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View Full Version : The biggest thing I ever won........

03-16-2008, 10:40 PM
October 4, 1983 I scratched a Lotto ticket for $21,000.

I paid off all my bills, then went into debt for a $30,000

Tell us about your biggest win.

03-17-2008, 04:38 AM
A giant 8' paper mache King Kong covered in recycled wigs. It was the 70s :D

03-17-2008, 08:01 AM
a 4 person picnic set valued at $50 but i had to buy $80 worth of tickets to win it, thats the only thing i ever won.
my best friend won $308,000 on lotto 12 years ago and i told my mum he had won 3 weeks later, she said if that bastard could win anyone could and she did $355,000. So they say it comes in three's....i am still waiting

03-17-2008, 10:15 AM
Good thread Cjack. :thumb:

I've never won BIG time ^^^, but have been fairly lucky with smaller drawings and such. You all know of our exceptional streak (except this year :( ) at the annual outdoor banquet. The other major repetitive wins I've had was years back when I attended reverse raffles regularly.

Most of them have 'after dinner activities', and not being a card player, I always was ended up at the center of the craps game and was out of there by midnight with up to $700. When I got home I would empty my pockets into a large paper bag, then let everybody draw out one bill ($5-$50) the next morning. [made my night out more acceptable ;) ]

One time I managed to talk myself out of $2,500. :faint: If you know how most reverse raffles work, the last 5 tickets in the drum are normally called up front and allowed to 'negotiate' any split agreed to. One ticket holder wasn't present, so we had to let it run until he was drawn or won. That ticket was pulled 4th. At that point we could split any way we wanted. I wouldn't go for an even split but did feel we should each get something for getting this far. We agreed last ticket out got half the $5,000 pot, second last got $1,500 and third last, $1,000). I was still very happy to leave with my last ticket out winnings. :D

(no craps game that night :doorpeek: ) LOL

03-17-2008, 04:46 PM
I couldn't win a kick in a riot.

03-17-2008, 07:20 PM
I won 5 tickets for a football(soccer) game last year but thats about it...

03-17-2008, 09:36 PM
ya gotta be innit to winit so...i ain't won nuttin, never.

oh, wait! the heart of a man who loves me back:D

/wanders off, once again again confused by PF

03-18-2008, 09:40 AM
update....i went to my first motocycle club meeting tonight and i won first prize in the raffle, a pair of motocycle gloves, but unfortunatly much to small for my big hands

03-18-2008, 09:53 AM
Won an album from a radio station back in the 60s (still have the LP), in the last decade I managed to win tickets to the speedway races (took both boys for a LOUD night out), other than that, not much. Wife won a microwave at a casino/auction night her employers put on, we still have it & use it everyday.

03-18-2008, 10:15 AM
Another lottery ticket.......... :(

03-18-2008, 05:04 PM
^^^^That's better than what I've won.

03-18-2008, 09:10 PM
You ^^^ aren't suppose to win when you're the prize. :tongue:

03-18-2008, 09:41 PM
I won a waterbed at the after graduation dance in high school.

I've won Chiefs tickets.

I'm pretty sure I've won some other things but those are what I remember now.

03-20-2008, 02:58 AM
When we bought our house back in '77, we went to a local festival (we hadn't unpacked our dishes yet) for supper. Won a water softener for the house. Since then, the city started softening the water, so we gave our water softener to my brother-in-law and he's still using it. :)

03-20-2008, 05:48 PM
The biggest prize I've ever won is $350 last year in the NCAA Basketball Tournament Pool. Only time I've ever won the thing.

And DB, you're forgetting your huge winnings at the Riverboat Casino. :rofl:

03-20-2008, 09:52 PM
A t-shirt that was too small for me :p

03-20-2008, 11:15 PM


03-21-2008, 03:20 AM
The biggest prize I've ever won is $350 last year in the NCAA Basketball Tournament Pool. Only time I've ever won the thing.

And DB, you're forgetting your huge winnings at the Riverboat Casino. :rofl:

Oh yeah, how could I forget that. In the one night during PIP07, we all went down to the riverboat and I successfully wiped out my 10-year gambling debt and won back twice what I'd been out. Yep, ten years earlier I'd lost $.75 to the casino ... but ended up winning about $3.00 at PIP. I don't think they'll let me back on the boat now that they realize what a high roller can do. :)

03-21-2008, 11:28 AM
LMAO - You know whaT? The shirT really wasn'T a pretty sighT. Of course, iT was a bluegrass music shirT...which seems apropos in a way... :rofl:

03-23-2008, 11:26 PM
Back in the late '80s my Business Partner and I went to Vegas. The first night we laid $100 straight up on #32 and $25 on each corner on a Rollette table. It hit and we won $4300. When we left town a couple of days later we were down about $8,000.

03-28-2008, 10:36 PM
Kiddo hit the mother load at the school fun night.

She got 5 raffle prizes: Leggo Helicopter, Spiderman kite(which she gave away), a balloon launcher, a fun set(includes slinky, small ecto sketch and yoyo) and an electronic dart board.

Then she got the theme basket she wanted: Michigan State, styrofoam cooler with MI State logo and filled with MI State goodies.

And it all cost me $40. :D

03-28-2008, 11:07 PM
..When we left town a couple of days later we were down about $8,000.
You were down $12,100. :cool:

The $4,100 (you collected $4,300 INCLUDING your original bet ;) ) was YOUR money the second you win it,...........plus another $8k.

[Just one gamblers view :rofl: ]