View Full Version : May seem like a downer but its not....
Teddy Bear
12-21-2008, 08:42 PM
Hello Pixie family/friends,
My health continues to be an issue. I have several different major things going on but this thread is about one of them....Parkinson's. While that is usually thought of as an old people disease there is also 'young on-set Parkinson's'. Which Michael J. Fox and I have in common. I was diagnosed at age 45. It is a progressive disease which they say doesn't shorten your life, just makes whats left of it miserable. And they are right!!
I have all of it, the stutter step, the freezing gait, the Parkinson's stoop, the tremors, the speech troubles, etc and the loss of balance/falling!! I am peeked out on the meds that are currently used. I have more what is called 'off times' then good. Sooo... I am having deep brain surgery. Well I have signed up for it anyway. Have to go through some testing first. Completed most of it. A 3 hour psychological test is next. If I'm found to have any mental illness they won't do the procedure. I've signed the release forms already though.
The surgery itself is scarey but I can't wait! This is something I want so much! It won't be a cure but will put me back to where I am when I'm at my best now. Which is good enough for me. It with give me a few years of a better quality of life then I have now. :) It is progressive and will continue after the surgery. :( But we're not gonna think bout that.
As for the procedure itself... my husband and I have met the neurosurgeon he explained it all thoroughly and we have a lot of confidence in him. I have agreed to be part of a case study which will help them learn more about the brain. I will be playing a sort of video game during the procedure. I told the doc. I generally suck at video games. He said thats ok, I don't need to win, just playing it will give them insight into the brains working. I figured it would be good to help the docs gain knowledge but also by playing this game I will be distracted from whats really happening.... People poking around inside my skull. LOL
No date is set for this to happen yet, have to finish the testing first. But I'm hoping for Jan. or Feb. of 2009. I'm scared to death but I've never wanted anything more. Just wanted my Pixie family to know whats going on with teddy.
*hugs* to all of you
:) teddy :)
12-21-2008, 08:50 PM
Teddy Bear,
I hope you get your surgery, and it is as beneficial as it can be.
Good Luck,
12-21-2008, 09:41 PM
Teddy Bear,
Whatever it takes to maximise quality of life.
BTW, have you checked if they have the new game from SOFA Associates, "Pin the penis on the Pixie"?
12-21-2008, 10:25 PM
Uhh Teddy maybe you should not mention Pixies, the Docs might not be able to concentrate on the surgery, they may be looking at the 2009 Pixies Lady's calendar.
Hope that you get to have the surgery and that it does all that you hope it will. Sending prays & good vibe along with some hugs(((((hug)))))
12-22-2008, 12:38 AM
12-22-2008, 02:59 AM
Teddy Bear I'm sorry to read of your illness and what you're going through. It sounds like the surgery will be a good thing, even if not a permanent fix, and you sound very positive about it, which can only help :nod: It's great that you'll be part of a case study, ultimately helping many people in the future by giving valuable information to those carrying out the study :)
I wish you all the best for the psych tests and hope you can go on to have the surgery. I wish you well for the surgery itself, too
12-22-2008, 08:03 AM
Pixies and neuroscience have a long standing relationship. I hope that you have great results and a long less torturous life. ((hugs))
12-22-2008, 10:59 AM
Is anyone else worried about the prospect of actually finding out how Teddy Bear's brain works?
12-22-2008, 11:18 AM
I was able to get a preview of her MRI.
12-22-2008, 11:47 AM
I'm really looking forward to it. :loveshowe
I'm praying for the best possible outcome and that the Dr's will learn much while studying your brain activity. Thanks for letting us know! Keep us updated, please. ((((Teddy)))
12-22-2008, 03:31 PM
Now they will find the elusive perv cortex :p
12-22-2008, 03:38 PM
Hi Teddy,
Sorry and glad in equal measure to hear your news. I refuse to give in to anything bad at all, ever, and it sounds like you're the same - so MORE POWER TO YA!! :)
12-23-2008, 02:18 AM
(((Teddy)))) - wishing you health
12-23-2008, 04:04 AM
Lots of love and prayers from our home to you and your family! God bless and may everything go super well for you!
(((( HUGS ))))
Dearest Teddy;
Thank you so much for the update. I know you have been suffering for so long and I look forward to a promise of a major improvement for you. Please have your hubby or daughter keep us updated if you're unable to as we will be anxiously awaiting the results. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Your friend,
12-23-2008, 11:24 PM
Dear Teddy
My Best wishes for you and what you are going through. I think your are very brave to be undergoing this so the doctors can learn more..
12-24-2008, 09:22 AM
May your surgical team be divinely guided and hyper alert to their fullest potentials. However, before that of course, may you be found to be the best most ready to proceed patient if not miraculously made renewed again, healed AT THIS MOMENT.
12-24-2008, 09:29 PM
I seem to recall seeing a show on TV about that exact was a few years back, so it's not like a totally new & risky procedure. It was a little creepy to see the doc poking around in someone noodle while they're wide awake, but as I understood it, that's the only way for the doc to be sure he working on the correct area of the hard drive. Whatever, here's hope for restoring a little quality of life to you,'re entitled to it.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((teddy bear))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
12-30-2008, 12:28 AM
Teddy best wishes and know you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take good care of yourself and if I dont talk to you before the surgery may you have a speedy recovery.
01-01-2009, 11:01 AM
Teddy, God Bless. Stay strong!!!
Hey Teddy Bear;
Please give us an update. I see you were on a few days ago, and we are all wanting to hear how the procedure went and how you are doing...
your friend Joe
Teddy Bear
02-07-2009, 06:18 AM
Thank you all for your thoughts, well wishes, concern, and love! They are all appreciated and I will take all of them with me into surgery! And TY for the laughs and giggles!! Needed them!!! :)
OF – “Pin the penis on the Pixie”… LOL… I’m going to check.
Scarecrow – Didn’t know there was a Pixie Lady calendar. Hmmm…TY, where’s the
Pixie Men Calendar?
gekkogecko – hahaha - is a scary thought eh.
Lil – That’s my MRI alright!! Thought that was in a locked file. :D
DM – Never give up the fight!!
scotz – Yes, it’s been around awhile. And the thought of being awake is creepy but you’re right that the docs need to see not only if the tremors stop but also that they haven’t created new ones. Pleasant thought….not!!! But besides interacting with the patient the doc also uses an MRI and CAT-scans taken earlier which allows him to screw a “frame’ of sorts to the patients skull which he uses as a guide. And he also uses sound made by the probe. Each level of the brain ‘sounds’ different and tells the surgeon where he is. From what I understand Parkinson’s has it’s own distinct sound, so he knows when he’s reached his target.
So, I’ve been asked by several to bring you all up to date. Sorry I didn’t sooner, just wasn’t in the right mood I guess. :)
I’ve had extensive psychological testing. They won’t do the surgery if you have dementia or any form of mental illness. I guess this procedure can make it worse or cause these folks to freak out. The last test was 3 hours long on Christmas Eve. I ignored the little voices all day and boy did they get mad! lol. I passed all of the test in the high end of average, 2 were above average and one low average. All are acceptable for the surgery. Yeah!!!!
We met with the neurosurgeon again. Went over everything… again. As he said, ‘this is not a procedure you rush into.’ He made sure we knew exactly what was going to happen, what the risks where, and that we still wanted to go through with it.
Next step is an MRI on Feb. 17. This is also when they’ll put 4 screws in my head, to be used to hold a frame in place which will guide the doc on the day of surgery. (it can really be said after that I might have a loose screw) Then a Cat-Scan and blood work on the 18th. The surgery will be Feb. 25. They will drill a hole in my skull and insert the wire. A day or 2 after they will implant a device similar to a pace-maker and attach the wire to it. Then many doc visits to regulate the pace-maker thingy and any meds needed.
I’m just taking it easy for now. The procedure I’m having is called deep brain surgery (DBS) for Parkinson’s or deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson’s. A search using either should get results if you’re interested.
((((Pixies))))…. If you read all that ^ ^ ^ ^ all I can say is wow!! Thank you!
Watch for a new-and-improved teddy to be making an appearance soon. :) :)
02-07-2009, 06:31 AM
Thank you for all that information, Teddy Bear. I hope everything goes well for you.
02-07-2009, 04:35 PM
<snip> he also uses sound made by the probe. Each level of the brain ‘sounds’ different and tells the surgeon where he is. From what I understand Parkinson’s has it’s own distinct sound, so he knows when he’s reached his target.Wow! Absolutely fascinating, thank you for sharing, I am totally amazed at what can be done with surgery, with the human body, especially the brain :faint: I wonder how far they will have progressed and how much more they will know by the time my children grow up.
All the very best for the preparation, the surgery and your recovery, you'll be in my thoughts.
(((Teddy Bear)))
02-07-2009, 06:11 PM
Thanks first to FWM for alerting me to this thread.... I had TOTALLY missed it somehow!
Second, ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Teddy)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I'm so praying that the doctors are guided to the right "sound".... I promise not to send you anything that will make you moan... in case that is the "sound"! Know that we love you and will be praying for the most successful outcome...... Be brave and be strong and get better!
I think we should add your Pixie brain scan to the Pixie Ladies Calendar! That is until we get a photo of YOU! ((( you)))
02-07-2009, 10:12 PM
Ok that has to be the ultimate perv, a Pixie with deep brain stimulation. LOL
((((Teddy)))) take care, our prayers and best wishes are being sent your way.
02-07-2009, 11:39 PM
allows him to screw a “frame’ of sorts to the patients skull Now that sounds like he's fucking with your head! :sex:
Trust us pervs to find something dirty in the most noble events :nod:
02-08-2009, 12:24 AM
Dear Teddy,
You know that we shall all pray for you to have a quick recovery.
I hope this surgery will help you.
Your a dear and beloved friend.
Thank you so much for the update Teddy. I thought the procedure was last month.
I'll try to be patient and hope for another update in a few more weeks.
We're all pulling for you.
02-18-2009, 02:23 AM
Next step is an MRI on Feb. 17. This is also when they’ll put 4 screws in my head, to be used to hold a frame in place which will guide the doc on the day of surgery. (it can really be said after that I might have a loose screw) Then a Cat-Scan and blood work on the 18th.I think you should have had the four screws put in by now. I hope it went ok and wasn't/isn't as uncomfortable as it sounds. Not long to go now before the main surgery - thinking of you (((Teddy Bear)))
02-18-2009, 06:15 PM
02-18-2009, 07:02 PM
Not yet :shrug:
Teddy Bear
02-18-2009, 07:20 PM
The hospital called at the last minute and cancelled the MRI. The reason given was that they over booked and mine would be to rushed. I can understand that but when you get yourself all psyc'ed up for something like that .... geeezzz. And my hubby took the day off work to drive me so he's not real happy.
By cancelling the MRI all the other dates are changed because they have to be done in order. So new dates: MRI on Feb 24, screws put in, March 4, at a seperate visit instead of the day of the MRI, no date yet for the cat-scan. The big event, the DBS, will now be March 11th. I hope no more date changes!!
Ohhhh.... happy news though.... I have a theme song I think..... from the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz, 'If I only had a brain...' I'm thinking I'll sing it as they wheel me into oper. room. lol.
Thank you all for your continued well wishes, good thoughts and concern!
02-18-2009, 07:36 PM
Maybe it wasn't cloudy enough today? :shrug:
Tell me, is the table on top of a platform that raises through the skylight during lightning storms? I think they are planning for the right weather to 'recharge' you. Tell them you are only there for a tune up, not a rebuild.
02-19-2009, 01:01 AM
Oh how frustrating :banghead: Fingers crossed for no more cancellations (((teddy bear)))
02-19-2009, 01:44 AM
Ohhhh.... happy news though.... I have a theme song I think..... from the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz, 'If I only had a brain...' I'm thinking I'll sing it as they wheel me into oper. room. lol.
Thank you all for your continued well wishes, good thoughts and concern!
OK you can use my song :rofl:
Hoping that the revolving dates are over with and you don't have any more reschedules. We're 'Off to see the Wizard ...'
02-20-2009, 02:02 PM
teddy, you need overworked, overbooked medical staff like you need a hole in the head. er, i mean, sounds like fun. :D
(((huge hugs))) peace and luck.
Teddy Bear
02-25-2009, 12:58 PM
Had the MRI yesterday. All went well.
Seems everything is moving along.... slowly, but moving in the right direction at least.
02-25-2009, 07:06 PM
(((((((((( TEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! ))))))))))
Let's toast your successful operation on 3/11 with a clink of our coffee cups.
:coffee: :coffee:
02-25-2009, 07:47 PM
Thinking of you sweetie... (((((((((((((((((((((teddy))))))))))))))))))))))))))
03-01-2009, 08:36 PM
Woof, woofwoof woooooofff. :irish: wo ooff arf yap. woof woof woffff! :thumb: Woofruffruff ru-arff. WOOF WOOF! :cheers:
03-01-2009, 08:46 PM
{translation} May the fortunes of unknowable grace guide you, your family and the surgery staff.:irish:. . . Be confident, knowing your hope, trust and faith is well given.:thumb: . . I lift you up in good heart, thoughts, best of loving mind and soul in my prayers for you.:cheers:
03-04-2009, 08:34 PM
Hey.................. Teddy got screwed today!!!!
Hope all went well............... (((((((((sweetie))))))))
03-05-2009, 12:46 AM
Oh, you mean...uh...
never mind
03-10-2009, 06:23 PM
Teddy, I know there's been yet another delay...sorry to hear that, but I remain very optimistic about the eventual outcome. But this delay being because the guy who "maps" the brain couldn't find his way to the hospital...hmmmmmm. Now I'm hoping he doesn't like to wear a blindfold when he works.
Hang in there!
03-15-2009, 05:57 AM
There we go, back into Xmas mode. The holey and the IV.
03-31-2009, 11:37 PM
Teddy Bear
04-01-2009, 02:03 AM
I am sorry for not keeping all of you updated but 3 more cancellations were more then I could stand talking about.
I am here to say…drum roll please…. Finally – I hope-- tomorrow April1st I will have the DBS!! I know…..April fools day.
(about DBS…..
I had the screws put in March 11; they are really called fiduciary markers Four, in a diamond shape on top of my head, not aware of them except when washing or combing my hair.
The c-scan on March 18 was uneventful.
So now it’s finally the day of the operation…..hmmm….. “O” day? lol. I won’t b e playing the video game. Seems it was a timed study and with my cancellations I missed it. I was asked if they could film it, I said yes. We’ll see what becomes of that. I meet the camera-woman and I guess the producer tomorrow before surgery. Going to try lying down again. Haven’t had any meds since noon so I’m jumpy, shaking and cramping up like crazy. Doubt I‘ll sleep, but rest a little maybe. Have to be at hospital at 6:30 am.
Thank you all for your good thoughts and well wishes.
04-01-2009, 03:33 AM
Be sure to let us know watt ( they tell you as soon as you can.
...... and hurry back hun. :molest:
We're praying for you Teddy Bear. I know you can do this. Talk to you soon.
04-01-2009, 09:06 PM
I just spoke with TeddyBear's daughter who was happy to relay the good news.:) After too many postponements, rescheduling and cancelations to assemble the variety of specialists needed for this not so simple procedure, it's done and all went smoothly. She went into surgery at 09:00 and was awake and conscious throughout until 14:30. She spent the next 2-1/2 hours in recovery being monitored as the local anesthetic wore off. She's now on a morphine drip and sleeping after NOT doing so last night in anticipation. :faint:
The next step is to have the battery pack implanted and that is scheduled to be done on the 8th of this month. I understand that to be a much simpler procedure and I'm elated to say she is over the peek and headed down the easy slope. :cheerlead:
Bebi Dempster
04-01-2009, 09:47 PM
I just read this thread and Teddy i am praying and wishing you all the best i hope that this operation will be a NEW lease in life and may it be a long joyous one!
my thoughts are with you and everything else is crossed in hoping and wishing!
all the best and hurry back so we can hear you're all well and rearing to casue a muck
best wishes and {{{{hugs}}}}
04-01-2009, 11:09 PM
Wishing Teddy all the best for a great future.
Thanks a million for the update PF:
[QOUTE] The next step is to have the battery pack implanted and that is scheduled to be done on the 8th of this month. I understand that to be a much simpler procedure and I'm elated to say she is over the peek and headed down the easy slope. :cheerlead:[/QUOTE]
04-02-2009, 10:27 AM
that is very good news. speedy recovery teddy.
04-02-2009, 11:48 AM
Glad to here all went well, now to get the batter pack installed so we can have a power up Teddybear(will that be anything like the energizer bunny);}. Prayers and best wishes for Teddybear and her family.
thanks for the news PF.
04-02-2009, 12:43 PM
Glad to hear. ((hugs)) for Teddy
04-02-2009, 02:40 PM
Good news indeed.
The next step is to have the battery pack implanted and that is scheduled to be done on the 8th of this month. I understand that to be a much simpler procedure and I'm elated to say she is over the peek and headed down the easy slope. :cheerlead:
Just as long as she doesn't end up opening the garage door every time she scratches her head :rofl:
Glad to hear the update!
Get well soon (((Teddy)))... I'm praying for you.
04-02-2009, 08:35 PM
Hugz for Teddy
VERY glad to hear things are on track!!
04-02-2009, 11:04 PM
Looking forward to Teddy Bear being back with us all here. Hang in there, Teddy.
Looking forward to Teddy Bear being back with us all here. Hang in there, Teddy.
Still holding our breath for a status report. Teddy was going to have the procedure done on the 8th of April last I heard. Has anyone heard the results or status?????????
04-16-2009, 10:48 PM
Teddy is doing OK. She has the battery packs but they can't be attached to the electrodes until the swelling from the operation goes down...that may take 4-6 weeks.
During the operation, she told jokes to the doc and the others in the operating room, but she says the drill was LOUD...both outside and inside her head.
04-17-2009, 10:58 PM
the drill was LOUD...both outside and inside her head.
I hate when that happens.
04-18-2009, 12:07 AM
Glad to hear things are going as planned. Wishing you a speedy recovery Teddy Bear :cheerlead
04-18-2009, 01:37 AM
I told Teddy that just because her voltage is up to full charge she can't start a road side service business jumping stalled cars. Would she listen? :hair:
I think it was all the running down the highway, but her legs have put her back in the hospital again.:( She was so pleased with the progress from the major operation, then had the leg infections send her back today (yesterday actually). She is on antibiotics with another needle in her arm (again!) and hopes to be home in 3 to 4 days. She 'thinks' home is the place without the nurses and needles, although she has spent so much time with them she is not sure which is the 'visit' and which is home.
Teddy mentioned that she had a few predicted aftereffects from the brain surgery that were improving as also forecast. There was some (my interpretation) memory loss that was more of a scramble than true loss. Assumed sequences and routines were not apparent. She would have to look up the recipe for something she made many times and knew well, but then she had it again. I was waiting for her to give a better explanation, but she just had to get back to the hospital to see if they were doing everything right. :rolleyes2
With the serious operation having gone to textbook, she found a lot more discomfort from the implant surgery. She was very sore from the chest cutting, implant cramming and cable routing up to behind the ear. A lot more nerve endings were activated here than in the few on the think scalp.
TeddyBear is her stoic and jovial self but I know she gins comfort knowing she is in the thoughts of her Pixie family. Now if we can just find a way to keep her from trying to be a cigarette lighter. :banghead:
04-21-2009, 12:28 AM
Glad all went well........ And I heard she has her own built in taser!!!!!
Hugs and more prayers are comeing your way teddy! (((((((((((((you))))))))))) :kisser:
04-21-2009, 03:28 PM
Teddy is back home from the hospital...legs are better and she's feeling good. She can't wait until they hook up the electrodes from the battery packs to her head...sounds like the neuro doc then makes fine adjustments to get the best physical results.
04-21-2009, 08:18 PM
Thank you for the latest updates PF and rockintime, I'm glad Teddy Bear is now home and wish her a speedy recovery from all she's been through
04-24-2009, 12:40 PM
Teddy, a big hug from the Mrs. and I along with lots of prayers for you!
Just take care and hoping all goes well!
Teddy Bear
09-03-2009, 09:08 PM
Well, at long last i feel well enough to sit and update this thread.... at least a little.... the DBS implants were put in on April Fools Day.
There is absolutely no way I can describe the brain surgery so that you can know how incredible it was!
I was wheeled into the operating room and had to move over onto the operating table, which was not flat but looked more like a lounge chair for the beach. I was in a semi-upright position. Then I don’t know how much time was spent ‘making me comfortable’. The table was adjusted, pillows put under my knees, under my arms, and the head rest was adjusted numerous times. I was going to have to be in this position and my head perfectly still for many hours so a lot of time was spent. I could move my arms and legs but not s o much as to make my head move.
The surgeon came to me and greeted me and asked if I was ready. I said I was and that just in case it was needed my husband had his battery powered drill in the trunk of the car. It took a second to sink in and then he laughed. What happened next I thought was pretty neat. The doc called for everyone’s attention. (I forgot to tell you how many people were in the room….. the doc and assistant, 3 anesthetist, a bunch of nurses, the computer guys, not sure maybe 2 or 3, mapping out the route doc will take, a group of students, various aides and others I don’t know what they were.) The doc first identified me by name, age, and sex. Then he stated what I was having done and he asked if everyone was in agreement. And he made everyone respond. Probably less chance of operating on the wrong leg or other error by doing that.
They didn’t shave my whole head but just spots. I asked the doc if a new hair style was included. He combed my hair forward and said there you are, you have bangs. The nurse hurried over and made sure there were no hairs in my eyes or anywhere. I was given a local for the incisions in the scalp. It was during that time I had a panic attack. My blood pressure soared to 210/140 I think I heard them say and they hustled to bring that down. After that I was fine for the remaining time.
I listened to everybody talking. And when it got quiet told them to keep talking I had nothing else to do but listen to them. They laughed and told me it was my turn to tell jokes or something to entertain them. Well…….. they got couple of jokes and then the ‘Scarecrow’ song, ‘If I only had a brain.’ That went over big! lol.
The drill to put two pencil diameter holes in my skull was the loudest thing I’ve ever heard!! As was pointed out to me I was hearing it both from the outside and the inside. It rattled my whole head too. Once inside they started pushing the probes into position. There was a huge screen on the wall with ‘waves’ across it. They were my brain waves and as the doc passed through each level we watched it on the screen. It was amazing to think about what was going on.
When the probes were in place I had to move arms and legs and wiggle toes. Then my arms and legs were moved for me and they watched the screen. I had to say several sentences and tongue twisters. I had difficulty with 1 of them and an adjustment was made in the probes. They asked about numbness or tingling repeatedly.
Finally I was put under for the closure which was done with staples. Felt a few before I was out……all I have to say about staples in my head is…. Occhhhhhhie`!!!!!!! After apx 6 ½ hours I was done and taken to recovery. Apx an hour in there and I was taken to my room where my family was waiting. The doc had talked to them so they knew I was ok but still anxious to see me. Never have teary eyed hugs ever felt so good as those did!
I only stayed in the hospital that one night and was home the next afternoon. For the next few days I noticed a change in some of my Parkinson’s symptoms. The probes in my head were not yet connected to the batteries so I didn’t know how this was happening.
More later......
I want to pause here and thank all of you for your thoughts, prayers and concern! I read this thread from the beginning and had several laughs. You guys are the greatest!!! (((((Pixies)))))
09-03-2009, 10:04 PM
Teddy Bear its great to see you back and that things are going ok for you
Teddy Bear
09-03-2009, 10:06 PM
The neurosurgeon said that the change was due to some swelling and just the probes being in place. He also stated that if I saw an improvement in symptoms just from that then I’d see a big change when the batteries were working.
Up to this point the pain was nothing much. A little from the staples but not bad. On April 8th the battery packs were put in. There’s 2 of them right above each breast. They are about the size of pacemakers. I have 2 scars apx. 2 ½ to 3” long. The wires run up behind my ears to the top of my head. This procedure I had pain!!! Oh my goodness! But it passed quickly. As mentioned earlier by Rockintime or PF, I forget who said it now, the batteries could not be turned on right away.
It was in this time period I had trouble with simple things that I knew before. I turned on the computer and then sat here and thought ‘ok, now what’? I got to my email after much trial and error and then was so frustrated I just logged off. The TV remote was a foreign object. The doc assured me all this would return to normal. And so eventually it did.
Only to have my legs act up yet again……. I was in hospital twice between the end of April and 1st week f May. Very frustrating!!! But again I survived…………… I have a friend who when asked ‘How are you?’ Replies with, ‘I yet live.’ And here I am still alive!
The whole operation was filmed from start to finish. They pitched it to ABC to air with the Michael J. Fox special. But ABC said no. So then they tried to get NBC to run it but they also said no. A quick snippet was aired on a local channel but that’s all…. So far. They figure as more interest is shown in this operation people will want to see it. I asked for a copy but have not received it yet.
I was part of a panel at a Parkinson’s convention and told about my experience with it and answered questions. There were 3 men and me. Several ladies came up to me afterwards and thanked me for speaking and giving a women’s point of view.
I’ve had a loss of interest in many things. Going on line being one of them. The doctor said many Parkinson’s patients sometimes have severe problems with addictions, ranging from gambling to internet use. And my internet addiction was perhaps gone or lessened by the operation. I have found lately I do not feel the strong ‘need’ to be online like I did before. It’s only just recently I’ve started going on a little every day.
Depression has also been an issue lately. Again I’m assured by my doc that this too is ‘normal’ and should pass in time. Meanwhile I take a little blue ‘happy’ pill every day. (Prozac) It seems to help a little.
I left out the fact that the batteries are on!! My thoughts are jumbled so this is out of order but you get the idea. It seems most people who have had this operation can turn up the batteries pretty fast and reach their best results after only a few doctor visits. It was soon discovered that I can’t go as fast. So each visit the max they can increase mine is 2/10’s of a volt. Which means many more doc visits and slow going which results in a frustrated teddy bear. If they go more then 2/10’s at a time I am so dizzy I can’t stand up. Which is not a good thing! Lol
The latest was yet another hospital stay…… went in Aug 27 and was there until Aug 31. Right leg this time. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…….
I think that brings you up to date. I do think the DBS was a success and would do it again. I already see so much improvement in my symptoms!! A big positive is I’m almost completely off the medication I used to have to take just to function at all. That is so great because the meds made me sleepy and ‘out of it’. I saw my GP doc today and she said she sees at least an 80% improvement with the Parkinson’s since the operation. I had to agree at least 80%, maybe more. Not sure how you measure such stuff.
I feel better than I have in a long time. Get the legs to stop their stupid shit and wow!!!!!! I’ll be doing super great!!
So there you have it…..the adventures of teddy bear. And she yet lives!!
Teddy Bear
09-03-2009, 10:08 PM
Teddy Bear its great to see you back and that things are going ok for you
Thank you -- great to be back. :)
09-04-2009, 11:26 AM
Wow. Just wow.
You are a hero.
Thank you -- great to be back. :)
Wow, it is so great to hear from you. Thanks you so much for the well-written update and congratulations on the results so far. You are a very brave lady and we are all better off for knowing you.
Now, are you ready for sex again? :) I know when I was down with lieukemia 3 years ago, I didn't think about sex for months. When I finally started thinking about sex, I realized that I had a good chance to pull through.
And we yet live... :)
hugggs and kisssses and licks...
Your friend Joe
09-04-2009, 12:29 PM
Teddy, all you've been through puts my little mewlings well and truly in the shade!!
(((Teddy Bear)))
Teddy Bear
09-04-2009, 02:36 PM
Scotz -- no hero, just a lady wanting a better quality of life, but thank you!!
Joe -- am I ready for sex again? ..... ummmm, never stopped and that I remembered how to do and no confusion! LOL!
DM -- absolutely not!! What you are going through is horrible! Besides the fact mine was voluntary and you really had no choice. You are the hero among us!! (((DM)))
Thank you for bringing us up to speed. I am glad and relieved to hear things are going well. Keep us posted!
09-04-2009, 07:22 PM
Teddy Bear,
It is so good to have you bacccccck!!! :thumb:
09-04-2009, 07:42 PM
And yet you live and grow.
09-04-2009, 09:55 PM
And yet we live.................... and are better because we know TeddyBear. :molest:
:kisser: :kisser: :kisser: :kisser: :kisser: :kisser: :kisser: :kisser:
Teddy Bear
09-04-2009, 10:26 PM
Aqua -- Thank you for all your good wishes!
jseal -- Thank you! It is positively SO good to be baccccck!!!
Oldfart -- Thank you! I live....... yeah!!! And grow??
PF -- Awwww....Thank you!! That is so sweet! Thank you for all your good wishes and for checking on me. (((PF)))
09-05-2009, 11:05 PM
Scotz -- no hero, just a lady wanting a better quality of life, but thank you!!
Joe -- am I ready for sex again? ..... ummmm, never stopped and that I remembered how to do and no confusion! LOL!
DM -- absolutely not!! What you are going through is horrible! Besides the fact mine was voluntary and you really had no choice. You are the hero among us!! (((DM)))
The fact that you did volunteer is what elevates you in my eyes...not that I didn't have a high opinion of you before. But what convinced me of the golden-ness of your heart, is that I noticed you returned & left encouraging messages for DB & DM before bringing us up to date on your own trials & tribulations.
Putting the welfare of others before one's self is an heroic trait - and don't you forget it!
09-06-2009, 04:29 AM
((((Teddy Bear))))
I am so relieved all is headed in a positive direction. Since Catch & I came back to Pixies, I always watched this thread to see any updates on you. Sending lots of prayers, good thoughts, and happy wishes that it's all going to be one great ride from here on out. I am indeed, in awe. And yes, you are a hero.
---kathy1 & Catch22
09-06-2009, 10:30 AM
The fact that you did volunteer is what elevates you in my eyes...not that I didn't have a high opinion of you before. But what convinced me of the golden-ness of your heart, is that I noticed you returned & left encouraging messages for DB & DM before bringing us up to date on your own trials & tribulations.
Putting the welfare of others before one's self is an heroic trait - and don't you forget it!
I actually hadn't noticed that - thanks Scotz.
So, double-up what he said!!!
09-06-2009, 12:43 PM
Gah, somehow missed the updates until today.
Go, you.
Teddy Bear
09-07-2009, 12:31 PM
Scotz - Thank you! You're pretty special yourself! (((((Scotz))))
kathy & Catch - Thank you for all your good wishes!! And I am so happy to see you posting again at Pixies! Welcome home. :)
DM - Hope you're doing okay. Sending you happy thoughts of better days! And lots of hugs!!
gekko - Thank you for the good wishes! :)
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