View Full Version : I love this place....

08-03-2008, 12:12 PM
just gotta share, just how much this place means to me... and the people I have found here over the years..

I can't even remember exactly what lead me here... I think it was my search for erotica... little did I know back then (July 2002) what it would be that I would discover here... and how much this place has meant to me personally.

In the world we live in, there are few places in which you can be truly who you are without fear of ridicule, judgment, or being alienated. Most of us, live our every day life with very few people truly knowing this aspect of ourselves. I can tell you that of the many people I know, even my closest friends, very very very few people know about my sexual desires/likes-dislikes, the fact that I have written erotica, or the fact that I come and spend time here. I would venture to say that many of them would be shocked, and the majority possibly appauled.

The people that I have found here.. some may not even realize I noticed them... many have touched my heart in ways they will never know.. and many I have been able to build a level of friendship that I treasure... the acceptance... the fact that others here share my desires... the fact that things are discussed so openly that they actually are thought provoking and have certainly opened up my own personal perceptions. Ultimately, this place has helped me grow into a much better person on many levels..

It is true... that I stepped away from this place for a very long time... the reasons for that were complex... I found that I have become uncomfortably vulnerable... and chose to step away (not that I wasn't lurking, cuz I did)... ultimately coming back because I had truly missed the things that I enjoy here... the people.. the very hot conversations... and the gentle persuasion that has led me over the years to open up more that I believe I ever would have otherwise...

It is because of all of you... the sum of all the parts... that make this place so wonderful.

So tell me... if you would... what this place has come to mean to you..

08-03-2008, 02:14 PM
We are so glad you are back too. :cheerlead

That ^^^ was not a flippant thought off the top of your head. I'll be back with my thought. (pay no attention to the smell of burning wood :wobbly: )

Lord Snow
08-03-2008, 03:41 PM
If you're wood is burning, I'd suggest a bit of lube. J/K. I haven't been on here long, but the welcome everyone has shown me is kind of overwhelming. I've always been the one in the back of the room watching everyone else have fun even when I was invited to the party. I get here and a drink is shoved in my hand and I'm introduced to everyone like an old friend. I just hope it doesn't change anytime soon.

08-03-2008, 09:53 PM
You're my date you're going to be welcome. When that changes we feed you too the snorgblatt in the closet. I'm dangerous little boy.

I lose this place too as I've said over and over. I guess I'm really glad that Souls_Cry brought me here. I've met so many wonderful people who understand, commiserate and as I found on my very first post, quickly spring to the defense of ANY member. it's a group of great people and the flock has a wonderful shepherdess who has either kept the wolves away, censored them, or keeps them scared enough that they keep their mouths shut. all I can add is


Lord Snow
08-03-2008, 10:22 PM
HERE HERE! *clinks shot glasses*. Maybe if I can go to the next one, I won't be the baby of the group. Kind of disconcerting when I walk into the room and OldFart isn't the only old fart. lol.

08-03-2008, 11:09 PM
and yet we all sang Barbara Ann lol!!!!!! karaoke before drinkin!

08-04-2008, 12:26 AM
I love it too....all of you give me hop ethat the world has open minded and loving people in it...even if I sometimes struggle to find those people in my everyday life.

I've moved 2000 miles from home, changed homes 3 times, perved from afar...and always come back to Pixies where I feel at home.

I'm not always good at writing or responding....I get self-absorbed and busy and absent minded...but I do care.


08-04-2008, 01:38 AM
Sometimes I show up here during one of my dark moods, & if I don't immediately snap out of it, I will question why I keep coming back here, year after year...am I just popping in out of habit? :shrug:

Most times tho, I pop in for all the reasons jennaflower mentioned...I'm not only accepted here, but absolutely embraced, & sometimes even exalted to an extent. And I just recently found that is not just in the cyber world, but in the real world as well...I was welcomed, greeted, had gifts laid at my feet (well, sort of), & a couple of peeps tried to hug the stuffins out of me.

Once, a long time ago, etc., etc., I had a very special circle of friends, & we were young & foolish enough to think that it would last forever...it did not, & I trudged on thru life thinking it could never happen again, not like that more perfect union of souls I had around me...I was wrong again.

Sometimes I wonder how a guy like me could get so lucky twice in a lifetime :thumbs:

08-04-2008, 03:07 AM
I started coming to Pixies because of the stories and pictures but soon became fascinated by the friendships that existed. Took a while, but slowly I got to know several and it's become the people more than than the theme that keeps me coming back. :boink:

Although the pictures and stories are still good, too. :)

I've gotten to know a lot of you and it does feel more like a family get-together than just a group of people posting. Plus, I've been lucky enough to meet many Pixies and can honestly say they're as wonderful in real life as they are in the forums. It's just a super place to spend time. :thumbs: .

08-04-2008, 12:58 PM
To me Pixies is like a dungeon.

When I found it, Lilith tied me up and now I can't leave.


Ok, that's only half the truth. ;) It's been said before and it remains so true. It's the people. The acceptance and caring.

The love.

And Jenna... it really is good to have you posting again.

08-04-2008, 03:25 PM
/me tightens the binds :D