01-29-2008, 08:34 PM
Allrighty my fellow Pixians I have an idea for a new game lol. It's easy and simple, Name for me your favorite t.v. show growing up. It can be cartoon sitcom drama learning what have you. Just as long as it influenced you in either a good way or a bad way.
For me my good influence was G.I. Joe the cartoon. Every Child of the 80's knows the battle cry YOOOOOOOOOOOO JOOOOOOOOOE lol it made me lear at an early age to love my country and probably more so than any other reason as to why I enlisted in the army. I always wanted to be Duke with that Firey red head Scarlett hanging of my arm lol. The show that gave me nightmares and still sends a chill up and down my spine every time i think about it or see it on some 80's nostalgia kick on t.v. is that god awful Kids incorporated yuck hated that show the kids were brain washed drones no wonder i hate shows like american idol lol well anyway hope this thread gets a going leave some love Ironhide aka Michael
For me my good influence was G.I. Joe the cartoon. Every Child of the 80's knows the battle cry YOOOOOOOOOOOO JOOOOOOOOOE lol it made me lear at an early age to love my country and probably more so than any other reason as to why I enlisted in the army. I always wanted to be Duke with that Firey red head Scarlett hanging of my arm lol. The show that gave me nightmares and still sends a chill up and down my spine every time i think about it or see it on some 80's nostalgia kick on t.v. is that god awful Kids incorporated yuck hated that show the kids were brain washed drones no wonder i hate shows like american idol lol well anyway hope this thread gets a going leave some love Ironhide aka Michael