View Full Version : Run your car on water????

05-09-2008, 06:56 AM
Just saw this product talked about on the morning news. They showed a car converted to run on water ... and so I looked for it on the net ...


Sounds interesting.

I'm thinking it'd be fun to drive down to Nashville, then ask PF if I could refill my car for the return trip by using the faucet in his hotel room. :)

05-09-2008, 08:48 AM
Ah, fuel-cell technologies. Wonderful thing.

I do have to wonder how much of a safety issue it is, though. Yes, I know they have a lower overall accident rate compared with gasolene (we're talking about the number of accidents due to a fault of the gsaolene engine/storage/delivery system vs the number of accidents due to a fault of the hydrogen-fuel cell engine/storage/delivery system here). But the consequences of a full tank of gasolene gonig up vs the consequences of a full tank of compressed hydrogen going up are much lower.

IOW, when the compressed hydrogen goes up, it's a much more violent event. Yes, I know they claim that HHO is not anywhere near as dangerous as pure hydrogen high-pressure tanks. That claim in itself, does have merit. But I'm comparing HHO tanks to gasolene tanks.

And there are other, so much more demonstratable benefits to the fuel cell vs gasolene, how can it not be a good idea?

05-10-2008, 02:37 AM
This is another example of people being sold technology because it sounds good.

A much simpler and safer option is the hybrid steam engine. In this a normal four stroke engine is modified to take a few drops of water at stroke five which flashes to steam and provides a power stroke. It also acts as a heat sink, reducing the reliance on a radiator.

05-10-2008, 10:29 AM
and its only $49.99 US for the plans to convert your car

05-10-2008, 12:35 PM
Yeah, $50 for the plans. how much for the labor and parts to actually do it?

(Depends on your mechanic, really).

Mind you, I'm not necessarily and automatically against the idea. Just skeptical.

05-10-2008, 07:08 PM
Skeptical? Surely not.