View Full Version : High-heel shoes shoot up female sex life: Study

02-06-2008, 01:59 PM

London: The sight of stilettos may shoot up a man’s libido. But, if a study is to be believed, wearing the high-heel shoes can boost a woman’s sexual desire.

Researchers in Italy have found that wearing higher heels -- earlier linked to a range of problems -- actually improves a woman’s pelvic floor muscles, thereby boosting her sex life.

“Women often have difficulty in carrying out the right exercises for the pelvic zone and wearing heels could be the solution. It’s good to know they have potential health benefits,” according to lead researcher Dr Maria Cerruto.

The researchers analysed a study of 66 women aged under 50 before coming to the conclusion.

They found that those who held their foot at a 15 degree angle to the ground had as good posture as those who wore flat shoes, and crucially showed less electrical activity in the pelvic muscles, an essential component of female body.

According to the researchers, this suggested the muscles were at an optimum position, which could well improve their strength and ability to contract.

However, Gill Brook, a women’s health physiotherapist in Britain, stressed the study did not suggest that stilettos were a good thing for those keen on improving their pelvic floor function.

“But for women who like a slightly higher heel, these are reassuring findings -- although we haven’t yet done away with the need for regular exercises to maintain what is such an important part of the female body,” the ‘BBC News’ portal quoted her as saying.

02-07-2008, 11:06 AM
I'm highly skeptical of this particular study, since, as *not* reported in this particular incarnation of the news, the lead researcher is an admitted fan of women in high heels.

For example, this site:

contains the excerpt: "She loves wearing high heels and got tired of hearing about their supposed health drawbacks"

02-07-2008, 02:27 PM
Still, they don't call them "fuck me" shoes for nothing...

02-07-2008, 05:44 PM
For example, this site:

contains the excerpt: "She loves wearing high heels and got tired of hearing about their supposed health drawbacks"
also contains this excerpt: "Pregnancy and childbirth can weaken these muscles, and exercises to strengthen them are difficult, she [Dr. Maria Cerruto] said"

kegels are difficult? ya flex and relax, can be done anywhere at any time. difficult, my vagina. *thpffffffft*