View Full Version : Death Wish

09-01-2008, 09:53 AM
Or rather, how about your Death Wish List.

"No cheesy organ music."

"Serve good wine."

"Bury me with my fishing gear."

"Play rock and roll music."

Now you can make sure they get it right after you're gone thanks to a new resting place online for your funeral instructions.

Hey, it’s your party. So if, upon your death, you wish to have your ashes shot out of a cannon or scattered with those of your deceased pets, want your memorial service at the corner bar or on a mountaintop, then let your loved ones know. Now there is a website you help you do just that!

mywonderfullife.com (http://www.mywonderfullife.com)

Simply log in and create an account and plan your funeral, from location to music, readings to headstone inscription, food and beverage afterward to care of your pets. Designate your “angels” (who’ll carry out your wishes), and you’re done. It’s free. It’s private. (Your angels will be notified right away—and can opt out—but they’ll only have access to your site after you die. It’s password protected and secure). And you’ll have relieved your loved ones of the decisions so they can celebrate and grieve.

Finally, your death wishes can be granted. :line:

I thought this was interesting. I've chatted with people that have created entire soundtracks of their life for playing at their funeral. I also saw a recent news article where the deceased wished to be standing at his own wake... his family honored this wish. Odd to the rest of us perhaps. But I think as with life and the way we choose to live it, we are also becoming more proactive in our deaths and how we are presented or if you will, going out with our own sense of style.

Have you thought about your death wishes list?

09-01-2008, 04:36 PM
That is fascinating. I had an uncle carve his own headstone. I thought he was nuts. It turned out beautiful and it was exactly how he wanted to leave his last mark on the world.

I read an article years ago about themed funeral parlors and different options for the final service. I personnly will stick with within my religious beliefs but I have said over and over I do not want a lot of weeping and sadness....I don't believe in it. Celebrate the life that was and the life you still have. I don't want a headstone because I hope my children and friends have more to fill their lives than to come and stand in a cemetery. I will (hopefully) be watching from above and will enjoy their successes and cry with them in their mistakes.

I think the Scottish do it right...have a 3 day party! Talk about that for years to come!

09-01-2008, 04:38 PM

I'm working on the music, scattered with no marker, a special bottle of wine labelled for the funeral.

09-01-2008, 08:47 PM
yes, i have thought about it. in fact, it's been quite the topic of conversation lately.:confused::p

simple, in my house, a gathering of friends and family. drinks and amazingly good finger foods. a celebration of what was, not a depression of what could have been if only. no eulogy, but by all means speak if you feel the need. take whatever organs (not the musical kind:p) that are useable (not many of 'em now, just my lenses i think) the rest can go to science. a grave marker for my children should they ever need something tangible to hold on to.

09-01-2008, 09:20 PM

I'm not ready to think about it all yet.

09-01-2008, 11:01 PM
I'll go through the 'suggestion lists' I've received and if there's anything not involving cliffs, flames, bridges, flying monkeys or cement foot wear and get back to you.

09-02-2008, 07:00 AM
I have a friend that is a cross-dresser, he's left explicit instructions on which black pumps he wants to buried wearing.

09-02-2008, 09:25 AM

09-02-2008, 02:46 PM
Cremation no funeral, just a few friends and family at home and I have yet decided what to have done to the ashes, would like them spread in space but that cost too much as of now.

09-02-2008, 03:23 PM
I'm quite often late so I've always joked that I want my casket wheeled in 5 minutes after the service started so I could be late for my own funeral.

09-02-2008, 06:16 PM
I'm quite often late so I've always joked that I want my casket wheeled in 5 minutes after the service started so I could be late for my own funeral.

Nice one Booger... then the service can start with, "Here we have the late late Booger..." :D

09-02-2008, 08:47 PM
I've been thinking of having a bottle of the finest rum poured over my grave, but knowing my friends, they'll want to filter it thru their kidneys first :curse:

09-02-2008, 09:21 PM
The perfect opportunity for me to finally pee outside :D

Lord Snow
09-02-2008, 10:33 PM
My Dad wants to be cremated and have the ashes put in a choc ful o nuts can. Then taken to Route 66 and cast into the breeze off the back of a motorcycle. I don't have to worry about it. I'm only 22 and still immortal.

09-02-2008, 11:19 PM
Bob Seger sang my life in the 80's. "Against the Wind" is my life. don't see a problem with it at the celebration of my life.

However, when it is my time, I hope that I am still capable enough to drive my 69 LandCruiser up into the mountains and die on my favorite ridgeline.

09-05-2008, 10:45 AM
Cremate me. No funeral, and absolutely NO roses. I hate them. Try scattering some lillies and astromerias around the house.

Feed people -- good Italian or Thai food. Lots of good wine and scotch. Ideally a good jazz/blues band, so people can talk, laugh, and dance.

Better to celebrate life, I say.

09-06-2008, 06:10 AM
I'm too busy to think about it.... but a 3 day party sounds more like me!

09-06-2008, 07:13 AM
osuche, you can send the standing invite to "OldFart, PO Box 69, Pixies Private Mail,


09-06-2008, 12:10 PM
For some reason, I'm asked this question pretty frequently. I guess my friends and family are all just waiting for me to kick the proverbial bucket. I honestly don't know what I want as my death wish(es).

I hate funerals but I could understand if my family thought it was something that was needed. If that's the case, I do want to be burried with my Cubs hat on and a bottle of Bud Light in the casket with me. :)

09-12-2008, 05:25 AM
If that's the case, I do want to be burried with my Cubs hat on and a bottle of Bud Light in the casket with me. :)

when my father in law died, we gathered around the casket before they closed it with a flask of good Kentucky bourbon. Everyone took a sip and then we sealed the rest in his coffin with him.

Good times.

09-12-2008, 09:44 AM
Very honorable :nod:

09-13-2008, 08:19 PM
I'm an organ donor, so let em take what they can use and bury the rest

My family all use the same coffin, so that one will do me (or a pine box, dont think i'll mind much). I want a mobile phone buried with me..........just incase *L*, and people can leave me messages on message bank, if i can get back to ya i will :D

I want "Into The West" & 'I'm Gonna Walk Them Golden Stairs* played at some stage.

I want people to celebrat that they knew me not be sad i'm gone (no dancing on my grave! *LOL*)

Thats all i can think of at this moment

09-13-2008, 08:33 PM
You can dance, but that all on my grave.

(Now you all have to take back those promises)