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Lord Snow
09-08-2008, 01:41 PM
After being in the chat for the last few nights I've learned at least 5 of us pixies play World of Warcraft. So out of curiosity, I was wondering how many of us Warcrafters are attached to this site, and what toons you prefer to play.

09-08-2008, 01:54 PM
Horde FTW!

Blackhand server

09-08-2008, 02:02 PM
I must confess that I started playing yesterday. :o

I am Horde, Detheroc server, as is Wilderness.

Lord Snow
09-08-2008, 02:51 PM
My main is a tauren shaman on blackhand.

09-08-2008, 06:22 PM
I stand alone as the one and only true good one!

I am an Alliance I have a lot of characters....the main are Holy Priest, Holy Pally, Resto Druid, Warlock (70) 52 fire mage, and then a number of others. I had a 70 prot warrior but he is now entertaining a friend!

It's fun to see people that have similar interests!

(shhh don't tell but I also have a 39 holy pally on the horde side!)

09-08-2008, 06:24 PM
I canceled my account of four years two months ago.

Level 70 gnome mage was my main. I was on the Llane server.

Warhammer: Age of Reckoning comes out on the 18th. I really loved playing WoW, but after four years, and hitting 70 less than a month after The Burning Crusade came out, I just got bored with it. I had been into PvP before TBC, but just couldn't get into it after the expansion.

I tried to play on the Horde side but there were too many 12 year olds over there.

Lord Snow
09-08-2008, 09:11 PM
That seems to vary per server. On blackhand most of the kids seem to be on the alliance side of things. I agree, I'm bored with the game and I've only been playing a little over a year. Once the expansion comes out and we get something new to do I'll be back on it more often than not.

09-08-2008, 10:00 PM
I am a lilith of the all powerful she-beasts. I am a level 3897294057237548957892347 succubus and pretty damn tasty :D

09-08-2008, 10:36 PM
That seems to vary per server. On blackhand most of the kids seem to be on the alliance side of things. I agree, I'm bored with the game and I've only been playing a little over a year. Once the expansion comes out and we get something new to do I'll be back on it more often than not.

I thought about sticking around for Wrath of the Lich King, but figured I'd just end up doing the same thing all over again. Rush through the new levels, then back track to the dungeons for loot.

At one point I belonged to the largest guild in the whole game. I just got tired of logging in and feeling like I had to be somewhere to do something. There's only so many hours you can spend in Molten Core, or ZG.

Lord Snow
09-08-2008, 10:46 PM
My guild is just full of my two friends' alts and all of my toons. If I need a group for heroics I'm usually running with my friend and member's of his raiding guild

09-08-2008, 10:51 PM
At last count I had over 200 in the guild. And I spend half my game time playing mommy and listening to "he said/she said" or "he's touching me (and not in a fun way!)"

I joke...mostly....they are great people that have for the most part played together for about 3 years. We have a lot of fun.

09-09-2008, 01:44 AM
Well hello all . Well Lilith im sure you are very very tasty. :licker:
I have a level 70 hunter , as you can see airy is the alt-a-holic lol . I enjoy playing still tho i don't know why some times lol.

09-09-2008, 01:50 AM
I thought about sticking around for Wrath of the Lich King, but figured I'd just end up doing the same thing all over again. Rush through the new levels, then back track to the dungeons for loot.

Just slow down and enjoy the content. I have never understood that need to rush and be the first one thru the content....you get to the end and then are stuck picking your nose instead of enjoying the game.

Altho that leaves much more time for Pixies!

09-09-2008, 02:26 AM
until recently I have played mainly Horde... lvl 70 forsaken mage on malygos that I rarely play anymore.

these days its ussualy my drenai hunter on perenolde lvl 32 currently

09-09-2008, 09:42 AM
No lizards, so I stayed away from WoW.

Still dealing with Kingdom of Loathing, though.

Lord Snow
09-09-2008, 11:28 AM
There are lizards gecko. Roll a hunter. Then you just have to get to level 60. Then you can get a warpstalker. It looks like a giant lizard.

09-09-2008, 01:41 PM
I am a lilith of the all powerful she-beasts. I am a level 3897294057237548957892347 succubus and pretty damn tasty :D
Damn right you are! :weg: :slurp:

09-10-2008, 09:42 AM
There are lizards gecko. Roll a hunter. Then you just have to get to level 60. Then you can get a warpstalker. It looks like a giant lizard.

As a player character, or a MOB?

09-10-2008, 04:24 PM
As a player character, or a MOB?

As your pet.

If you want a reptile from an early level there are raptors, and crocoliscs. My hunter's main pet was his tiger, but I also had a bear and a raptor. Raptors look like the velociraptors in Jurasic Park.

I just got my open beta key for Warhammer. Downloading the patch right now. I'll let you all know what the game is like if you want.

Lord Snow
09-10-2008, 10:00 PM
I heard from a coworker it's pretty good even though he's not far into it. I'd love more details though.

09-10-2008, 10:31 PM
Played about two or three hours tonight. I'm still getting used to the user interface. The UI is very similar to WoW, but I would expect that. I haven't played around with multiple action bars yet so I don't know if they're even available.

I rolled a Bright Wizard. Mainly because my play style is that I like to make things dead as fast as I can. So far it seems very similar to a fire spec'd mage in WoW. Except for the fact that if I unleash too much fire power too fast I can blow myself up. Which I've already done twice, once killing myself the other just knocking my HP down so low one hit from a MOB would have killed me. I think I will get him to 10 or 11 and then try a different class.

I really enjoy their Public Quests. In the one I participated in in the newbie area I placed first twice in a row because of the massive damage Bright Wizards can deal out. I guess I should explain what a PQ is. There are certain areas of the world that are marked for PQs. when you enter the area you are automatically in on that quest. There are multiple parts to the quest, each getting progressively more difficult. After the final part each person who participated in the PQ rolls 1-1000 the highest number wins a bag containing items that are guaranteed to be useful. The catch is you get a bonus to your roll based on how much you contributed to the fight.

That's about it for my impressions so far.

09-11-2008, 08:44 AM
As your pet.
If you want a reptile from an early level there are raptors, and crocoliscs.

See, what attracted me to EverQuest back when I was playing was the possibility of Iksar (bipedal lizards) as PCs.

IOW, I'm a lizard, *and* I play one on-line.

Lord Snow
09-11-2008, 10:23 PM
Just remember, when you head to Shattrath at level 62 63 it doesn't matter. Be careful which faction you choose. Cause Everquest sucks. LOL. Sorry, I love the Jimmy story on youtube.

09-12-2008, 12:53 AM
all alliance, on Aggramar. Shaman main

09-12-2008, 12:56 AM
all alliance, on Aggramar. Shaman main

Yippee!!! Pack and I are not alone!!

Lord Snow
09-15-2008, 12:38 PM
Hey Jude, any new info on WarHammer?

09-15-2008, 12:39 PM
So last official word from Blizzard...WotLK due out November 13th. Just the latest and greatest...wonder if it will actually happen then!

Lord Snow
09-15-2008, 02:45 PM
Woot! I already have my copy bought and paid for. I've just been waiting for release.

09-15-2008, 03:35 PM
Hey Jude, any new info on WarHammer?

Open beta ended over the weekend, and the 6000 people who bought the collectors edition got to start their head start on Sunday.

CE was sold out by the time I decided to play it so I'm stuck waiting until Thursday.

I ended up playing a total of four toons. I played a Bright Wizard, Archmage, Engineer, and Shadow Warrior. Bright Wizard is basically like a WoW mage, but totally fire spec'd. Their different career paths, are basically a choide of DoT, AOE, and Direct Damage. He struck me as slight over powered in Public Quests, because the amount of damage, even at lower levels, was enough to almost always put me at the top of the contribution chart. The Archmage is a healer/damage hybrid for the elves. I liked him the best of the four toons I played. Very handy in PvP combat, since he always had something to contribute. I didn't play the Shadow Warrior much at all, they're basically ranged damage. That toon would probably be a lot more fun to play in a group, or PvP if you can get a tank to hold agro.

One thing I forgot about the Bright Wizard is blowing yourself up. They build up energy as they cast their spells, this energy increases the chance of them getting a crit, but the more energy they have the greater the chance of them killing themselves in a magical backlash. I find in game suicide hysterical at times. The one time I blew myself up was pretty freaking funny.

Lord Snow
09-15-2008, 05:33 PM
Any word on how much the monthly membership is? And if they give you that free trial like WoW? Might be worth picking up at some point to give it a shot.

09-15-2008, 06:45 PM
Last I knew the price structure was identical to WoW.

If they start giving free two week trials I will let you know so you can check it out for free. Problem with 2 week trial though is the download. It was over 9gigs to get the beta DL'd.

09-16-2008, 07:08 PM
For the Horde!!

And I do play Alliance as well, just mainly Horde. LOL.

I've got a 65BE Rogue on the Ghostlands server.

10-05-2008, 09:30 PM
Ok , I've finally (yeah, I'm a bit slow at times, especially posting in "new" places) decide to add my comments. I've been playing nearly 2 years, after a co-worker "dragged" me into playing. I started as Alliance on Azshara, but wound up switching to the Horde. Currently I play mostly on Spirestone; though I do have characters on Azshara, Ravencrest, and Velen (for those rare occasions that I want to "get away" from the people I know on Spirestone). And since I get bored playing the same character all the time (which is probably another reason I have characters on 4 servers, lol), I'm running one of every class on Spirestone (my main is a 70 tauren enhancement shammy).

Currently, I'm more of a casual type of player, I've yet to do any raids (mainly cause the guild I'm in is still to small for raiding). My main focus currently is leveling my alts and prepping for Wrath.


10-06-2008, 08:50 AM
:wave:^^^no that you've begun, there's no need to be quite so close-mouthed anymore.:)

10-07-2008, 10:38 AM
:wave:^^^no that you've begun, there's no need to be quite so close-mouthed anymore.:)

No promises that I'll be more vocal, as I tend to be very quiet and keep to myself, until I know people better (I'm that way off of the net too, though I tend to be even less likely to talk to people I don't know very well). But at least one friend has encouraged me to post, so who knows lol

10-07-2008, 02:23 PM
welcome to pixies Shadowfate...
just consider us good friends that ya just havent met yet :)

I let my WoW account lapse, I havent played in a couple weeks.
taking a short break before the expansion

Lord Snow
10-07-2008, 03:56 PM
Quite a few people are just chilling before the expansion. Others are starting to farm mats like crazy so they can up their skills. I'm still trying to play catch up so that I can actually be useful to my friends. I still don't have a flying mount which is actually something I need so that I can get to certain dungeons for when the ten man content for them comes out.

10-07-2008, 04:22 PM
Get a partner, and quest in the 70 zones. At about 12g a pop it doesn't take long to get the basic flier. I think I made nearly 1k gold in five to seven days doing just that.

Lord Snow
10-07-2008, 05:16 PM
Just as easy to farm up the mats for heavy knothide armor kits and sell them on the auction house.

10-07-2008, 08:35 PM
Just as easy to farm up the mats for heavy knothide armor kits and sell them on the auction house.

As I recall (my memeory isn't the greatest, and I did this back in Feb. when I first hit 70), I did something similar. I farmed a lot of leather, and made armor kits for AH and some items that I sent to my enchanter alt to disenchant and sell the mats on AH. I just wish it was as easy to farm for the epic flier as it was the normal flier, lol. (Probably doesn't help that as soon as I get some gold, it gets sent to an alt for training and rare recipes )

Lord Snow
10-07-2008, 10:06 PM
No, that doesn't usually help. However, while the standard flier is necessary to get to certain dungeons, the epic is more for bragging rights as far as I know. Now I do know that there are flying enemies in the upcoming expansion and the epic may become necessary just like the epic ground is for outlands. Because the epic ground is faster it's harder for enemies to catch you and hit you hard enough to knock you off. Might be the same for the flying enemies that we're going to have to face. However, right now the standard flier is enough for me.

10-08-2008, 05:36 PM
The epic flier also makes doing the dailies go much faster, and easier. Sort of ironic, that one, that it becomes easier to make money when you don't need money.

I think I had 3k gold when I quit.

Lord Snow
10-08-2008, 10:36 PM
That's a lot of in game money. Makes you wish it was that easy in real life huh?

10-09-2008, 10:47 AM
No promises that I'll be more vocal, as I tend to be very quiet and keep to myself, until I know people better (I'm that way off of the net too, though I tend to be even less likely to talk to people I don't know very well). But at least one friend has encouraged me to post, so who knows lol
then my work here is done.:D

10-15-2008, 04:23 PM
Is anyone here addicted to it as much as this guy (http://videogames.yahoo.com/feature/gamer-juggles-over-30-warcraft-characters/1255554)? :eek:

10-15-2008, 06:05 PM
Is anyone here addicted to it as much as this guy (http://videogames.yahoo.com/feature/gamer-juggles-over-30-warcraft-characters/1255554)? :eek:
If you will excuse the expression - wow!

Lord Snow
10-15-2008, 06:08 PM
That's a bit much. If you don't know, the 3.0 patch went live yesterday. Not all the add ons have been updated yet. I love the shammy resto tree. WE HAVE A HOT NOW! I also recently got my flying mount.

10-15-2008, 06:37 PM
I haven't been able to play since the new patch went live because I fried my laptop and there's not enough RAM on my other puter to play it on... Can't wait to get my laptop back!!!

Lord Snow
10-15-2008, 08:34 PM
Bummer. I run 512mb of ram on my desktop and only problems in Shattrath. Even in Orgrimmar I don't have problems after everthing is done loading and I give it a few seconds to catch it's breath so to speak. My laptop is rocking 4gb of ram so I don't have any lag problems anywhere.

10-16-2008, 12:10 PM
My desktop only has 384 MB of RAM (min req 512 MB), and a 400 MHz G4 processor (min req 933 MHz)... Oh and the video card is just 16 MB VRAM (min req 32 MB).

Maybe it's time to upgrade this dinosaur...

Lord Snow
10-16-2008, 01:47 PM
Considering standard is 2gb of ram, 5400ghz processor, and a much better graphics card......uh YEAH! I would highly suggest going to ibuypower.com. It's where I got my laptop and it's a much better price for a great computer than going through Dell.

10-16-2008, 02:48 PM
Ah, but this is a Mac. My laptop I fried is a great one though and it's perfect for Warcraft (and I don't play any other games) and my desktop I really only use when I don't have anything else (like now, lol) so I wouldn't want to spend tooo much money on it. Looking on macsales.com, the cost to upgrade it wouldn't really be worth it considering how little I use it.

Lord Snow
10-16-2008, 04:14 PM
Well, depending on how much it would cost to make it warcraft worthy vs. replacement....I'd suggest going to walmart and picking up a compaq if it's cheaper. It should be able to run warcraft just fine. At least until you get a new laptop. Only thing I really do on my laptop is warcraft. I use my desktop for everything else.

10-16-2008, 04:31 PM
Oh my laptop's getting fixed! :D I should get it back in a couple of weeks.

10-29-2008, 04:57 PM
w00t I got my laptop back! But now it's gonna take half a day to download that patch...

Lord Snow
10-29-2008, 09:18 PM
yeah, but its worth it in the end.

11-09-2008, 09:54 PM
Quick question for the Pixie's WoW players: What's your opinion of the achievement system Blizzard added?

Lord Snow
11-09-2008, 10:26 PM
I find it actually kind of fun. It's interesting to see the progress you make in the game and being able to see what other people have done.

11-09-2008, 10:43 PM
Have you managed to complete any of the achievements with rewards, such as the recent Hallow's End achievemnt list? I only managed to get it AFTER Blizzard dropped on the of the required achievements (the one about get all the different masks). Other than that, most of what I've picked up are the exploration and low-level instance achievements, and the occasional Battleground ones.

11-10-2008, 02:49 AM
I find them fun also.

I now have the last name of Jenkins, hehe

11-10-2008, 06:57 AM
I now have the last name of Jenkins, hehe

I tried for that twice. The first group had no idea where to go, the second group fell apart quick when the group leader got disconnected. Hopefully 3rd time will be the charm, if I can find another group for it :lol:

Lord Snow
11-13-2008, 01:20 PM
Okay, I went to the midnight release of Wrath of the Lich King. So far, I've done the quests from the fortress the blimp drops you at (still have to complete the go to this town quests though), and most of the farm quests to the west. The only complaint I have is: WHY IS THERE NO LEATHER WORKING AND SKINNING TRAINERS IN THE FORTRESS?! Every other one is there, but not those two. Kind of sucks. They are out there. In a little town off to the east. Kind of makes sense since they look like buffalo taurens and have the totem poles and what not, but still. I looked all over the damn place and finally had to ask where they were in the general chat.

11-13-2008, 03:02 PM
So, how is Wrath looking? Server overloaded by all the people trying out the new content? Unfortunately, I'm waiting on Amazon to deliver my copy, but (according to them) it should be in my hands by the 18th, after having it on preorder since mid-June or so. Of course, Amazon tracking times are usually off, at least in my experience. Sometimes packages come before the Amazon estimated date, sometimes later. I'm looking forward to the new content, but I'll keep working on achievements until my copy arrives. :thumbs:

11-13-2008, 05:57 PM
liking the new continent but its way over camped!!

got a level and a half

Lord Snow
11-13-2008, 07:42 PM
I'm only a third of the way through my first level, and my server wasn't overloaded, just the area i was in, since everyone is there doing the same quests. However, the laptop I use to play is powerful enough that I don't get visual lag, and my internet is good enough I don't get lag from that. It's more or less just a pain trying to collect what I need to collect because everyone else needs the same things. That and all the damn casters weren't looting their corpses so I couldn't get the skins. Which my skinning is already almost maxed out, and my leather working is coming along quickly.

11-14-2008, 10:37 PM
So basically crowding sounds just like it was after TBC was released.

Did they slow the leveling down any? I remember they said it would take as long to get from 60-70 in TBC as it did to get to level 60 originally. It took me three weeks. And I don't consider myself a power gamer at all.

11-15-2008, 03:42 PM
aye, pretty much the same as after the release of the last expansion, but with less server problems and I havent had to be in que to log in for more than 5 minutes.

60-70 took me about a week... current level is 72 1/2 lol

11-15-2008, 11:00 PM
Not sure that they slowed down the leveling or not, but from the looks of things, I kind of doubt it. THe server I usually play on, Spirestone, had its first level 80 earlier today, followed by several more. Apparently the new achievement broadcasts to all areas when realms firsts (such as the first level 80, the first rogue, the first human, etc) occur. Unfortunately, I'm at least 2 days away from starting in Northrend.

Lord Snow
11-16-2008, 09:25 PM
According to a friend of mine, it should take about 7 hrs to get from one level to the next just questing. It will take longer or shorter based on how you play, drops, and if you dungeon crawl or not. Took me about a day and a half to get to 71 questing. Mostly by myself. But I also took time to farm up some leather, help my friends who were a little behind me, took several breaks......I kind of feel sorry for the people that power level through the game. I don't see how they have time to actually enjoy the game. Then they're stuck waiting and complaining because there isn't anyone they can run with for the raids and what not.

11-16-2008, 10:58 PM
i hate you all.

>mumble< goddamn 3 second latency

11-17-2008, 12:42 PM
lvl 74 now... mostly questing alone other than a run on UK with my guild

just logged out after portaling a few of my guildies to Dalaran, I love bein a mage :)

figure i can make some good money working as a taxi service to Dalaran this early since release

11-17-2008, 01:39 PM
i hate you all.

>mumble< goddamn 3 second latency

I just figured you were going to bitch about being a gaming widow, Bama.

Lord Snow
11-17-2008, 03:10 PM
I'm not that big a gamer gekko.

11-18-2008, 08:04 PM
i hate you all.

>mumble< goddamn 3 second latency

That sucks! What is your internet running at?

I use this site to check mine: http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/

Just click on the city closest to you.

I once was getting 10,000 milisecond latency while playing WoW. Turned out my internet was sucking shit at the time. My ISP got a nice phone call, and continued getting phone calls until they decided to cancel my contract without penalty. I was getting speeds slower than dial up and paying for cable.

11-18-2008, 11:23 PM
Gekko... gaming widow my ass I'd be playin the game more than him!

Jude... I live out in the boonies, getting my net via satt from Dish Network. its the best we can get. that 3 sec latency was what LordSnow got on his UBER gaming comp when he came down here one weekend.

I miss the game.

Lord Snow
11-18-2008, 11:27 PM
I dinged 72 today! I've run UK twice, and one other dungeon (not nexus). Was going to run Oldworld, but the tank (and real life bestest buddy) disconnected and couldn't get back in. Oh well, better luck next time I guess. I'm loving the new content though. Wonderful scenery, cool quests. Some new takes of old quests, some completely new. I love the riding in the tank quest.

11-19-2008, 07:11 AM
I dinged 72 today!

Grats. I finally recieved my copy Tuesday afternoon,,, and managed to ding 71 last night, as well as maxing out my skinning. It's nice to actually have quests that are 100% new to me, instead of quests friends have told me about or that I've run several times myself.

I've even gone as far as running a couple of the Death Knight quests, but I probably won't run anymore until I get my shaman to 80.

Lord Snow
11-19-2008, 11:24 PM
Grats on 71. My skinning is also maxed, but I can't wait to get higher in leather working. You get to make your own leather workers only enchants. One of which is 67 spell power to bracers. I can't wait.

11-23-2008, 02:29 PM
Just a quick heads up for all the Pixies Wow players: Today being the 4 year anniversary of WoW, Blizzard is giving everyone logging in today a free non-combat pet. It's a Bind to Account item, but it isn't 1 per account. I logged in on ALL my characters, some I haven't even looked at in months, and each character got one, plus an accompaning Feat of Strength achievement

11-25-2008, 08:37 PM
Have you guys ever watched The Guild (http://www.watchtheguild.com/)? I just learned about it earlier this week and the second season started today.

11-25-2008, 10:59 PM
Via speakeasy

my download speed is 465 kbps and upload is 89 kbps

11-25-2008, 11:31 PM
Poor Bama your down is slower then my up speed Download 4934kbps upload 492kbps.

11-26-2008, 12:03 AM
yeah its amazing i can even get into irc...oh wait I cant tonight

11-26-2008, 12:05 AM
You should be able to if you have the new settings or if you use the link at the top of the page.

11-26-2008, 12:13 AM
new settings? since i swapped to ubuntu i havnt been able to use the link thingie

12-01-2008, 02:15 AM
Time to add my input.

71 Feral Druid, Feathermoon sever
and 73 Deathknight, Feathermoon.

Lord Snow
12-01-2008, 09:41 AM
Well, I hit 73 on my shaman a few days ago. Found out that I can heal a level 77 dungeon if I'm grouped with a few of my friends that play. So far I love the way the dungeons are set up. They're short, a challenge, look good.......actually have healing gear. According to my tankadin, howling fjord is where all the spell power gear is and I'm questing on the other side of the continent where all the physical dps gear is.

12-02-2008, 02:59 AM
Well, I hit 73 on my shaman a few days ago. Found out that I can heal a level 77 dungeon if I'm grouped with a few of my friends that play. So far I love the way the dungeons are set up. They're short, a challenge, look good.......actually have healing gear. According to my tankadin, howling fjord is where all the spell power gear is and I'm questing on the other side of the continent where all the physical dps gear is.

Yup, howling fjord is for pally/shaman/casters.

Melee is all in Borean

Lord Snow
12-02-2008, 12:22 PM
Kind of sucks that they did it that way. Especially since the taunkas and the walrus guys are the leather working people and they're the ones in Borean tundra. At least, I don't think there are any factions in Howling Fjord that supply uber leather working patterns.

12-02-2008, 05:37 PM
we (me and mr SD) have been playing a trial version of WoW the past couple of days online. Our only prob is, we keep getting kicked off the server!

Lord Snow
12-02-2008, 11:23 PM
What server are yo on? So of them aren't that stable because they're new and others are over crowded so you might accidentally get bumped. It could also be your internet. When I'm at home on my laptop I don't get kicked at all. Over at my friend's house I get bumped several times. Mostly it's because my friend's router doesn't like vista and hates vista through wireless which is what I go through.

12-18-2008, 10:41 PM
we're on the Moonrunner server...

01-07-2009, 12:42 AM
I'm back!

Warhammer just couldn't hold my interest. If you like PvP then Warhammer is awesome, and I loved it for the first six weeks or so. The PvE wasn't a lot of fun, and while I really liked the PvP, it got to be a bit of a grind and I saw the same people on both sides a hell of a lot.

Got WotLK tonight and I'm half way through 70 already. I'm probably "rested" till half way through 72 though so leveling will be quick. I'm liking the quests so far.

Lord Snow
01-07-2009, 01:37 PM
I'm most of the way through 74 myself. My real life best friends are already 80 and doing heroics. I don't play after work and for the past week or so I've had a more important person to do. (wink wink nudge nudge.)

01-07-2009, 09:56 PM
been 80 for a few weeks, have run most all the dungeons cept UP.. ran half of em on heroic,, still workin on quest :)

yeah, on vacation in florida with my computer and still playing now and then, lol

01-08-2009, 05:10 AM
we don't play anywhere near as much as my best friend and her husband...a couple of her hubby's characters are upwards of 70...she just got her own accnt and is back down under 20, but is fast working on that (she's a stay-at-home-mom & has the time)...me, i'm a paltry lvl 20 and hubby has hit over 30 and ecstatic that he was finally able to get a mount so he didn't have to walk every damned where! LOL! I have to FORCE him off my computer so i can check in here at Pixie's or work on my cards or go play myself.

01-08-2009, 08:08 AM
I did hit 80 too, sometime early December. I haven't done any raiding or instances, usually because I'm either playing with just a short amount of time, or because the group doesn't want/need an enhancement shaman (and I'm stubborn enough that I won't respec from the talent that I've used since level 10). I've spent the time since hitting 80 working on achievements and leveling alts. Eventually, the rest of my guild will (hopefully) catch up with me, and then the plan is for us to recruit heavily and start raiding.

Lord Snow
01-09-2009, 11:19 PM
Shadowdancer, let your hubby know that he should be happy that it's now level 30. First mount was originally 40. Course, if anyone had the brains they'd all be shamans and use ghost wolf or be a druid and use they kitty form.

Shadowsfate, I know how you feel. I've been resto specced since level 10 and my friend is now trying to convince to change to elemental or enhancement (mainly elemental since I won't have to regear) for leveling. It's not that I mind spending the gold, I just don't want to. As is I can heal them through a level 77 78 dungeon be okay. Not the best for the job, but I can get it done. Usually only have a few problems with boss fights.

01-10-2009, 06:07 PM
that's what my friend & her hubby do...they're both night elf druids, and use their alt forms for travel and some fighting. as soon as we get a wireless router (to be able to put our desktop, my laptop & the Wii online), i will have my own WoW accnt and will be recreating a character, so I will probably try for a druid just so i can shift like that and the other cool shit they can do! lol!

01-13-2009, 07:35 AM
Wait, what mounts are now at level 30? Looks like I have about five mounts to go buy. Which is sad because I'm about to hit 3k in gold.

In the week I've been back I've made it to 72, ran two instances, and been on a Kara raid. I had been away so long that even at 1/3 of the way through 72 I'm still rested. I will make it to 73 on double exp.

Lord Snow
01-13-2009, 11:39 AM
Jude, that's actually part of the way they redesigned questing. When you turn in a quest you get some of your rested back. So you can indefinitely stay rested. Also, the mounts you get at level 30 are the mounts that you originally got at level 40. There are new mounts you can get, such as a few different mammoths, a war bear, a new flying mount for northrend, and an actual drake from wyrmrest.

01-13-2009, 09:54 PM
It's always been that way. Quest exp has never counted towards removing your rested status.

I saw the new special mounts in Dalaran, those things are a bit too expensive for my blood. I'm OK at making money in game, my problem has always been twinks. My main has tailoring at 381 currently, and it gets expensive making imbued netherweave bags for 7 alts. And while I stick a few of my alts with money making professions, a lot of them have expensive hobbies.

Lord Snow
01-13-2009, 11:16 PM
Only real money sink in the game is engineering. I never really paid attention to my rested because I did mostly dungeon crawls before LK. I had to play major catch up to my friends' mains who were already level 70 when I started playing. Now I'm having to play catch up again, just not as bad. I'm only 5 levels behind now instead of 60 levels behind. The war bear isn't that bad, neither is the mammoth, the really big mammoth and the flying mount are high cost though. I'm just going to forgo the land mounts save up my money for my flying skills and get the wyrmtower drake.

01-17-2009, 09:57 AM
It's always been that way. Quest exp has never counted towards removing your rested status.

I saw the new special mounts in Dalaran, those things are a bit too expensive for my blood. I'm OK at making money in game, my problem has always been twinks. My main has tailoring at 381 currently, and it gets expensive making imbued netherweave bags for 7 alts. And while I stick a few of my alts with money making professions, a lot of them have expensive hobbies.

I did buy one of the special mounts, the bear one, more or less to show my son. I can make money in the game with all the dailies, but it can get tiring (to me) to do the same set of quests over and over again.

And I agree, I sink a lot of money into my alts. On my main server, I play one of every class (and I cover all the professions) just so I can experience all the class abilities. My main is 80 shammy, then I have a 71 warlock, and everything else is 40 and below. And then I lose a lot of money whenever I hit the AH and see all the recipes my character doesn't yet have :roflmao:

Lord Snow
01-17-2009, 06:24 PM
I know that story all to well myself. My shammy is the only one with a profession. I'm planning on blacksmithing with my death knight. That's all I have planned. I can make money selling armor kits and what not, but right now I'm not putting anything on the auction house. I'm getting my enchanter slave to disenchant and use the mats on me. I have to get him to make me spellthread for my new pants. and then enchant the level 76 chest I'm going to use.

01-18-2009, 12:40 AM
Give all your alts at least skinning, and then either herbalism, or mining. Those are the actual money making professions. On my main I'm currently clearing 55g per stack of cobalt bars, and I can mine a stack in one evening of questing. I'm not sure what stacks of leather are bringing, but before I dropped skinning, for tailoring it made me enough to buy all the cloth I needed in the AH to take tailoring from 1-275 in one day.

I also know that at level 60 it's possible to take any of the gathering professions from one to 300 in about nine hours of play time. Might be possible to do it even faster now with the right class at 80.

Lord Snow
01-18-2009, 12:10 PM
My huntard has mining and herbalism. He's only level 17 though. I find dps classes boring to play. My huntard and my warlock just stand back and let the pet do the work. When it comes to dps I'm more of a run up and hack and bash kind of guy. Haven't started a warrior yet though. I really want to get my shammy up to 80 and beyond well geared first. Then when I'm bored with him I'll hit one my alts hard. Depending on the leather it goes for a ton. Arctic Fur last I knew was going for around 20 gold for one piece. Dragon Scales for quite a bit per stack.

01-19-2009, 05:43 PM
The problem with doing mining and herbalism is that you can only track on of those at a time so you end up missing a lot of stuff. You can get around that though by using a resource map add on that every time you gather something it marks the location on the map so you can just keep in that area.

I've got my mage up to 74 now, I'll probably play a different toon tonight just so I can keep him in rested status. Personally I love the mage class. Massive DPS, and great utility. My biggest problem with other classes is travel. It's so nice to just port where ever I want to go.

Lord Snow
01-19-2009, 11:46 PM
Right now I'm fighting with my laptop. It doesn't like my add ons all of a sudden. I have to reinstall the game for a second time in a week. I hate Vista. Whoever said it was better needs to have very unpleasant things happen to them. I would go into detail, but they're my ideas for revenge and I don't want to share them.

Lord Snow
01-27-2009, 11:19 PM
Got my addons fixed and have jumped from 74 to almost 78 since Wednesday. Still got a few more levels to go. I've also upped my leather working to 427.

01-28-2009, 07:53 AM
If I may ask, what add-ons do you use? The ones I use are Carbonite, Lightheaded, Fishing Buddy, Titan, Auctioneer Advanced (and its suite of add-ons), Bagnon, and a couple of more that I can't think of at the moment.

01-28-2009, 11:29 AM
Not sure how I missed this! Its great to see other ppl playing WoW! I am a undead rogue...lvl 72 cuz I started a Death Knight which I almost like better...but not quite!

01-28-2009, 11:30 AM
I stand alone as the one and only true good one!

I am an Alliance I have a lot of characters....the main are Holy Priest, Holy Pally, Resto Druid, Warlock (70) 52 fire mage, and then a number of others. I had a 70 prot warrior but he is now entertaining a friend!

It's fun to see people that have similar interests!

(shhh don't tell but I also have a 39 holy pally on the horde side!)

What cracks me up about your comment Airy is that if you you played Warcraft III you would understand that the Orcs are the true good ones in this game...The Allies are evil! :wink:

01-28-2009, 06:17 PM
If I may ask, what add-ons do you use? The ones I use are Carbonite, Lightheaded, Fishing Buddy, Titan, Auctioneer Advanced (and its suite of add-ons), Bagnon, and a couple of more that I can't think of at the moment.

Questhelper, Auctioneer, and Atlas are the only ones I currently have running. Though I'm not sure how much I like Auctioneer, and Questhelper seems bugged at the moment.

I might have to check out the Fishing Buddy, if it helps you level fishing. All my other skills are maxed or close to it, fishing has always lagged behind.

01-28-2009, 07:30 PM
Just signed up this last x-mas(2008). Playing a BE warlock lvl 28 on dawnbringer. Just started a Tuaren warrior and a BE rouge last night. Not a member of any guilds. just dont see the point.

Lord Snow
01-28-2009, 11:13 PM
Guilds are good if they help you level or if you're level is maxed and you want to do the end game raids. You can get away with not having a guild if you like to solo quests or have a few friends that play on the same server.

My addons are: xperl, carbonite quest, titan panel, auctioneer (suite), forgotten texts, atlas loot, and omen. What happened was when I reinstalled the game it put the folder in a different spot, so I was using an old folder that was no longer active.

As for my take on rogues, playing one is not for me and so far I haven't met a rogue in game that I like.

01-29-2009, 10:12 AM
As for my take on rogues, playing one is not for me and so far I haven't met a rogue in game that I like.

That is cuz you are not on my server...I will admit that most rogues can be assholes, but when played right in end game instances do great dps...I myself am a rogue and my favorite thing to gank is a rogue...they think very highly of themselves and I like to take them down a notch...

Lord Snow
01-29-2009, 09:56 PM
Yeah, rogues do wonderfully high dps. However, as you pointed out, a lot of rogues think quite highly of themselves. Which is why I take them down a peg or two when they screw up by letting them die. Then again, I do that with anyone who thinks to high and mighty of themselves.

01-30-2009, 06:22 AM
If I may ask, what add-ons do you use? The ones I use are Carbonite, Lightheaded, Fishing Buddy, Titan, Auctioneer Advanced (and its suite of add-ons), Bagnon, and a couple of more that I can't think of at the moment.

if i remember correctly, we use Questhelper, Titan panel, & Gatherer at the moment. I think hubby uses Curse Client to find his add-ons. We play (and are in a guild) with friends of ours. They, of course, are MUCH higher lvls than we are but they've been playing longer.

Lord Snow
01-30-2009, 01:14 PM
I spent over a year playing catch up to my two friends that play. I'm still behind, they're level 80 and I'm 78, but I'm getting there. I use curse as well, but if I can't find it there I go to wowace.com. I wish they would bring back cellular for an addon. It puts whispers in their own little chat window. Makes it easier for me to tell who I'm talking to and I don't have to shift a window back if I can't reply right away.

01-30-2009, 02:39 PM
I wish they would bring back cellular for an addon. It puts whispers in their own little chat window. Makes it easier for me to tell who I'm talking to and I don't have to shift a window back if I can't reply right away.

I've been using an add-on called WIM that does that same thing. And for keeping up to date on addons, I use WoWmatrix, which is how I found WIM.

01-30-2009, 06:02 PM
i'm on the euro servers,
level 80 resto druid, been playing four years or something
got lvl 70 alts mage/hunter i just cant be arsed to lvl and a 64 dk ofc
did all the tbc end game stuff cleared black temple etc, all wolk instances done on heroic, bored with running 10 and 25 man nax atm waiting for rest of guild to get geared so we can move on :)
but got myself a lovely girlfriend 3 weeks ago and not been on wow since :)

01-31-2009, 01:27 AM
Just signed up this last x-mas(2008). Playing a BE warlock lvl 28 on dawnbringer. Just started a Tuaren warrior and a BE rouge last night. Not a member of any guilds. just dont see the point.

It's rogue goddamnit!!!! Sorry pet peeve, I played a rogue in EQ, and got tired as hell of people calling me red cheek make up.

Plus I've been a poster on The Safehouse for, well since about forever. And we rogues don't take kindly to others misspelling our title.

This isn't really a spelling flame just a pet peeve. :)

I've spent the last two nights working on Achievements.

Lord Snow
01-31-2009, 10:30 AM
Shadow, my friend just told me about WIM last night. Was thinking about giving it a shot. Just haven't gotten around to doing anything with it yet.

Smooth, I never understood the rush to run up like that. I'm sure you took longer than some, but to run enough end game content already that you have to wait on your guild to catch up to.....that's a commitment to the game that I just can't fathom. Grats on the g/f though. It's nice to have a different kind of distraction.

02-02-2009, 12:37 PM
i was basicaly working getting home and raiding 3 or 4 nights and farming mats the other days while eating at pc , became a addiction really, taking week off work to play wolk really brought it home :)
got some great mates on there though from all over europe we meet up once a year for a long weekend and have a great time

Lord Snow
02-02-2009, 12:49 PM
I played hard when Lich King first came out. Jumped two levels in 5 hours. Then not this past weekend but the weekend before I played hard and jumped up another four. I've never taken a day off to play though. Every once and awhile I just get into a zone where all I want to do is play and then after a few days, I get on do a few quests or a dungeon crawl and then sign off. That goes on for months on end.

02-02-2009, 06:15 PM
ok so I too am a WOW player, I have a lvl 80 balance druid on gnomeregan server, both my husband and I play hes a warrior lvl 80

02-02-2009, 07:18 PM
I haven't called in sick because of WoW. I have taken a vacation day, and spent it doing nothing but playing though. I did call in sick twice back in my Everquest days because a raid ran past 2am, and I needed to sleep.

Lord Snow
02-02-2009, 11:11 PM
I kind of have a rule when it comes to that. If I'm playing and I have to work the next day, but I'm in a dungeon crawl I give it till 11:30 pm my time. If they don't like it because the healer leaves oh well.

02-02-2009, 11:25 PM
The first time I did it was because of a corpse run. In EQ you used to respawn naked at your bind point. You then had to retrieve your corpse with all your gear on it. We had a horrible wipe, and there were only two of us rogues at the raid. I bet I still have the screenshots of me standing under Vox's but while asking for permission to drag corpses.

02-03-2009, 10:49 AM
Back when I played EQ, I owuld sometimes have problems with my interface: after I respawned, occasionally for whatever reason, my coprse would not be visible on my screen, nor could I interact with it. I checked, and it was visible to other players. I'd have to log/relog, eventually the corpse would show up.

Until then, I'd jump up and down on it. I think it amused some people.

Lord Snow
02-03-2009, 11:21 PM
That's a lot like Ultima Online. If you died you got respawned somewhere had to run back pick up your shit and hopefully it would still be there. Luckily, World of Warcraft is not like that.

Lord Snow
03-05-2009, 05:39 PM
Question for the Hunters: Any tips on where to go for level 80 gear without hitting heroics? My mom's main is a hunter and at level 80 she only has 1900 attack power. Most of her gear looks to be early 70 quest greens and because of this she is having problems getting groups to get the heroic gear. She doesn't play on my server so I have no way of really helping her beyond doing what I've already done. Which was to respec her. I can't play her toon through a few dungeons because I'm not used to hunters and I don't want to mess up her action bars. So any tips on what dungeons to run and anything else you can think of would be much appreciated.

03-05-2009, 07:01 PM
Not sure how much this will help, but some of the gear for getting exalted with the various Wrath factions can be helpful (I can't speak for hunter gear, cause my hunter is no where near high enough level to consider going to Outlands, let alone Northrend). Additionally, if she has the time to put into it, the gear you can get from honor via the battleground or Wintergrasp (which also has some nice gear) can be helpful. I only rarely run heroics (and only when a friend needs an extra hand), so this is how I get most of my better gear.

Lord Snow
03-05-2009, 07:57 PM
I didn't even think about pvp gear to help get her up to where she needs to be. I'm not fond of it, so I don't think about it. PvP just isn't my thing.

03-05-2009, 11:06 PM
I didn't even think about pvp gear to help get her up to where she needs to be. I'm not fond of it, so I don't think about it. PvP just isn't my thing.
I'm not a huge fan of it, most of the time. But there just those days when you want to kill something other than CPU-ran creatures :roflmao:

But, truthfully, I really enjoy Wintergrasp on those occasions that I do show up for it. And Strand has its moments too

03-05-2009, 11:27 PM
PvP can be a lot of fun as a break.

I hit 80 late last week. So I've been just messing around, trying to finally get epic flight. I haven't been this broke since I got my first mount at 40.

Lord Snow
03-06-2009, 11:19 PM
I have my epic flying mount, but I don't have my epic flying skill. Still trying to get the money for that one. I keep advertising in trade that I will give them nothing in exchange for the amount I'm short. No one likes that idea it seems. Guess I have to do it the hard way and actually work for it. Ewwwww. I've done wintergrasp once and all I did was shoot one of the big cannons at the tanks that were rolling up. That was fun.

03-07-2009, 12:05 AM
Best option to gear anyone up is to focus on reg dungeons and get faction rep. As you get exhalted with each faction...youll get access to better gear and be able to hook up more heroics. Also theres plenty of decent epic craftable items that people may be selling on the AH.

BTW my main is a shammy on Echo Isles. Also my old main was a pally...and I have a hunter on cenarius that I'm leveling :D

Lord Snow
03-08-2009, 03:05 AM
Finally, a fellow shammy. What spec? I'm resto all the way. My question and problems are with my mother's toon, which happens to be on a different server than me. Otherwise, there would be no problem. I told her to run regular dungeons and one of her guildies made her an epic gun to use. Jumped her stats quite a bit just switching out the gun and a pair of gloves. She's still got a way to go. Thanks again for all the help.

Lord Snow
04-14-2009, 10:30 PM
For those Pixies that play and haven't logged in today: 3.1 RELEASED TODAY! Which means we get several new things so make sure you read the patch notes. Some include changes to abilities (lots for Death Knights), Ulduar of course, a new pvp area and several others. Also, I haven't noticed any updates for addons, so be sure to load your out of date ones. Carbonite quest and Warcraft Instant Messenger didn't work at all for me. I even had problems with whispers the old school way. Have fun and hope to see you in game if you're on my server. I'm still Kiamvir on Blackhand.

04-15-2009, 12:41 PM
OK.....I'll pass this info on to my stepson and his gf.
And also my gf!!!! It seems *** has recruited his mom to play and I now have a MONSTER on my hands!!!........I'll probably be here a lot more!!...LOL :)

04-15-2009, 04:34 PM
1000G for dual spec!?

I've been working on tailoring, thought I'd have a little longer before the patch. I literally have not been this broke since I was level 20. I have less than 20G.

04-15-2009, 05:03 PM
I'll probably be here a lot more!!...LOL :)Oh No :rolleyes2

:thumb: :D :boobs: :x:

04-16-2009, 12:56 PM
Silly girl !!! I can hear you giggling all the way from here :)

04-16-2009, 01:20 PM
I am so tired that you'd likely only hear Zzzzzzzzz today, instead of giggles :rolleyes: The giggles will return though, I promise :x:

04-16-2009, 01:24 PM
"The giggles will return though, I promise "

I know hon.....I know :)

04-16-2009, 01:34 PM

Lord Snow
04-16-2009, 10:11 PM
Woot! All my addons are fixed. Carbonite has been retooled and is sweet to behold. I highly recommend it. You can't get it from curse.com anymore though. You have to go to carboniteaddon.com. As an added note of personal accomplishment, I am 803 gold from having my epic flying skill. I forgot how much money simply questing could bring in. I enjoy the new dailies for the area they added. Still have to do Sons of Hodir and Oracles. I want to see what I can get the egg to hatch into. Have fun.

PS-Don't forget to love your loved ones. I know it's hard to leave the game, but petting the puppy every once and awhile never hurts. LOL

Lord Snow
06-02-2009, 07:16 PM
Got my epic flying, I'm exalted with Sons of Hodir and working on Ebon Blade. Haven't been doing my oracles. Started leveling a priest and decided I really hate Durotar. Been working on my hunter and death knight's trade skills. It's patch day so I have to wait for the downloads. Anyone got any updates they'd like to share?

06-02-2009, 07:25 PM
I quit working on my main about a month back (I seem to go in cycles of wanting to play my shammy and being completely disinterested in him). Since then, I've been leveling my alts (I have a tendency to want to play everything, so I run one of every class on my main server). My mage is up to 55 (which is where I wanted to get him too, since he can then disenchant Wrath magic items). Since the mage hit 55, I've been working on my Death Knight and Warlock. MY DK is up to 68, but I'm keeping him in the Outlands until he gets all of the Outlands' Loremaster achievements done. My warlock is up to 73, but I've really only been doing the daily jewelcrafting quest with him. All my other characters are 50 or below, eventually one of them will catch my interest again and I'll start leveling them again.
Unfortunately, my main server was one of the few that is still down, so I probably won't get a chance to level tonight.

Lord Snow
06-03-2009, 10:20 PM
I know what you mean about not wanting to play the main. Hence the leveling my hunter, priest, and messing with my DK.

06-07-2009, 09:19 AM
I've been working on achievements. It took me three days but I finally got the title of Explorer. I also soloed all of the old world dungeons, and I soloed, Strat three times yesterday working on Argent Dawn faction. I usually hate grinding faction, but I can try and get the Baron's mount in the process.

06-07-2009, 09:43 AM
some one please tell me what is soo addictive about this game as i have seen RL marriages destroyed because of it

06-07-2009, 10:00 AM
Thats a great ????

my gf is playin right now :)....:(

06-07-2009, 10:01 AM
i dont know what's addictive about it...my husband and i both play...we play together on our separate accounts. so do my best friend and her husband and a couple of people from both our jobs. I do know, i've NEVER played a game like this (RPG type) that i've liked...never wanted to...i started this one and loved it. hubby has ALWAYS been into games.

06-07-2009, 10:05 AM
many of us who play the game tend to be escapists. there is something in our lives we dont want to face, so we hide in a different world where if you try hard enough, no one can have better things than you. no one can judge you on anything but your skill which can be changed. You're dealing with other somewhat socially damaged people, and you seem to bolster one another so you seek out that feeling of belonging and soon the game devours all your free time and you're having to make time to play the game. this is only based on my viewings of people i have known and met personally during my time of playing The Game and my realizations upon my life changes that resulted in my losing the ability to play The Game.

paid for by the law offices of Bama and Kyttn.....

wow. I need to get out more.....

06-07-2009, 11:17 AM
i play a game called second life and its alittle escapist and fun
but nothing like wow.

I worked at a company where this one employee would play 40 hours on a weekend. WTF. That makes no sense to me. He now hashis gf playing and money is tight and who knows what will happen..Sorry but in my own opinion that is not worth it.

06-07-2009, 11:29 AM
my understanding of second life is that its the barrens (hoarde reference) of WOW mostly social?

Lord Snow
06-07-2009, 02:08 PM
To an extent Bama is right about WOW being a place where socially damaged people can be with other socially damaged people. I got into it because a friend of mine played, and his now fiance plays. It's where I met Bama in the first place. While there are those who take it to extremes there are also those of us who do it for social interaction (built in chat system) and it is a place where you're talking to like minded people and already have something in common. I don't go out much, because I'm not big into crowds. Especially if I don't know anyone there. If there is someone there I know I generally talk to them and only them. On WOW I only talk to those that I want to, I can ignore the "crowd" because it's in a little window in the bottom of the screen. I'm not forced to be social, but have the option. Add in the fact that you get to go around and kill stuff, do quests, there's professions, dungeons and you get a fairly addictive game. I could and would live without it if I had to, but I hold down my job, do stuff around the house, and still do other stuff besides the game so why should I? Also, imo, if your relationship is broken up by a game (any game not just WOW) I think that it had issues to start with. I could be wrong, I'm not very practiced with them.

06-07-2009, 03:46 PM
While I was dating the woman I was with for so long, I tried to use it to scrape her off on other players, we even went to texas because she was in love with some young guy there..... he never talked to her again lol. it was a way for me to spend time with her (questing, watching dungeon crawls etc) without having to deal with her. I liked it because I got to flirt with people (shocking, I know) and they really seemed to miss me when I wasnt on. I noticed before that sex is the only thing im all that good at and without interacting on a sexual level (even just innuendos flirty glances and touching) I have nothing to say. I dont feel comfortable offering my opinions on things out side of a sexual nature. I'm getting over it, I think.

06-07-2009, 05:29 PM
yeah second life is very social like life there are some bitches and jackass and some great people..

Lord snow understand what you mean as i have a panic attack condtion that wacks out when i go to partys and such.. I still force myself . About 10 or more years ago i was almost considered agrophobic. Took alot of work but i still have attacks

06-07-2009, 07:11 PM
[QUOTE=BamaKyttn]many of us who play the game tend to be escapists./QUOTE]

Yep, this is an accurate description of me. But then again, I've been an escapist for a very long time, since I was kid (for reasons that I prefer not to discuss on a public forum). I started with "worlds in my head" (aka, fantasy and sci fi novels) and eventually got into tabletop RPGS. It was a friend/coworker of mine that introduced me to WoW.

Do I play a lot of WoW? Yeah, probably way more than I should at times. But I have no girlfriend or wife, and I have a job where I have several months off a year. I still make a lot of time available for my son (and my daughter, when she visits), but sometimes they want to sit and watch me play. My son even gets to play, on rare occasions for a limited time, as a treat or reward.

Having said all that, I have tried other MMORPGs (Hellgate London, Guild Wars, Conan, Warhammer, and a couple of others (though Conan and Warhammer were both the free trials)), but none of them have been as entertaining as WoW. And that is probably why I continue playing, for the entertainment value. I still read a lot, but the tabletop RPGing has died off (mostly because of a lack of players in my area).

06-07-2009, 08:06 PM
My gf is playin' right now.

Will I ever see her pussy again???

06-07-2009, 08:07 PM
Our dog is under her desk....so don't even try it!!!!!!

06-07-2009, 08:21 PM
put the dog out.

06-07-2009, 08:23 PM
Now that wasn't very nice :(....You've never even seen my gf.

06-07-2009, 08:33 PM
My gf is playin' right now.

Will I ever see her pussy again???

My guess, yep. Most people can control the amount of time they put in on WoW, it's just the minority (those that get heavily addicted and lose control) that are heard about more.

06-07-2009, 08:40 PM
Now that wasn't very nice :(....You've never even seen my gf.

You know I wasnt talkin about her. but put the pet out so you dont get bit tryin to crawl under the desk. nah she'll get bored with the game eventually

06-07-2009, 08:45 PM
I know....jk....thanks bama n fate. I'll let ya know if I get any tonite!! :)

Lord Snow
06-07-2009, 10:19 PM
Shadowfate, I to am an avid fantasy reader and started with those and Dungeons and Dragons. I also play Magic the Gathering.

Rhiannon, I'm not so bad as having a panic attack. I'm just not comfortable. It started way back at the beginning of school. You remember that little guy in the back of the class that read to much? That's me. You walk into school with a book like A Game of Thrones and you're in the eighth grade......or worse, read Romeo and Juliet and understand it before the class gets past the first act........You learn to avoid crowds and people you don't know.

06-08-2009, 06:19 AM
Shadowfate, I to am an avid fantasy reader and started with those and Dungeons and Dragons. I also play Magic the Gathering. I played Magic too, but like D&D, I quit because of lack of players in my area (although my son and I get the decks out once in a while to pla, but he's more a Yu-gi-oh fan than Magic).

You remember that little guy in the back of the class that read to much? That's me. You walk into school with a book like A Game of Thrones and you're in the eighth grade......or worse, read Romeo and Juliet and understand it before the class gets past the first act........You learn to avoid crowds and people you don't know.

Sounds just like me, except for a couple of things: I wasn't small (chubby and tall as more like it), Game of Thrones wasn't out that long ago, and it wasn't Romeo and Juliet I was reading/understanding (it was Lord of the Rings, 2 years before I was supposed to reqad it for class).

06-08-2009, 09:10 AM
I know....jk....thanks bama n fate. I'll let ya know if I get any tonite!! :)


06-08-2009, 05:46 PM
Sheesh, sorry to hear that, jbh3. If I had the choice between WoW and sex, sex would win everytime. And that's probably why I spend so much time playing WoW, as it is the only choice I have at the moment :(

06-08-2009, 07:12 PM
Wow...that sucks!!!


I meant....Jeez that sucks!! :)

Lord Snow
06-08-2009, 07:22 PM
Tolkien wasn't required reading for my high school. I'm 5'11" now, so my freshman year I considerably shorter. When I graduated I was 156 lbs. So I was small and skinny. Though I read The Hobbit and most of the LOTR before A Game of Thrones. I've stopped D&D and Magic for the same reasons. No one to play against. That and the cards they're putting out now suck.

Sorry to hear that jbh. If it's any consolation, I didn't get laid last night either. Though I did play WOW for a bit.

06-08-2009, 07:28 PM
Sorry to hear that jbh. If it's any consolation, I didn't get laid last night either. Though I did play WOW for a bit.

Well.....I didn't get any bearded clam.
I don't play WOW.
So......I waxed the dolphin.

06-09-2009, 08:36 PM
I got no sex goin on here.......

I got no World of Warcraft......

I guess it sucks to be me......


06-09-2009, 08:59 PM
Perhaps we should rendezvous while others play WOW!! :) :kisser: :hump: :bj:

06-10-2009, 11:19 AM
yeah, you see theres this problem......... Your girlfriend is playing WoW.

how about I run her toon while ya'll catch a quickie?

Lord Snow
06-10-2009, 12:48 PM
Question: How do you level a priest solo without dieing every 5 minutes? A friend of mine and myself started a pair of priests. He's trying to catch up to my hunter and I'm trying to catch my priest up to him. He's several levels ahead of me as he has more time to play. I can't seem to complete a quest without dieing constantly. It wasn't like this on the other three toons I leveled.

06-10-2009, 02:09 PM
I know Wilderness had a hard time leveling his priest. He pretty much never soloed anything because of the whole dying thing.

06-10-2009, 04:48 PM
Question: How do you level a priest solo without dieing every 5 minutes? A friend of mine and myself started a pair of priests. He's trying to catch up to my hunter and I'm trying to catch my priest up to him. He's several levels ahead of me as he has more time to play. I can't seem to complete a quest without dieing constantly. It wasn't like this on the other three toons I leveled.

I wish I could help, but it's been so long since I raised my priest from 1 to 30 that I don't remember anymore. The only thing I do remember was constantly running out of mana.

Lord Snow
06-10-2009, 09:10 PM
Number one reason I die is lack of mana. I can kill anything faster than it kills me, so long as I can cast.

06-15-2009, 08:10 PM
Question: How do you level a priest solo without dieing every 5 minutes? A friend of mine and myself started a pair of priests. He's trying to catch up to my hunter and I'm trying to catch my priest up to him. He's several levels ahead of me as he has more time to play. I can't seem to complete a quest without dieing constantly. It wasn't like this on the other three toons I leveled.

Step one don't level as holy. Shadow is your best bet for leveling.

What I have found trying to level my priest is that you can't do the same things you've done as a dps class. Where as my mage could routinely take on mobs three levels higher than him (and could have out damaged mobs even five levels over him if it wasn't for resists) a priest is lucky to take on equal level mobs. So as a priest you have to stick with greens. Unless it's undead mobs, and then you can probably go with yellows.

Best suggestion I can give though is to not do two priests together. I'd go with another healing class but one that can tank a little. Priest, paladin would probably be the best combo, but priest druid would probably be pretty nice too. I really couldn't tell you how a priest shammy combo would do.

Here's a guide for you. http://www.wowwiki.com/Priest_builds

Lord Snow
06-16-2009, 01:57 PM
Didn't have a problem leveling two priests for the first 13 levels or so. I have a shammy, and I leveled him resto. I know all about that difficulty. I guess I'll just have to persevere and try to get through it dieing a lot.

Lord Snow
06-22-2009, 09:31 PM
3.2 patch is bringing some changes. Some minor, some not so much. One of the major ones that's a good thing is they're making it so that the standard heroic level dungeons are going to be dropping the same badges that Ulduar is, so you can easily farm up some of the tier 8 gear. They're also adding a new 5, 10, 25 man dungeon for the Argent Tournament. Other than that you'll have to read the patch notes for the class changes. It's still in the PTR right now, so some other things may or may not change.

Lord Snow
01-07-2013, 08:19 PM
For those that play, I've finally gotten MoP. I'm through the first area which was pretty cool. I'm not sure I like the new skill trees though.