View Full Version : Lost

05-30-2008, 04:34 PM
I'm new to the site, so I'm kind of lost on what to say here. I've been reading through a lot of the threads here to get the idea. Hell, what can I say, I'm new to all of this. I think the last time I was even in a chat room was in late 1999 when I had WebTV.

I currently live in California, and have driven throughout this entire country, and lived in quite a few places, including one other country where I was about a foot taller than any man there. No matter where I go I find that I'm lost and alone. I'm 34 years old, female, never been married and never had a "real" relationship. I have no children, no boyfriend, no sex (dammit), and my very best friend in the world told me to check this site out. I want more than anything to find the right person to spend my life with, but in the meantime, here I am....on vacation and exposing myself to the internet society when I should be presenting myself to the local people. I highly doubt the man of my dreams is in my monitor & keyboard, but then again, he's not naked in my bed either.

I say that I'm not having sex, and though that is true, it's not because I don't like sex. I'm pretty horny and ready to go all the time. It's more that it doesn't seem readily available to me. Most people I meet are married and looking to have a fling on the side, but I want my own husband, not someone else's. The sex that is available from someone who isn't married is from men who are about 10-years younger than I, and they're not looking for a meaningful relationship. Is there really such a thing anymore or is it a thing of the past?

Anyway, I just wanted to give you all a big hello from Cali and I hope to enjoy my time getting to know all of you in here.

05-30-2008, 04:49 PM
Hi Atlas! I'm not the man of your dreams (quite female, actually), but welcome to Pixies!!! :D

05-30-2008, 04:53 PM
Hey there! Thanks!

05-30-2008, 05:38 PM
Hello Atlas,
Social networking with like-minded horny people is never a bad thing. Welcome to Pixes. The more you post, the more poeple can get to know you.

05-31-2008, 10:37 AM
Here's a "little" bit of me bursting out to say hello. (hopefully I'm uploading this correctly)


05-31-2008, 12:25 PM
:welcome: Atlas

Some of my best friends are from California. :rolleyes2

LOL ;)
Actually some of our favorites Pixies ARE out there. (and she took all her sexy panties with her. :tear: )

I'm glad to hear we came with recommendations. :) We like to think this is a unique places for horny, happy adults from all over the planet. If you've been reading around, you can see we share all of life's experiences along with the most pleasant (sex) part. We have a number of couple that have met in our forum, became friends and lovers, married, and are sharing the raising of their families.

I'll be peeking up your, ... I mean,:o watching for your posts. You can get to know a lot of super nice people here......... and I'll be here too. :jester:

06-01-2008, 07:47 AM
hi and welcome :wave:

06-01-2008, 08:46 AM
... hopefully I'm uploading this correctly)

I believe you did! Thank you, and welcome. :)

Now, if you wish to practice uplolading pics, do we have a forum for you (http://www.pixies-place.com:81/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=10)! :D

06-01-2008, 02:06 PM
Hi Atlas!

I'm a fellow Californian...Berkeleyan actually...and also want to bid you welcome. Yes, it's hard to find good friends online - but you've found the right venue here.

06-01-2008, 07:48 PM
Thanks all! I really appreciate it. I'm really an east coast chic, but I just happen to live on the west coast right now.

Anyone for some wine? I can't stop drinking the Cab Sav and dang I'm horny!

06-01-2008, 07:57 PM
:car: *HONK-HONK*
...I'm really an east coast chic,...
I knew you sounded too real.

06-01-2008, 08:01 PM
Dang right! I know how to change my oil!

06-01-2008, 08:15 PM
I'll be happy to help with your lube job. :D

06-01-2008, 08:16 PM
It's about time!

06-01-2008, 08:40 PM
Welcome to Pixies Atlas, I know you will have a really good time with all of us. As we will with you hehe. Having been a resident of California myself I know its weird at times but it's a good place. If you want to chat hit me up I'm readily available to chat at any time.

06-01-2008, 10:46 PM
Greetings Atlas, and welcome.

the thread name caught my attention, because I AM Lost, hehehe.

06-01-2008, 10:53 PM
Great! Glad to meet you all because I really AM lost! Maybe you all will settle me down.

06-09-2008, 08:01 PM
Here's a "little" bit of me bursting out to say hello. (hopefully I'm uploading this correctly)

Oh yeah, you definitely are coming through nicely...welcum to Pixies!


07-06-2008, 12:32 PM
Welcum Atlas, hope you find what you need!
