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View Full Version : Danger!!! Will Robinson!!!

05-06-2008, 03:50 PM
The boy in school that I had wild teenage hormone crazed sex with every chance I got signed on to Classmates finally.

I am suddenly thinking of upgrading my membership. I have not seen him in 21 years.

*crosses her fingers and prays he's lost all his teeth*

05-06-2008, 04:15 PM
We'll have to do things to keep your mind off him. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

05-06-2008, 06:30 PM
puppet show? The glow-in-the-dark kind? ;) :p

05-06-2008, 07:31 PM
The boy in school that I had wild teenage hormone crazed sex with every chance I got signed on to Classmates finally.

I am suddenly thinking of upgrading my membership. I have not seen him in 21 years. Danger Will Robinson indeed. Sign off Classmates now. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

*crosses her fingers and prays he's lost all his teeth*
*reminds me that wifey just informed me that her predecessor for my affections is looking pretty rough these days*

05-06-2008, 07:31 PM
*crosses his fingers and prays he's lost all his teeth* :p

05-06-2008, 08:09 PM
No worries WI. Stealing a line from Prince, "Nothing compares to you"

05-07-2008, 08:19 AM
Hey, he could always gum you into oblivion.

05-07-2008, 04:41 PM

05-08-2008, 01:44 AM
Do it. Either way, it will be fun to know.

05-08-2008, 06:06 AM
Do it. Either way, it will be fun to know.

I'll quote you on that one day.

Lil, somehow, somewhere, it will hurt and badly.

05-08-2008, 05:17 PM
but I :heart: pain :p

05-10-2008, 12:18 AM
IMO life is about taking risks, really experiencing things. Looking him up doesn;t equal infidelity. Just curiousity. Especially since you liked him for a reason - who knows - maybe you'll rediscover a kindred soul.

05-10-2008, 12:57 AM
I liked him cause he was a horn dog :p

05-10-2008, 10:53 AM
I liked him cause he was a horn dog :p

Yep. A kindred soul. :rofl: