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View Full Version : Sad day for Cheeseheads

03-05-2008, 09:02 AM
In case you missed it yesterday, apparently some guy named Brett Favre who played Quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, has hung up his cleats.

By no means is this an earth-shattering event, but considering where he ends up ranked among the All-time greats in NFL history, it certainly changes the NFL landscape.

One record he holds that I'm sure will never be broken is a consecutive games played streak including the playoffs of 275 straight games.

While never one of my personal favorite players, I truly did enjoy watching the man create and play a very scripted planned-out game, "flying by the seat of his pants".

I hope you enjoy the rest of your life, and thanks for the memories Brett. You were a joy to watch.

03-05-2008, 11:21 AM
I'm hoping Maddy handled the news ok. I've got to think that it's a very sad time indeed in Packerland.

I have a few friends that are huge Packers fans and I know one would've jumped off a building yesterday except he couldn't find one around here that is more than a story and a half high. :rofl:

I know I'm going to miss watching him play. The guy is absolutely incredible. Joe Montana is the only QB of my lifetime that I would rate ahead of Favre. I mean come on, the guy is an incredible athlete plus a great actor. "I'm in town to play the Dolphins you dumbass!" :p

03-05-2008, 07:42 PM
Please check back with me when the season starts, I might be though with my misery by then.

I really didn't think after this past season that he'd hang up the pads and helmet. I really thought he had one more great season in him.

And I'd disagree with nut, this IS an earth shattering event. I felt a collective gasp and sigh fall across the country and I'm pretty sure the earth moved some.

I was in a ridiculously foul mood all day yesterday after hearing the news...which was often followed up with how great Romo, Brady, Manning(s) etc are and that I have other great QB's to watch! Pffft! If it's not the green and gold #4, they just don't hold the same amount of my attention.