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View Full Version : Ignorance runs loose in the Media... as usual

Wicked Wanda
01-31-2008, 06:57 PM
OK, I am going to be honest here and admit I am only political when certain issues come up. But in a "stunning change for the petite redhead", this year I am going to be very politically active.
The Media is running wild again, mostly on the Right.

Bill O'Reilly at Fox News, whom I mostly ignore, launched a tirade against some left wing web site that I have never read called DailyKos, or DKos, and the airline JetBlue that sponsors their annual meeting because some POSTER, (NOT the author of the site) called the Pope "a Primate".

OMG!!! Has everyone suddenly become stupid and/or ignorant? The Pope is "The First Primate", also known as the"Primate of Rome", as he is The Bishop of Rome! His Office is often called "The Primacy". It is one of his Ecclesiastical Titles.

Some people should be ashamed of their ignorance!



02-01-2008, 12:23 AM
Some people should be ashamed of their ignorance!

Sadder still that so many are so proud of their ignorance.

One (chief) executive type even seems to achieve a sort of zen-like state with his ignorance...

One might call Mr O'Reilly a lower primate, but the monkeys & apes might take offence...

Ha-cha-cha-cha...I got a million of 'em, folks...

02-01-2008, 11:12 AM
There is something about a know-it-all,opinionated,bullish,outspoken Irishman
that I can relate to! Irish :bs:

02-01-2008, 11:18 AM
DailyKos is a left-leaning news blogging site. I read it occasionally.