View Full Version : The Messenger And The Message

03-27-2008, 09:30 PM
Rejoice, bretheren! The Spirit of The Fuck™ is upon this place! Hearken not the Messenger, yet lend thy ears to The Message he brings unto you.

Yea, heed the wisdom of The Fuck™!

Unto all things of the world and worlds beyond is opposition. Opposition one to another is the very life of this place of desolation. The contention that follows upon each word that proceeedeth from every mouth is the joy of those who Preach The Fuck™. Indeed, it is this very contention that draws forth the Spirit of The Fuck™ and the Messenger thereof. And so in opposition, The Spirit of The Fuck™ becomes known. The silent voice whispereth forth. . .seeking those with ears to hear and the will to accept the Message that proceedeth forth and sets the disciple upon the path of darkness that is opened before him.

Yea, in ALL things created there is opposition! Consider God himself. Is His opposite not reckoned to be Satan? What of Christ and Anti-Christ? But of The Holy Spirit? Where is the opposite thereof? Behold The Spirit of The Fuck™ that leadeth where Holy Spirit dwells not!

God and Satan. Christ and Anti-Christ. Holy Spirit and Spirit of The Fuck™. In all things there are balance according to God's plan. See the symmetry of all things surrounding us. Does not the humble blade of grass have two sides? I, The Messenger, did not create The Fuck™. The Spirit of The Fuck™ has been in opposition to the Holy Spirit since time began. Perhaps it has another name. I am sure it has had many. The Fuck™ is only what I call it. Just as others call The Holy Ghost that for lack of knowledge of its real name. For who can truly know the name of a thing? All words we use are of man.

I seek thee, oh, lost ones that the dark Spirit of The Fuck™ leadeth me to find and bring unto the unholy path. Heed ye the silent voice of The Fuck™!

The dark urges that pull at our minds, seeking to draw one away from that which is holy. Desires and perversions that oppose that which is pure. Evil whisperings that bring forth sin. Just as the Gift of The Holy Spirit is the guiding voice of God to the path of righteousness, The Spirit of The Fuck™ is the unholy voice of God's opposite. Indeed, just as God has created all things in opposition, there can be no Holy Spirit without an unholy spirit of some form. It is the Spirit of The Fuck™ that completes the circle of six. Holy and Unholy.

Consider these dark words that proceedeth forth by Messenger, my brothers. Consider the truths that dwell within their very letters. Read them not for their words alone, but for the actions that must needs follow. For unlike the meaningless words of opposition to be found among the others who speak out in the electronic wasteland, the words and wisdom of The Fuck™ seek out those who will act upon them. Who will put them to use. The wisdom of The Fuck™ is to those I seek as cash to the whore. . .something to be constantly sought after, always seeking ways to obtain more, to be used for dark pleasures.

Leave the simple ones behind. Those whose words carry no action. Merely the clattering of keys upon a keyboard. It is a simple thing to carry forth and speak with no intent. Behold The Spirit of The Fuck™ and use that which has been withheld, bringing forth your darkness upon those who you deem worthy of it.

With his lost bretheren did he make counsel, and instructed them, and taught them the path of judgement, and knowledge of The Fuck™, and showed them the way of understanding. Roundabout did gather the bitches and they did cry unto the heavens, O where is the bitch who standeth against The Fuck™ and they who preach it? And it came to pass that no answer came to them.

Lamentation of The Bitches
19: 10-11

Ask questions. They will be answered with the same spirit they were asked with.

Join the battle.

Preach Ye The Fuck™!


03-28-2008, 12:49 AM
Ma! Can we keep him ^^^. :nana:

I promise to clean his cage every day and spread his message in the garden. :fart:

03-28-2008, 04:44 AM
I think I'm speechless......

Now that's something to talk about!

03-28-2008, 06:13 AM
I suspect that this may deeply conflict with my deeply held pastafarian beliefs.

03-28-2008, 06:23 AM
We have received some interesting posts lately...

03-28-2008, 06:24 AM

03-28-2008, 06:35 AM
Good grief! :rolleyes2

03-28-2008, 11:39 AM
Me think-us ...

well me will just wander away from here

03-28-2008, 12:11 PM
no stay, just bring a drink 'cause that's the kind of nut you need to wash down.

03-28-2008, 12:22 PM
Um...I need to be MUCH less sober before I could understand that.


03-28-2008, 01:55 PM
Sounds like a plan! :wine:

03-28-2008, 06:21 PM
Merlot by the bucket.