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View Full Version : The Magic Must Be Mobile

08-24-2008, 11:05 AM
At a time when old threads are being bumped, there is a good one that begs review and additions.

What I found in Nashville was the same thing I found in Niagara (http://www.pixies-place.com:81/forums/showthread.php?t=28791&page=1&pp=15) and found last year in Peoria. I'm beginning to think it may not be the locations. Formulated observation would make you think there is something special about the people gathering at the different places. :shrug:

;) Pixies are unique and extraordinary people and if you ever have a doubt, gathering together will prove it to you.

08-25-2008, 04:09 AM
Very much so.

08-26-2008, 08:44 AM
Pixies are unique and extraordinary people

Yep, in that manner, they're just like everyone else.

08-27-2008, 08:14 PM
it's as mobile as the pixies themselves. I can only imagine the confusion Lilith felt when she saw My self and My lord snow standing so close to the car door. she stayed safely locked inside until the rest of the gang threw themselves in front of her and hugged me to show I was safe lol actually I was so nervous I don't remember much between hearing PF on the phone saying "that lovely lady who is NOT emerging from the van.... Is Lilith...." and OF telling LordSnow he didn't get a kiss. it's as though i finally came to in PF's room (lmao, how many women have said THAT over the years darlin?) surrounded by these people who know me probably more thoroughly than anyone I've never met and or slept with could, even knowing my kinks, and my transgressions accepted me and treated me and my youthful escort as for lack of a better word contemporaries I have never felt so much like I belonged in all my life. I can act a part and blend in but I was myself with these wonderful individuals and I was rewarded with the same acceptance I have felt since my first post oh so many years ago when you all strove to protect me from myself. I hope I am able to make many more gatherings, no matter who my escort is............ and I hope LordSnow can too no matter who his escort is..........

much love :heartbeat to my favorite family you're awesome :thumb:

08-28-2008, 04:23 AM
PF's right. The location is what maybe entices us to make a trip (Gosh, I've never been there! :) ), but, once there, it's the people that make us anxious for the next time we can all get together.