View Full Version : How do you like your eggs?

05-17-2008, 06:19 PM
Gotta admit, this one sort of threw me. :yikes:

Hey Gekko, what do you know about this? (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/1966106/What-came-first---the-egg-or-the-gecko-inside.html)

05-17-2008, 06:47 PM
OMG--- Now that I'm allowed to teach evolution I can't wait to show my class this one.

05-17-2008, 08:29 PM
No Lil, the gecko was outside the egg, but under the shell.

Hey, a lizard in a chook egg in Darwin and Elton John in Darwin?


05-17-2008, 10:23 PM
I prefer my eggs scrambled or as an omelet...

hold the lizard.

05-18-2008, 03:23 AM
:yikes: I'll be looking much closer at my eggs from now on.

05-18-2008, 04:39 AM

05-18-2008, 06:29 AM
Just when I thought I had seen it all …

05-18-2008, 12:28 PM
Shit happens.

If you're lucky, good shit happens.

If you're *me*, weird shit happens.

05-20-2008, 11:36 AM
how did this little guy escape the egg inspectors? don't you aussies classify, weigh, scan, illuminate, zap, probe and label the hell out of every single egg that gets consumed?

weird. over here we need to defend ourselves against eggs. i've heard that if you eat a raw one, you will very likely die. it's either from spontaneous combustion, or you rot from the inside out for a painful, ugly, slow death. i forget which.

05-20-2008, 12:19 PM
i've heard that if you eat a raw one, you will very likely die. it's either from spontaneous combustion, or you rot from the inside out for a painful, ugly, slow death. i forget which.
Unless you're Rocky Balboa, in which case eating raw eggs leads to a slow death from embarrassment by making "just one more sequel"...

05-20-2008, 02:54 PM
weird. over here we need to defend ourselves against eggs. i've heard that if you eat a raw one, you will very likely die. it's either from spontaneous combustion, or you rot from the inside out for a painful, ugly, slow death. i forget which.

LOL Just part of the great food paranoia that has spread threw the US. You are about as like to run across a bad egg as you are betting struck by lightening. Also they most likely would kill you (unless you were either old, young or had other problems) just make you wish you were dead for a few hours is all.

05-21-2008, 08:36 AM
When I was young, milkshakes with a raw egg in them were all the rage.

I didn't think I died back then.

Light, what light?

05-21-2008, 08:43 AM
i've heard that if you eat a raw one, you will very likely die. it's either from spontaneous combustion, or you rot from the inside out for a painful, ugly, slow death.

Both, of course.

05-21-2008, 09:15 AM
When I was young, milkshakes with a raw egg in them were all the rage.

I didn't think I died back then.

Light, what light?my raspberry, key lime pie with a chocolate crust is made with raw egg and i've never once been sick from the several (dozen) slices i've eaten over the years. even the next day leftover ones.

we are so very paranoid about our food here. there are even restaurants that will refuse to make you a rare (or gasp!) black and blue steak or fish. and if they do decide it's worth the risk to serve you a caesar salad with real ceasar dressing and a rawish slab-o-cow, their menu will have disclaimers all over it warning you it's risky

05-21-2008, 12:38 PM
Yes'm, courtesy of American tort law.

05-21-2008, 03:11 PM
Many restaurants refuse to serve eggs over-easy or sunny-side up as well.

And BTW...
