View Full Version : Favorite Vacation?

03-24-2008, 06:09 PM
As many of you know from my posts, I'm on a week vacation at the beach. I'm having a great time and I'm more fully relaxed than I have been in a very long time. I quit my job, I'm graduating in May, and I'm starting a new chapter of my life.


Like any normal human being, I'm thinking back to all my other vacations and wondering if this one is better, worse, or the same as my others. Which was my favorite vacation memory? I simply can't decide.

I thought I'd post this thread and ask each of you if you have a favorite vacation or vacation memory?

I'd love to hear about them!

03-24-2008, 06:34 PM
Honestly, I enjoyed all my vacations for different reasons. One thing I did learn in my college years, when vacationing with friends and doing EVERYTHING together about 3 days is my limit before someone gets on my nerves.

That being said, one year for spring break I went to St. Petersburg and absolutely loved it. It was beautiful and quiet - not a normal college spring break destination.

And I'm in desperate need of a vacation now but I don't like travelling alone and everyone I know has a spouse and/or children so getting away without them is a challenge.

03-24-2008, 06:43 PM
Good question, Osuche. I can't name just one, so I'll list the top 6.

1) Alaska, inside passage and Kenai National Park. Unforgettable.
2) Walt Disney World, as a kid with my folks.
3) Walt Disney World, as a parent with my kids.
4) Breckenridge, CO...a week of skiing and torrid sex with Mrs. Rabbit.
5) Southern Caribbean cruise...a week of diving, eating, partying and more torrid sex with Mrs. Rabbit
6) Western Caribbean cruise...with my brother when we were both single. A continuous week of dancing, partying, boozing, and multiple sex partners.


03-24-2008, 06:48 PM
I loved my trip to Vegas a few summers ago. I'm a night person. I was mesmerized by the lights.

03-24-2008, 07:11 PM
For me, it doesn't get better than going to Chicago for a few days in the summer and staying downtown. A nice morning walk down Michigan Avenue followed by a ride on the Red Line up to Wrigley Field to see the Cubs that afternoon. After the ballgame, hanging out at the bars around the ballpark before heading back downtown for the evening. Maybe stopping by The House of Blues.......... I need to do all of that again soon. It's been a couple of summers. :(

Memories of the trips my mom, sister and I made to Ely, Minnesota to fish with my grandpa when I was a little kid are always great. We stayed in a cabin and would spend most of the days out on the lake. I didn't appreciate the time as much back then as I do now.

I've taken many vacations to the Los Angeles area to visit my parents and while I love seeing them, I'm not overly impressed with the LA area. San Diego, now that's where I want to spend a week!

And of course, the Bay Area isn't too bad either. ;)

03-24-2008, 07:44 PM
3 day vacation in a cottage on a small island in the Georgian Bay off Point Au Baril, in Canada. The most relaxing and energizing vacation I've ever had.

03-24-2008, 08:39 PM
When I was still single my family ,aunts,uncles ,cousins would go camping at Red River,New Mexico (before it became popular) go horse back riding,hiking,and fishing

After I was married Mrs. Jay-t and kids camped on the Taylor River in Colo. for a week,one of the kids left their window down in the car .We woke up the next day to find 5 humming birds in the car,hiking and just having fun as a family.

03-25-2008, 03:33 AM
Midyear 2006, Lil's place, Oshkosh then Niagara for PAGAN06.

Hoping to surpass this at PAGAN08.

03-25-2008, 04:29 AM
It was an unplanned ride to Canada. We had no destination and no plans of any kind. Ended up staying at a provincial park where you could "boat-in" to your camp site. Our site was secluded and deserted till we woke the next day. A boat had docked but nobody was around till about 2pm that afternoon. Four guys got off the boat and we partied with them for the weekend. So, I was on a lake, on a secluded island with five guys. If there is a heaven...that's it!

03-25-2008, 06:29 AM
Last June at a lovely cabin in the Georgia foothills. That is where my sweet Joe and I had a very special and private collaring ceremony. The hot tub was an added bonus. :brows:

03-25-2008, 06:49 AM
Been lots of good ones but I think our trip to the Smokey Mountains back in the mid-60s has to rank right up there. We camped and had a great time. The park had a couple named Lee and Jean Schilling come in one morning and play traditional mountain music using the dulcimer; the recorder and other traditional instruments. It was great.

Other close ones have been my wife and my trips to three different fantasy motels; and, several years when the two of us visited a naturist resort in Michigan. These were great trips for just the two of us.

Of course, PAGAN 06 and PIP 07 were pretty darn good too. :)

03-25-2008, 09:25 AM
As a kid it was vacationing in Florida over the easter break, we would visit my grandparents.

Once I got older I had a great time visiting the East coast with stops in Maine, Boston and on the way home stopping at Gettysburg PA.

03-25-2008, 01:31 PM
As a child: probably the week spent at Lake Cumberland, near Jamestown KY. My mother had lost her "baby" sister the year before, & the whole family (aunts, uncles, cousins) gathered for some bonding by renting a block of cabins near the lake. No A/C, just screened windows & basic kitchens & toilets in them. We cooked out or ate at a nice little resteraunt nearby, my bro & I made chains out of the 1000s of pull tabs littering the ground, we swam in the pool (which was sitting in the lake, near the shore), & just generally had a big ole time. In spite of getting the worst sunburn of my life (my back was all blisters), I've been wanting to go back for forty years since. Probably won't happen soon, the Wolf Creek dam which formed the lake has been found to be leaking & in danger of collapse; the lake has been mostly drained while the ACE does emergency repairs, which promise to take years.

As a adult: several of the many trips my wife & I have taken to the Smokies, just us, the hot tub, & no kids(!). Also two different trips to Panama City Beach, time spent collecting shells, playing in the sugar sand, & throwing crackers out from our balcony to the hungry seagulls to catch in midair with my (then) young #1 son are memories I still treasure...

03-25-2008, 05:00 PM
Osuche and I at the............. damn, wrong reality.

03-25-2008, 06:12 PM
Osuche and I at the............. damn, wrong reality.

Want to join me in Capitola? I have a 2 bed/2 bath home with a hot tub...about a block from the beach. vrbo.com is MUCH cheaper than staying at a hotel - and I can eat in. Which is better for my diet.

Seriously....if we want our spouses not to find us, we better meet somewhere else. ;) What did you have in mind?

03-25-2008, 06:14 PM
I think my favorite vacation ever was Bailey Island in Maine, up in Coaster's neck of the woods. We went and stayed at a little B&B with great food and warm fireplaces. We were right on the ocean, and it was well before tourist season started (I think we were up there in April). It was a little cold, which is exactly how I love it.

My fave foreign vacation was Israel....that trip was amazing!

03-25-2008, 07:30 PM
Mine was Savannah. I realized how much I miss living down South. It was beautiful and very comforting.

03-25-2008, 07:36 PM
Want to join me in Capitola? I have a 2 bed/2 bath home with a hot tub...about a block from the beach. vrbo.com is MUCH cheaper than staying at a hotel - and I can eat in. Which is better for my diet.

Seriously....if we want our spouses not to find us, we better meet somewhere else. ;) What did you have in mind?

Weird things flying around Capitola these days...check out the attached...

...not that I'm a believer, but just sayin'...


03-25-2008, 08:10 PM
Weird things flying around Capitola these days...check out the attached...

...not that I'm a believer, but just sayin'...


I've smelled pot about 1 billion times already this week. My best guess is that picture was 420 inspired. :p

03-25-2008, 10:35 PM
....I'm in desperate need of a vacation now but I don't like travelling alone and everyone I know has a spouse and/or children so getting away without them is a challenge.

This may be the perfect week for you to take a vacation to a place where everybody has a healthy appetite for all kinds of wonderful silky smooth things (http://www.glsc.org/CHOC.dreams3REVISED.pdf). :nod:


..... I'll be watching for you. :tongue:


03-25-2008, 10:54 PM
Let's see 6 months traveling around in India and Nepal, was incredible
like a vacation from life

Last summer's 3 weeks in the U.K. was pretty spectacular, even though I have one or two gray areas, memory wise.
I was drunk for most of it and I didn't even get laid. Did I mention I got drunk once or twice?

Two weeks in Zurich for another bike race was equally wonderful. Arriving in a city where I knew no one, I was put up by strangers, fed and shown a great time, all by my new Swiss friends. It is fun to be in a completely unknown city, and try to find your way around...

Martha's Vineyard is always nice, though now a bit too much of a hot spot (curse you celebrities and ex-presidents)

France some years ago. Great inexpensive wine, good food (the french who knew?) and a beautiful countryside

did I mention being away from life and responsibility for 6 months in India was a nice break, (even though, I was too young to know what that means)

03-26-2008, 03:08 AM
Want to join me in Capitola? I have a 2 bed/2 bath home with a hot tub...about a block from the beach. vrbo.com is MUCH cheaper than staying at a hotel - and I can eat in. Which is better for my diet.

Seriously....if we want our spouses not to find us, we better meet somewhere else. ;) What did you have in mind?

Sadly, with Mrs OF, there is no running and no hiding.

Damn it's an idea to sleep on.

03-26-2008, 04:32 AM
Mine was Savannah. I realized how much I miss living down South. It was beautiful and very comforting.

I forgot how much I loved that one.

03-26-2008, 05:03 AM
I'm not even a huge chocolate fan, but PF's suggestion for a destination doesn't sound too bad. http://bestsmileys.com/excited/3.gif

03-26-2008, 06:48 AM
I've smelled pot about 1 billion times already this week. My best guess is that picture was 420 inspired. :p


03-26-2008, 08:48 AM
we went cross-coutry for our honeymoon. camped at lots of major national parks, stayed in a hotel in vegas and then one in san fran. then we ran out of money almost a week early. lol. lots of fun but not relaxing.

when we took the kids to the outer banks, north carolina. it was so much fun to take them swimming in the ocean and build sand castles and hunt for shells and sand crabs. but again - not relaxing.

just last week we were away to niagra falls canada. no kids - VERY relaxing. :D

03-27-2008, 01:37 PM
Great thread osuche!!! Glad to hear that you're RELAXING and INHALING! :D

Our favorite HAD to be the 2 weeks in the Caribbean with the kids and bro w/wife. Everyone had a blast and we created lasting memories. The kids were in H.S. so they were old enough to enjoy what we enjoy and we were young enough to enjoy what the kid's liked.........
We even burned out a blender by mixing too many pina colada's!!!

Then our vaca to CA for a couple weeks where we met M/M osuche, and Denny & Flutelady..... all have become great friends!

03-27-2008, 07:22 PM
A visit to Egypt with the future Mrs. JSeal.

We traveled up the Nile by boat, visiting the temples at Kom Ombo and Edfu. Continued up to Luxor, where we went to the Valley of the Kings and saw Tutankhamun's tomb, with a day to visit Abu Simbel and Philae. We returned to Cairo by train overnight – there were a couple of Old Kingdom pyramids to be seen in the distance. The Egyptian Museum in Cairo is marvelous. We toured the Sphinx and the pyramids at the Giza Necropolis during the day, and enjoyed the Sound and Light show the next evening. We also visited some of the famous mosques in the city. The Shah of Iran is buried in the Al Rifa'i Mosque, near his former brother-in-law, King Farouk.

Quite an experience!

03-27-2008, 08:25 PM
this thread had me thinking again about old family vacations. my 'rents took us on some pretty amazing vacations when i was younger – florida a lot, hawaii, the british virgin islands, a new york trip packed with off broadway shows and a dinner at smith and wollensky’s - i was too young to appreciate them at the time. in fact, i know i spent much of the BVI vaca with my nose in a book, but now i remember them for the amazing and privileged experiences they were. sometimes i wish we had the money to do this sort of stuff with our kids, but then i remember that i love them to pieces and give them different kinds of experiences.

03-27-2008, 09:50 PM
Weird things flying around Capitola these days...check out the attached...

...not that I'm a believer, but just sayin'...

Run for your lives!!!

We're being invaded by a 1959 Buick hood ornament!!!

03-28-2008, 04:19 AM
but then i remember that i love them to pieces and give them different kinds of experiences.

thanks. I really needed that reminder. ((hugs))

03-28-2008, 04:07 PM
((hugs)) back

03-28-2008, 06:36 PM
Hmmmmmmm there's a chance here.

(((((hugs))))) both wyndhy and Lilith.