View Full Version : Axed and not happy!
09-14-2008, 01:31 PM
I've been waiting for a TV show to come back to air in Australia for ages.....Channel 7 dropped it part way through the season....well i couldn't wait yesterday and downloaded the last 7 episode to the first season of the show.
Oh man, i loved every single one of those episodes too, brilliant damn show, anyway i'm wondering at this time when the new season will be shown upover, only to find that the show hasnt been picked up, so in all its all over rover.
BASTARDS!!! How could they not realise the show was getting a quite large fanbase, a very popular genre.
I want my Moonlight back dammit! Get me hooked and yank it away, i fucking hate that with a passion! So many excellent shows go the same way, it damnwell sucks!
Anyone else miss shows that have disappeared??
Oh yeah. When I was much younger they axed a show I loved called Automan. Not too longer I heard about a show called Firefly and borrowed the series after it had already been cancelled. Damn good show. Big shame that no more episodes will be made.
09-14-2008, 09:27 PM
Yeah! They pissed me off canceling the Howdy Doody ( show. :hair:
09-14-2008, 09:31 PM
... and Captain Video ( too. :box:
09-14-2008, 09:50 PM
I have to agree with Aqua about Firefly. It's almost like Fox does everything it can to trash quality shows. Firefly was probably the best sci-fi series on network television EVER. I don't know if it was stupidity or incompetence but they did everything they could to make it crap.
Not air the pilot, because you think your viewers are too stupid to get it? Check!
Run serial episodes out of order so as to completely confuse the viewer? Check!
Switch nights so viewers can't keep track of when their show is on? Check!
If you like science fiction (or westerns for that matter), and you don't know anyone who has the DVDs, you can watch every episode HERE ( on
09-15-2008, 03:49 AM
Nine does that with Stargate, bastards.
Lord Snow
09-15-2008, 07:27 AM
It's not just fox that does it. I forget the network (want to say abc or nbc), but they did that with Las Vegas. They switched the night, got rid of three of the main characters and subsequently it went to shit. I just hope they don't do it with Life and Chuck.
09-15-2008, 08:00 AM
I think the networks have a system, they somehow know any show I like will be canceled...usually mid-season, & their excuse will be low ratings...well, duh, you bastards put it up against the highest rated show possible & you expect everybody to watch?
09-15-2008, 06:31 PM
Star Trek, the original with Kirk & Spock.
09-15-2008, 06:52 PM
It's not just fox that does it. I forget the network (want to say abc or nbc), but they did that with Las Vegas. They switched the night, got rid of three of the main characters and subsequently it went to shit. I just hope they don't do it with Life and Chuck.
Yeah but Fox is extra famous for it. I really liked John Doe, and they screwed that show up/over. Dark Angel was a damned good show until the second season started and they turned it into a bad comic book.
09-19-2008, 11:00 PM
what i don't get is that almost everyone i know or have any sort of relationship has the same opinion about TV, but yet all we get is train-wreck reality shows and dumb-ass sitcom/dramas. if most people agree that TV sucks, what gives? how do the execs actually determine what to air, if they don't decide based on people's choices?
09-19-2008, 11:07 PM
Cause they're morons who believe we need to watch reality shit that costs them less to make. I don't mind some reality TV, but when thats all you get its a bit much! I want my escape stuff, i enjoy SciFi and honestly it gets treated like crap here.
Channel 10 was fast tracking Supernatural, we were getting it a few days after it screened in the US, well they've decided not to do fast tracking this season, bastards.
But thats cool, i watched it online last night *LOL*
09-19-2008, 11:19 PM
you're prolly right about the costs. hubby noticed the sets on stargate atlantis are getting less stellar. i suppose scifi costs lot o cash, and if a reality tv show is guarunteed to do well, why take a chance on a pricey show that may or may not fly.
09-20-2008, 11:38 PM
what i don't get is that almost everyone i know or have any sort of relationship has the same opinion about TV, but yet all we get is train-wreck reality shows and dumb-ass sitcom/dramas. if most people agree that TV sucks, what gives? how do the execs actually determine what to air, if they don't decide based on people's choices?
Obviously you relate well to people who have more intelligence than a cucumber, whereas the the ratings seem to be based on, shall we say, less gifted individuals... :banghead:
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