View Full Version : YAY Hurricane Day!
08-22-2008, 08:23 AM
I got to sleep in. :D
It's only a little bit wet outside.
No wind at the mo'.
If we get 20 inches I'll freak out!
I mean of rain :p
I feel so bad because none of this will be covered by insurance for most of the people who lost everything.
Flood damage not a hurricane.
I'm reading an article about how to turn pizza boxes into mini ovens.
08-22-2008, 08:56 AM
Pizza boxes into mini ovens?
08-22-2008, 08:57 AM
As most of you know,we also have a 2cd home in W Melbourne Fla.I heard on
TV this morning,that they had to temporarily shutdown some of the runways,
at Melbourne Airport,because of Walking Catfish(?) on some of the runways!
My oldest daughters husbands father lives in Palm Bay Fla,about 3/4miles
from our place.He was going to drive by our place,on his way home from work
last night to assess any damage that we might have had. Irish :banghead:
08-22-2008, 09:02 AM
I hope it's not too bad. It's that eery pre-storm weather here. The sky turns a funny yellowy color.
08-22-2008, 11:15 AM
sure is an apt name for a hurricane, they just spelled it wrong.
We had been so hoping the hurricane would come north and give our poor draught ridden state a little rain, but NOOOOOOO that can't happen!!
08-22-2008, 01:01 PM
Walking Catfish on a runway are but a nuisance.
Gators swimming down your street up to your front door, that's a problem I hope never to deal with. :yikes:
I'm with tess, if it's gonna flood FL the least it could do is work its way up here & give us a little spritz...
08-22-2008, 05:04 PM
Getting power surges now. If I disappear, I shall eventually return :D
08-22-2008, 05:17 PM
I hope all Pixes (any others) get through this with minimal loss!
Scarey shit!
08-23-2008, 11:29 AM
I keep *kerpoof*ing.
The rain is coming down hard and steady now since yesterday evening. The winds have knocked a lot of the dead stuff out of trees. I keep hearing, 'thud-roll-roll-roll' on the roof. The winds have been strong enough to knock a lot of new stuff out of trees too. The water is running through my yard but there is standing water in many places too.
The spinner and the wind chimes I have that Scotzoidman made are still hanging in there but whirling around like mad.
They have blocked roads going in and out of my area of town due to down trees.
08-23-2008, 11:33 AM
Call the maternal unit yesterday 9central Florida), see how she made it through.
A couple of really annoying leaks in her roof, so she has to dig out the homeowners insurance and try and figure out the legalese, but no major wind damage, so she dodged that bullet.
08-23-2008, 12:10 PM
Glad she is ok.
08-23-2008, 12:18 PM
Hope this 4th time is the final time for Fay for you all.
08-23-2008, 01:41 PM
3-5 inches per hour and my fireplace/buck stove is now leaking :(
08-23-2008, 05:18 PM
Ok, time for the old reverse psychology gambit...
"Gosh, I hope that rain stays with Lil, & doesn't come up this way!"
Think that'll work?
08-24-2008, 09:35 AM
Hopefully, Lilith, it's only the fireplace/stove that's leaking. rElatively easy to deal with.
Is that the case?
08-24-2008, 12:17 PM
The cover of the very top of the pipe sticking out the rood has a little lip on the edge. The top got bent and the lip is filling up and leaking. Easy fix. It is currently covered with a plastic trash bag :D We are so chic.
08-24-2008, 03:58 PM
Ok, time for the old reverse psychology gambit...
"Gosh, I hope that rain stays with Lil, & doesn't come up this way!"
Think that'll work?
Not so much... :(
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