View Full Version : Opinions and Justifications? (Long fingernails) (Makeup)
10-14-2001, 09:37 PM
Im new.
But I guess Im posting this to see how many actually feel about this. (Mostly about Long fingernails.. I pretty much walked off the plank with Makeup).
When I see a woman with long fingernails I instantly distrust them.. even more if they are painted. Why? Well quite honestly I see it as a sign they aren't capable of "hard" work. I mean yes Im sterotyping, but it shows they don't do alot of activities which require someone to get dirty.
Sorry but I see them as primadonnas.
Im also posting this so that some of the ladies who do this who only because they THINK that all men enjoy this are wrong. Be yourself. Ive let my fingernails get a little long before I remember to cut them.. its a pain in the butt doing anything when they start to get longer without the getting in the way.
Now to the one where I am going to get slaughtered.
For the most part I hate makeup. The more a woman wears the more I think they look like a clown. Our society (s) promote this. I think nothings wrong with using moisturizers and creams to soften and "protect" your natural beauty, but makeup.. Why? Because society says it makes you look prettier? Well F* society.
Again be yourself. If some guy wants to go out with you because of the attraction of makeup, then maybe he isn't worth it if he thinks so shallow.
Ok yes as you can tell I have societal issues.. and I posted here in the sex advice versus norm, because this will influence attraction or not.
No Im not posting to be some kind of "saint". Im not. (Im here aren't I for one). But I wish more men (and woman) would speak out about the idiocy that is this.
Pussy Willow
10-15-2001, 03:20 PM
I very seldom wear makeup, and my professions (mommy and
teacher prohibit the growth of long nails) don't have the interest
in maintaining either.
Guess I'm just an all natural kinda' gal. And I love hubby even
more when he says I don't need any make-up.
To my mind there's something very contradictory in scrubbing your
face, just to put make-up on it !!!!!!!!
Just my lil' old opinion !!!!
10-15-2001, 04:34 PM
I, too, love the natural look. I don't per se have anything against makeup, painted nails, etc. but given a choice, it's au natural all the way.
10-15-2001, 04:50 PM
Great first post. Thats what we need here, people with opinions! I like the natural look too. Some ladies can get carried away with the makeup because they were not taught well by their peers. If they were raised to wear little makeup or none at all thats what they do for the rest of their lives. Or they just dont feel good about themselves. Either way natural is the way to go.
Lady Pleaser
10-15-2001, 07:05 PM
Make-up just hide the true person. the nails I can live with. Nice first post. Welcome to Pixies.
10-16-2001, 12:48 AM
I have a lady friend (not G/F) who has long nails and still
does the washing and ironing and gardening. Hers are
stick-ons but she treats them like real.
Makeup is in a lot of ways like the "personas" some of us
have taken on here. Not everyone is quite the riveting
sex god or goddess we would love to be.
Makeup allows some less than classically stunning ladies
to blur out some of their perceived flaws. If it works for
them, then why not? It's not our thing, but why the
10-16-2001, 02:27 AM
Thanks for the comments, Its good to see some people see past a "mask".
Originally posted by Oldfart
I have a lady friend (not G/F) who has long nails and still
does the washing and ironing and gardening. Hers are
stick-ons but she treats them like real.
Makeup is in a lot of ways like the "personas" some of us
have taken on here. Not everyone is quite the riveting
sex god or goddess we would love to be.
Makeup allows some less than classically stunning ladies
to blur out some of their perceived flaws. If it works for
them, then why not? It's not our thing, but why the
How much quicker could she do her gardening without them (nails)? Still though if you think about it probably one of the reasons she still does gardening is because they are press-ons. "*SNAP* DAMN! Get the Glue!"
It comes down to this. Why does she think the makeup makes her look better? Society. Vogue. Cover Girl. Woman. Ect....
Its one of those catch 22's. Where does one stop? The manufaturer's make more because they forsee an audience. Then they market the wares with "makes you more beautiful".
Beautiful than what?
Makeups these days are trying to "encompass" skin vitalizers and such. But the fact remains that many including some blushes still cover the pores, and can cause "damage" to the skin.
The only social item I can see makeup used for is to give a much sharper deffinition between the sexes. Looking at a woman/man(shaven) face at a glance will not allow you to recognize the gender imediately. With makeup though its very distinguishable.
It still comes down to the point that a woman with makeup on is less likely to do strenuos work that will make her makeup "run". Hence why I consider them Primadonnas.
Maybe this all boils down to my father was a dermatologist, so I learned much about the skin growing up. (Also having a woman scratch me during sex would not be my idea of fun. I realize for some of you this would be great. Me, sorry but it would be distracting.):redghost:
10-17-2001, 11:37 AM
I don't wear makeup and I don't wear the fake fingernails.
As far as they go, I'm a 32 yo tomboy. Grew up as 'Daddy's girl' and that kinda stuck. Besides, I'm in health care and would you want a person to come at you with nails that look like you could do surgery without any equipment but your nails??
10-17-2001, 07:47 PM
I would like to think people arent judged by appearance...
I wear makeup and am definately not a 'primadonna'. I also do strenuous work whilst wearing it, and quite honestly, couldn't give a shit at the time wether it has 'run', i wait until my breaks and if need be, do a touch up then.
As for long nails, i have them job would be classed as "dirty and hard"...but i can do it, long nails or not.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but i dont appreciate being "labled" as someone who lives an easy life just because i wear makeup and have long nails.
10-18-2001, 08:13 PM
You tell 'em Sharniqua
10-19-2001, 02:14 AM
I say do what u feel and want. Personnally i find french manicures and a light level of makeup very appealing. Au natural is nice too however, my only request is that a woman doesn't use so much makeup that a) u don't recognize her without it on, or b) it l;ooks like u could scrape it off. Makeup is meant to enhance or draw attention to what u already have, not make a new u. God already made u and all his creations are beautiful, be happy with it.
Old cowboy
10-20-2001, 09:33 AM
To each his or her own. I've seen those that were all natural that were so sexy I wondered if they had any idea, just how beautiful they were. I have seen others that had moderate makeup and were beautiful as well.
If fantasy is ever a part of your lives then sometimes you will and sometimes you won't.
Neat nails are hard to beat. whether they are on ones feet or ones hands. I love nail polish, but I like it when there is none too.
I must confess, I love women. I love to look, talk, woo and make love to. I also like to be wooed and made love to. Easy I guess.
An Old Cowboy
10-26-2001, 09:49 AM
As a guy who loves the natural look I can agree with you... and as an Assistant Photographer I saw the need for makeup. For some reason some normal faces and zits don't sell products. Everyone wants to dreams of something they don't have at some point. I have seen some beautiful natural girls that never needed makeup.. even in front of a camera! Of course I've seen the opposite too, where the natrual skin looked terrible on film.
As for the nails... I don't understand why girls want to pay for something that hinders ability and causes them to worry about breaking them, except to get attention! From a guys perspective... there are better ways!!!
Lastly, as long as people happily accept who they are... there's no need for makeup or nails!
10-27-2001, 02:45 PM
yeah, a girlfriend of mine told me the idea is to make it look like you're not wearing any. I tend to prefer a more natural look but to be honest, I doubt I'd point it out /even notice she was wearing any.
10-29-2001, 07:41 AM
I hardly ever wear makeup my horses would not appreciate it.
Really long nails is a no no, but i do have really long hair.
But who cares when i'm wet muddy and covered in hay and straw. *smiles sweetly*
pg, you sound really sexxxxay
10-30-2001, 02:39 PM
You can see my finger nails. Well least i wont stab myself.
Pussy Willow
10-30-2001, 03:33 PM
Didn't mean to disrespect you Sharniqua.
The main reason I don't have long nails is that I have no
interest in maintaining them. I don't wear make-up because I guess it was never my "thing".
I meant no disrespect toward anyone who wears make-up or
has long nails.
I didn't realize how my post sounded until I read your post
Sharni. Sorry if I offended you in any way !!!!!
11-03-2001, 07:13 PM
I personally like to see a woman in make up. I think it shows that she cares what she looks like. I don't think there is anything wrong with going without make up either. I think it's the ladies choice. Oh and by the way a lot of women have jobs and contribute to society just fine with nails. Not all work is manual, like plowing fields or being a lumberjack!
Oh by the way do you wear clothes that you find attractive? Do you comb your hair? Have you ever worn a suit? If so why? Hey wouldn't it be easier to have all plain uniform type clothing! Laundry would be much easier with only one color.(say drab gray so you can save on the bleach)
Also a man isn't shallow because he enjoys looking at the beauty of a woman so long as thats not all he see,s! I respect that you have a preference as do we all, but don't slam another for theirs!
11-03-2001, 09:29 PM
Some Women know how to wear make up and it very, very sexy when they do.
Some Women don't need any make up at all, they look much Sexier without it.
I think it depends on the Lady herself.
The only ones I can't handle are the one that wear too much make up, it looks like heck and doesn't do a dang thing for them. Makes them look more like a stale powered donut.
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