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08-20-2008, 05:58 PM
to my heart. (
What say you? Should it be permitted?
08-20-2008, 06:17 PM
Yes I believe paddling should be put back in schools!Time out and telling them No only seems to tell them that they can get away with anything and only get an inconivence!
Spare the rod and spoil the child, we have more spoiled kids than we can handle!
08-20-2008, 08:01 PM
ok...... Some behavior problems stem from a lack of discipline parents send their children to school and expect our teachers to raise their children for them. Some problems come from lack of attention in the home, understandable in a day and age where it takes both parents working just to make the ends come close together, they don't always meet. Some problems are LD that are hard to diagnose even with an attentive parent who cares. Some are just kids who act out, do naughty things.... "bad kids" I honestly think though that a good portion of the problem is diet... yeah this coming from the fat girl..... what do most children eat before school if they eat at all? sugar, carbs and fats and for some caffeine. they are all wound up first thing in the morning then for morning break they again have sugary snacks and sugary beverages, back inside too wound up to do anything but jabber and fidget until lunch....... more sugary drinks even if its juice for gods sake., typically a high carb meal with fats and a little protein which doesn't help with concentration.... and of course...... you have to have dessert........ SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!! and theres nothin you can do about it. so you might as well threaten them it worked for me.
Lord Snow
08-20-2008, 08:29 PM
I don't think it should be permitted in schools, on the basis that it's the parents' job to discipline the children. I was well behaved in school (for the most part) and I got grounded and sent to the corner.......but there were a few times when I was spanked. I do think that there are a few teachers that need to pay more attention to their students and get involved a bit more. Parents don't know what goes on with their kids at school without the teachers telling them. I know I didn't tell my mom anything about anything if I could help it. I'm not necessarily blaming one side or the other, but both sides. There are teachers that care, and parents that care, and subsequently you get a decent kid that does fairly well in school and in the world. There are way too many factors involved, however to pin point one reason or another. Doesn't give someone else the right to paddle a kid in my opinion.
08-20-2008, 08:38 PM
It is merely another form of behavior modification through application of negative stimuli.
08-20-2008, 08:41 PM
I never got in real trouble at school. I got detentions for not doing homework but other than that I've always been a good girl at least at school. But I also knew that if I were to get in trouble at school, my parents were going to beat me black and blue.
And LordSnow, darling you don't mind spanking my fathers' daughter! and I'm sooooo glad!
Lord Snow
08-20-2008, 08:46 PM
It does work to a certain extent. I do know a few kids that no matter how much they're beaten they haven't gotten any better though. As for spanking you kyttn, that's a pleasure, not actual punishment. That doesn't change my opinion that spanking a child is up to the parents and not the school system. It's the school system's job to tell the parents that the child needs a good smack upside buttocks.
I say leave the paddling to the adults and find more constructive ways to teach children to behave. :nod:
Lord Snow
08-20-2008, 10:20 PM
No matter what the punishment, each can only go so far. You send the child to his room and he plays with his toys, time out and he twiddles his thumbs and will most likely do it again, ground him from one thing he'll find a way to do it anyway or replace the activity with another. Beat him and once the pain goes away he'll do it again and try harder not to get caught or he'll do something else that's just as bad if not worse. There really isn't an effective way to truly punish a child without him doing it again, something worse, or actually learning not to do it again. I think there is a difference between beatings and spankings. To me, a beating involves an object. A spanking, is open palm and enough to sting but not leave bruises.
08-20-2008, 10:30 PM
my parents always used objects. hair brushes, kindling, yardstick, leather strap..... rarely if ever used a hand.
Lord Snow
08-20-2008, 11:05 PM
What do I know? I just turned 22 and have no children and very little experience dealing with them.
As the mother of three...AND a former teacher I will add this spanking has it's place. School is where we teach reading, writing, and so forth. There is a reason and purpose to spanking. Parents however need to raise and teach their children and not leave that for the teachers.
I will tell you my kids get spanked. It is rare and takes a lot to get to that point...but it happens.
Now when I am a bad girl....thats another story! :spank:
08-21-2008, 12:02 AM
I say that there is a time and a place for everything and sometimes that is at school.
Prophet Reality
08-21-2008, 12:43 AM
Well I will be the one to step up. I discipline my kids at home when it is needed or calls for it. I discipline them in public if they are really bad. I grew up with the knowledge that if I misbehaved and it was necessary I got spanked or slapped.
As for schools, I think some of the problem is that in the days that most of us grew up we were not treated with kids gloves. If I acted out in a disruptive manor at school I knew I would be sent to the office and spanked. They had my mother's permission. Yes there is a time and a place for it, and today's youth does not respect or fear teachers. That is some of the problems of today. A good spanking can do a lot to remind a kid to behave and do what is needed.
08-21-2008, 02:57 AM
If you start a child early enough on positive and negative feedback, the concept of do/don't do settles in.
Smack a kid in public here and the do-gooders'll have you arrested for assault of the darling cherub.
Teddy Bear
08-21-2008, 03:16 AM
I have a problem with other people spanking my kid. I say absolutely no way! I spanked my kids when they were little if they needed it but I decided when/if it was needed. Not a stressed out teacher. I think teachers are under-valued, under-appreciated, under-respected, many are under-paid and over-worked. Teachers, in my opinion, are there to teach reading, writing, math, history, science...... Parents teach manners, good behavior, respect, good citizenship and honor. The trouble is so many parents don't do that anymore. It seems its not politically correct to discipline your child lately. Where that came from I've no idea. Kinda got rambling here.... lol, sorry. In short, no, spankings do not belong in school. They should be at home given by a parent. What can be done to wake up the parents and get them involved in the lives of thier children? Thats a better question.
Lord Snow
08-21-2008, 03:20 AM
Unfortunately, it's the same over here Oldfart. I've heard a lot of people with children promote corporal punishment, and a lot denounce it regardless of it's effectiveness in certain situations. Problem is, most of the people that denounce it's use are in charge and make it so that you can't use it at all regardless of your views on it.
08-21-2008, 05:03 AM
I have smacked my kids in public and DARED anyone to tell me otherwise. The do gooders (and most havent even HAD kids i might add) want me to take responsibility for my kids, then let me raise em. Keep ya forkin' nose outta it.
I would fully support them bringing discipline back into schools too....handing kids the power on there first day is NOT a good thing. My eldest came home, his words to me were "You cant tell me what to do ever again, i'll ring this number and report you". Onya do gooders...make the parents too damn scared of going to jail and the kids get away with murder, then bitch cause the parents did nothing. Well fork...ya cant have it both ways.
NOTE: I firmly believe there is a VAST difference between a smack and a floggin though!
08-21-2008, 05:46 AM
Remember Rowan Atkinson's Fatal Beating sketch?
08-21-2008, 07:23 AM
I'm not against the punishment, just may not be right for this day and time. If that makes since. Too much latitude for it to be taken wrong by parent or legal system. If mine were paddled at school they would probably get it again at home.
08-21-2008, 01:33 PM
Remember Rowan Atkinson's Fatal Beating sketch?
*LOL* yep
08-21-2008, 01:46 PM
I don't think children should be paddled in school - there are other punishments more suited to a classroom. But I do believe the parents should be made aware that their child misbehaved in school and it should be up to them to decide what further negative reinforcement / punishment is deserved.
08-21-2008, 08:40 PM
My feeling is that spanking is not so much discipline as an effective means of getting your kids' attention...after you have their undivided, you can make your point more effectively. So, I do prefer not to tie the teachers' hands, but leave the paddling as a last resort when all else fails. I'm sure having a "special needs" child has colored my opinions greatly.
Prophet Reality
08-22-2008, 12:10 AM
When I was spanked in school it was not done by the teacher. The teacher sent you to the Principal's office with a note explaning the situation and then it was decided on the punishment.
Just putting them into detention is okay for some situations, but some do warrant a spanking and the Principal decided it, and it needed to would call the parent. But punishment was handled then, not several hours after the fact when it was not fresh in the minds eye and could easily relate situatution to punishment.
I do agree that the do gooders have nosed their way into our lives way too much. I recently had a run in with them in regards to my step son accusing me of knife whipping him. When they asked him what it meant he didn't know. The teacher just reported it without any investigations. When I was asked what it was I gave full details. I then told the do gooder that I believe and support corporal punishment when it is deserved and if they had a problem with it then do something, but until they had a kid of their own, don't bother me. Then escorted them off my property. Have had not any problems since then and the teacher was charged with filling a false report.
08-22-2008, 08:15 AM
Who told you the teacher was charged with filing a false report? Teachers are required reporters and must report based on verbal ackowledgement of abuse by a child. They can not be held responsible if the child lies. A teacher is not to investigate only report. I think who ever told you she was charged told you a fib. You may have been inconvenienced but 38942578937534897523897 kids a year would remain in abuse situtation if teachers suddenly feared charges if they reported suspected abuse.
08-22-2008, 06:04 PM
My first thought was...the parents should be spanked if their kid severely and regularly acts up in school. I mean.....if parents were really held accountable, even publicly...that would be a wonderful thing.
Kids need to know there are boundaries in school, and good behavior will be enforced. I'm not sure teachers have enough alternatives within the current system that really get the kids' attention. Are there other methods other than corporal punishment that would underscore the point? Detention and notes home don't seem to solve the problem.
Lord Snow
08-23-2008, 12:04 AM
What is knife whipping? I've not heard that expression before. I like the idea of parents getting smacked for not doing their job and raising their kids. As for the teacher investigating....I think they should ask for details. If I went to a teacher and said "he hit me" they should ask where on the my body, why did he hit you, did you do anything to provoke it, etc.....At least then if the kid isn't telling the truth, you can probably catch them, and if the kid is telling the truth, you have more details that you can give the officers you reported it to. It wouldn't hurt to put off reporting it for a few more minutes if you can find out what's really going on. I do reiterate that I have no kids and very limited experience, but I do pay attention and learn from people with experience so that I can make a better choice if I come across that situation.
Prophet Reality
08-23-2008, 12:09 AM
Who told you the teacher was charged with filing a false report? Teachers are required reporters and must report based on verbal ackowledgement of abuse by a child. They can not be held responsible if the child lies. A teacher is not to investigate only report. I think who ever told you she was charged told you a fib. You may have been inconvenienced but 38942578937534897523897 kids a year would remain in abuse situtation if teachers suddenly feared charges if they reported suspected abuse.
I was told by the Dept of Family and Child services. Seems that the teacher made several calls a day to them to report instances, and not once did she follow the chain of command in such regards. I am not mad at the teacher or the investigator. I complied with all their questions, informed them oh how things are handled in my house per my culture and belief system. They were polite and understanding.
And I agree that teachers should report such instances when it is presented to them, but I am sure you know as well there is a process that needs to be followed so that all parties involved at the school is aware so when the investigator arrives everything is done correctly. I may lose points of favor with people here and honestly I don't rightly care.
Step up and accept your roles. If you are a parent then take an interest in your child. If you are a teacher step up and take an interest in your students. So many are just ignored or pushed aside because a teacher does not feel that they are excelling or are special enough or can get the right grades so as to keep the scores high. These are the students that then act out because of lack of attention. Sometimes discipline is needed and not only by the parents but by someone that can be non biased and can administer to the situaion at the time it occurs. The longer you wait for a situation to be resolved, the less importance it has to the party that misbehaved. I am not saying that they need to be beaten. But a few spankings to reinforce the rules has never, ever hurt a child or person.
And yes I fully agree that alot of it stems from the parents and the environment. But you know when a teacher preaches to their students that if mom or dad hurt you, you need to call the police... wow there goes any type of punishment. The parents of the US have been scared into a state of letting the child get away with what they want or else.... Yet when that child goes too far who is being blamed then. They always blame the parents first and foremost.
Look at the incident in Colorado several years ago. The system blamed what happened on the parents, then music, then video games, then movies, then everything else. But not once was the school called into question on what was done or how things were handled. At the time that it happened I wan an EMT and was the third unit on site. I also was a fencing instructor in the area and knew some of the students that lost there lives. When I was on the campus there was very little awareness from the teachers of what happened. They were all in their own little worlds and cared very little for the students. And that lead to a lot of the problems and still does.
Okay now that I have stepped onto one of my :box: I will gracefully step back.
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