19-2001, 07:04 PM
No doubt it for me. Nothing like a child smiling. They make my days brighter than anything else in the whole world!!:)

10-19-2001, 08:59 PM
looks like we all agree...the smile on a child is something all the money in the world can't buy

10-19-2001, 09:48 PM
add 2 more to that list....But we want to know if we can have 2 choices...lol

10-19-2001, 11:43 PM
sorry folks, but I had to vote for the money... I've already got the other three, and they bring me pleasure all the time... but I got bills I gotta pay!

10-21-2001, 07:56 AM
You seek the sexual Holy Grail.

If you find it, PM me and I'll hop QANTAS (not Ansett)

and help you deal with it.

10-21-2001, 09:27 PM
I know I'm never gonna be rich money-wise, but I feel like I've won every game show possible when my son looks up at me and says " I wuv you da-dy" and gives me hugs and kisses.

It's not just the smile on christmas but the smiles everyday that count.

10-23-2001, 10:24 AM
This is incredible. All the lascivious, lustful perverts on here and we all choose seeing the smile of a child over our own sinful pleasures. You guys are the best.

10-23-2001, 12:16 PM

Long time no hear.

10-23-2001, 12:18 PM
Let me relate a story that will explain everything!
I used to run my own motorcycle repair&customizing shop.My
last one was in ;the garage at my house.One day;2 of my buddies;
were in the shop with me awaiting one of their motorcycles.The
people that I am referring to would be called as rough and tough
as possible.I;personally;have seen one of them in a fight.He got
kicked in the face;got mad;and stood up and beat the hell out of
his opponent.My daughters;got off the school bus;came into the
garage;before going inside;and kissed me and said"Hi Dad.How
was your day?"Both friends had tears in their eyes and said,
"Don't lose it man because You don't know what you have."
People say that motorcycle people don't have a heart.That's
because they have never known them!It makes you realise what
you are doing everything for! Irish
P.S.Both kids have their own kids now.Two apiece!

10-23-2001, 12:19 PM
The answer to the poll must surely be,

"Lock in E Regis, (Eddie in Oz), all of the above."

10-23-2001, 06:40 PM
Having 2 kids...you know where my vote went. As much as they pissssss me off at times... there is nothing like seeing a smile on their faces....any day!!! Just not at christmas....

As for the money... it's nice to have but not a priority for me...

And no thanks to the woman of my dreams...:D ;) Now change that to man....LOL...

But...the sex thing..Wow....would be a close second!!! :D :D ;)

10-24-2001, 02:21 PM
not simply because the woman is sexy, because for a good marriage u need more than that. I say the marriage to the sexiest girl of your dreams because the sexiest girl of my dreams is my gf and she is the nicest funnest person i know too and to be with her forever is better than any monetary or momentary pleasure ever could be.


11-09-2001, 02:31 AM
Mmmm so we have a little "Tassie tiger" in our midst.
I guess that a lot of our Northern Hemisphere friends don't know much about the whole "Down Under" thing.
For starters, would they know what I'm talking about if I offered to show them my map of Tasmania? Actually, mine isn't a very good map as it appears that the forests have been clear-felled....if you know what I mean. If you checked out my map, it would appear that "Tassie" has now been reduced to two long rolling hills with a gully in between. Maybe I'll send you a photo as proof. In fact, I guess it would be true to say that I definitely have no down under.
Those from north of the equator probably wouldn't understand the two-headed jokes either, but before the Taswegians get upset, please let me continue..... I had a previous bf from the "Apple-Isle" and he could certainly pleasure me with either head, although the head of "Mr Willy" was the head I mostly craved. Except of course when I was getting the most unbelievable head!
Hmmmmm, people will think I've taken the wrong medicine if I keep going with this line of thought.

Anyway, my little TT, it's nice to hear from another Aussie even if you are a bit too far from the Gold Coast for a face2face.

And dont forget, the that the best thing about coming from Downunder is that we always get to start at the bottom first!

(Tehe Tehe - Sometimes I just feel like the most shameless Ass-vixen.)

xxxx Jill.

11-09-2001, 02:40 AM
Hey Tassie,
Your poll kinda sucks. For sure, some of my slightly Dykie friends might consider marrying "the woman of their dreams" as a great aspiration, but for someone who wants women to talk to him (her?), don't you think you could have been less gender specific.
My vote would obviously still be for a "Child's Smile", but it would have been nice to choose a man as one of the other options.

xxx Jill.