View Full Version : FEEL the relief

02-10-2008, 12:51 AM
So who else noticed the physical slack come back into their body after this last day? I knew I was in withdrawal, but I was surprised to feel the physical tension that I hadn't realized had built up, drain away when my Pixie window opened after the blackout. :loveshowe

Am I the only one that needs to go to meetings, or are there others with a Pixie addiction?

*runs to look for meeting under ALL the Pixie skirts* :tongue:

02-10-2008, 12:54 AM
Plop Plop fizz fizz....................

02-10-2008, 12:54 AM
Hi, my name is Neige, and I'm addicted to Pixies. :o

02-10-2008, 12:55 AM

02-10-2008, 02:33 AM
Naahhh.. not me!! :boohoo:


/me sits in corner, shivering and shaking!

02-10-2008, 03:46 AM
I'll let ya know when the withdrawal symptoms subside a little. :yikes: :boohoo:

02-10-2008, 04:10 AM
*hick* What? *hick* http://bestsmileys.com/drinking/5.gif


02-10-2008, 06:37 AM
What happened?

02-10-2008, 08:45 AM
Upgrades turned into glitches :D

02-10-2008, 10:13 AM
:( Isn't that always the case? :(

02-10-2008, 10:37 AM
I've been putting off checking to see if it was back up yet for the last 3 hours. What a relief indeed!

02-10-2008, 10:51 AM
I got busy yesterday and I only checked once.....I thought it was a small glitch or something (we often get little outages) -- I had no idea we were down for so long!!

If this were a weekday, I would have been frantic, and completely unable to do my work. :rofl:


02-10-2008, 11:42 AM
Oh, wow.

I checked yesterday morning, as I usually do in the mornings. OK, it was down, no big deal.

Sometime last night, I checked to see if it was back up yet. Nope, OK, may I wanted to post to the Pixiesorphans group, but you know, I had other things to do.

This morning, I check my yahoo mail, there are six messages from the orphans group, including an announcement that Pixies was back up. OK, so I come back here.

And I find this thread.

Yes, I'm laughing at you people. Hopefully, in the sorta kinda "with" way. But mainly at.

02-10-2008, 05:02 PM
Upgrades turned into glitches :D
Failure is not an option.

It comes bundled with the software...

02-10-2008, 09:39 PM
and I thought it was this virus I picked up the other day.

02-11-2008, 03:30 AM
I don't like the edge of panic.

I hope it'll be a long time before it happens again.