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02-12-2008, 10:53 AM

Interesting ploy on auto theft

Here is info worth the price of your car....WHAT WILL the car thieves THINK OF NEXT?

The car thieves peer through the windshield of your car or truck, write down the VIN # from the label on the dash, go to the local car dealership and request a duplicate key based on the VIN #. I didn't believe this e-mail, so I called Chrysler-Dodge and pretended I had lost my keys They told me to just bring in the VIN #, and they would cut me one on the spot, and I could order the keyless device if I wanted.

The Car Dealer's Parts Department will make a duplicate key from the VIN #, and collect payment from the thief who will return to your car. He doesn't have to break in, do any damage to the vehicle, or draw attention to himself.
All he has to do is walk up to your car, insert the key and off he goes to a local Chop Shop with your vehicle. You don't believe it? It IS that easy.

To avoid this from happening to you, simply put some tape (electrical tape, duct tape or medical tape) across the VIN Metal Label located on the dash board. By law, you cannot remove the VIN, but you CAN cover it so it can't be viewed through the windshield by a car thief. I urge you to forward this to your friends before some other car thief steals another car or truck. I slipped a 3 x 5 card over the VIN NUMBER. Irish :mad:

02-12-2008, 11:26 AM
We're at our other home in W.Melbourne Fla at this time.When we were here
last yr,we had trouble with my wifes 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee Loredo(SP?).
While the car was at the dealers,we had a rental car.When we went to pick up our car,the rental outfit,took us in a Chrysler Pacifica.My wife fell in love with the Pacifica & has wanted one since.We found a 2007 Pacifica at a car outfit near here.We turned in the Jeep & in the process of transfering the License Plates,I found just how easy it is to get duliplacate keys! Irish

P.S.My car is locked in my garage with my firearms locked in the car in NH! :cheerlead

02-12-2008, 11:43 AM
...By law, you cannot remove the VIN, but you CAN cover it so it can't be viewed through the windshield by a car thief...

It's not legal everywhere.

02-12-2008, 01:42 PM
That's great about the new car Irish! :thumb:

Not sure if it's legal here in Iowa or not but I heard a news story about the VIN numbers and getting duplicate keys made a few years ago and I've had my VIN covered ever since.

02-12-2008, 01:49 PM
Thanks Irish!!!

I'll keep that in mind if/when I get a NICE car..................nobody would want to steal the one I have now. :D

02-12-2008, 04:20 PM
It's not legal everywhere.
Nothing is illlegal UNLESS you get caught doing it! Irish :wish:

02-12-2008, 05:07 PM
.....nobody would want to steal the one I have now. :D
SODA uses the same anti theft device I do. Self-respect.


02-13-2008, 01:01 AM

02-13-2008, 03:29 AM
Snopes talks of this.

If a dealership is corrupt or incredibly slack, it can be, however the dealership is supposed to take and record the ID of the requester, as well as sighting the registration document.

Much easier to jack it up and tow it away in the middle of the night.