View Full Version : Kansas Baptist Church Intends to Picket Heath Ledger's Funeral...

01-23-2008, 08:38 PM
...Because He Played Gay Character

A radical Baptist church in Kansas known for picketing the funerals of soldiers who perished in Iraq said it intends to protest Heath Ledger's memorial service with signs claiming the actor died and is in Hell because he played a gay character in “Brokeback Mountain.”

Shirley Phelps-Roper of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka said that she and other members will picket Ledger’s United States memorial services, not those held in his native Australia.

“You cannot live in defiance of God,” she said. “He got on that big screen with a big, fat message: God is a liar and it’s OK to be gay.”

A press release circulated by the church references Leviticus 18:22 in the Bible, which states that “thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”

“Heath Ledger is now in Hell, and has begun serving his eternal sentence there,” the Westboro Baptist announcement says.

Started 1955, the Topeka, Kan.-based church has conducted over 34,000 peaceful demonstrations opposing the homosexual lifestyle, according to their Web site, GodHatesFags.com.

The organization runs various Web sites, including GodHatesAmerica.com and others that condemn lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, Muslims, Roman Catholics and Jews as well as certain nationalities, according to Wikipedia.

The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies the church as a hate group and the organization is monitored by the Anti-Defamation League, according to its Wikipedia entry.

Phelps-Roper said the church group will also be picketing the Academy Awards this year.

Both the printed release and Phelps-Roper’s verbal diatribe about Ledger were rife with homophobic slurs. She said that those who call her and other members of Westboro Baptist Church bigots must also think God is a bigot.

“God hates fags,” she said. “The wrath of God has been revealed before the eyes of this nation with the death of Heath Ledger. … This nation worships the dead almost as much as they worship their filthy sex acts. America is doomed.”

01-23-2008, 08:38 PM
That^^^ really pisses me off! :mad:

01-23-2008, 08:59 PM
I truly believe that there is a special place in hell for these people who hate in the name of God.

01-23-2008, 09:29 PM
... she said. “He got on that big screen with a big, fat message: God is a liar and it’s OK to be gay.” ...
I wonder if that critical insight includes Mr. Ledger's lead role (http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0402894/Ss/0402894/33A.jpg.html?hint=group) in "Casanova (http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0402894/Ss/0402894/29.jpg.html?hint=group)"? :rolleyes2

01-23-2008, 11:08 PM
It is the Westboro Baptist Church, and it's members, who are an abomination onto god...

01-23-2008, 11:37 PM
I've always been the one who didnt care about religion, as long as they keep it to themselves. George Carlin said it best, Tho shall not be Unfaithful, and Thou Shall keep thy religion to thyself!

God, thinks its wrong to be gay, and thinks it good to kill people that have done this and that... what a crock of shit.. Little do these people know they are only making themselves look like a pack of drones linked to the idiots mind that think they are doing the right thing. He should be taken out and hung from a light post, for all to see, as a statement of what society shouldn't become.

01-24-2008, 12:04 AM
..... He should be taken out and hung from a light post, for all to see, as a statement of what society shouldn't become.
How do you mean that? :confused:

01-24-2008, 01:14 AM
wow... i think this article is one of the most upsetting things i've read in a long time

01-24-2008, 01:23 AM
How do you mean that? :confused:

Just as it sounds.. Hung by his neck! Its people like that that make other people thinks its good to kill, hurt, or demoralize others. Society could do far better in terms of genes.

01-24-2008, 03:56 AM
So your saying that some ignorant, radical asshole who is trying to fuckup our society and thinks he has the right to go out and kill people that don't profess his particular warped thoughts, is a crock of shit and should be hunted down and killed as an example of what our society will not accept.

Just checking.


01-24-2008, 10:06 AM
grape drink anyone?:p

in all seriousness, this sort of stuff used to get me really riled but now i think we should just ignore these people. they are not a huge group, 120 members at most, and they aren't exactly growing at an exponential rate. 99.999999% of all humans realize that they are some of the most bizarre people on earth. they adore the media attention they get and have even been offered air time in exchange for their promise not to protest certain funerals, giving them even more exposure. the more they protest and spew idiotic messages, the more ridiculous they become - but if they are prohibited from protesting, they sue and usually win, gaining more media attention and money. they use the money to travel and protest and spew more hate; they subsidize their hate with our money.

we should all just pretend they don't exist. camera men should make sure they don't get in the shot, reporters should never mention their names or agenda.

grieving families - please try to remember that the remaining 6,780,304,023 of us grieve with you. what these assholes think or say makes no difference.

these people are insane beyond belief - we'll just keep giving them rope and eventually they'll hang themselves.

01-24-2008, 10:57 AM
I just take the usual Discordian stance wrt the WBC:

Hell is reserved for those that believe in it.
The hottest part of hell is reserved for those that believe in it on the theory they will go there if they don't bvelieve in it.

01-24-2008, 12:06 PM
grape drink anyone?:p

in all seriousness, this sort of stuff used to get me really riled but now i think we should just ignore these people. they are not a huge group, 120 members at most, and they aren't exactly growing at an exponential rate. 99.999999% of all humans realize that they are some of the most bizarre people on earth. they adore the media attention they get and have even been offered air time in exchange for their promise not to protest certain funerals, giving them even more exposure. the more they protest and spew idiotic messages, the more ridiculous they become - but if they are prohibited from protesting, they sue and usually win, gaining more media attention and money. they use the money to travel and protest and spew more hate; they subsidize their hate with our money.

we should all just pretend they don't exist. camera men should make sure they don't get in the shot, reporters should never mention their names or agenda.

grieving families - please try to remember that the remaining 6,780,304,023 of us grieve with you. what these assholes think or say makes no difference.

these people are insane beyond belief - we'll just keep giving them rope and eventually they'll hang themselves.

I'm in complete agreement with her (again), life's too short for me to get my BP up over ignorant inbred morons (my understanding is that most of the membership is closely related). It's just too easy, if one really knows the Bible, to shoot holes thru their entire philosophy, but to engage the closed-minded in any kind of debate is like teaching a pig to sing...it wastes your time & annoys the pig...

....and I won't drink the kool-aid either :rolleyes2