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01-16-2008, 08:48 PM
Anyone love this show like me??

The show is about Mick St. John(Alex O'loughlin ~ Australian Actor), a private investigator from Los Angeles who just happens to be a vampire *L* A good type vampire


01-16-2008, 08:50 PM

Is that an import or export?

01-16-2008, 08:56 PM
An import i'm sure...havent heard of it being made here

It's a CBS show

01-16-2008, 11:26 PM
Haven't seen it but saw the previews....................I got into watching Bloodties on Lifetime.

01-17-2008, 05:09 AM
It's a re-import for us Aussies.

I'm still making up my mind on the show.

01-17-2008, 05:29 AM
For me it is hard this season to figure out what shows they have already cancelled and which shows are just on hold due to the writer's strike.

01-17-2008, 12:27 PM
For me it is hard this season to figure out what shows they have already cancelled and which shows are just on hold due to the writer's strike.
My understanding is that most of the scripted shows had a few extra episodes already in the can when the strike started, but the networks seem to be pacing themselves so they can have their big dramatic edisodes ready when the rating sweeps start next month.

No good news on the strike ending anytime soon either, looks like we can look forward to lots more "reality" shows & CSI/Law & Order re-runs for a while...

:banghead: :hair:

01-17-2008, 05:43 PM
Moonlight - I watch the show and I love it. The next one is supposed to be new and he somehow turns human - which I don't think will stick because him being a vampire is the premise of the show. He isn't what we are normally told to be a traditional vampire as he can tolerate some sunlight. It took me a while to catch the show because when I first watched it by accident, but now have a note as to when it is on and what channel.

01-17-2008, 06:58 PM
Mick human?? Ohhhhh nonononononono, we'll have none of that!!

They can tolerate some sunlight & garlic, holywater & crucifixes have no effect at all. Silver and beheading kills them *L*

01-17-2008, 10:00 PM
I quite agree with that!

I get a kick out of Josef - he is supposed to be this big, bad vampire mafia type, but he is such a babyface I laugh everytime he tries to act tough...

I am not sure about that Coraline - dont like her much and I still don't quite get Beth. I don't see her as a 'human servant' type. It will be interesting to see what happens this next show since it is a new one. We have been seeing reruns because of the writer's strike.

What episode are you seeing now OrliFanatic? I hate to give away anything if you haven't seen a certain episode yet.

01-17-2008, 11:05 PM
Coraline is to be introduced to us on Wed night.....so i'll let ya know what i think of her *L* She is Mick's sire isnt she?

Beth has, at the least, the major lusties for Mick *L* And Mick is falling in love with her and her knows thats just plain not a good idea.

This is the Ep we will see this Wednesday night

The Ringer
Mick becomes obsessed with a woman he meets at the scene of a fire. Things get more complicated when Mick begins looking into the theft of Morgan's cameras and discovers eerie similarities between this fire and the fire that killed Coraline.

01-18-2008, 01:08 AM
All I know about Moonlight is I have to wait till it's over to watch


01-18-2008, 01:54 AM
Moonlight is better *LOL*

01-18-2008, 06:27 AM
Coraline is to be introduced to us on Wed night.....so i'll let ya know what i think of her *L* She is Mick's sire isnt she?

Beth has, at the least, the major lusties for Mick *L* And Mick is falling in love with her and her knows thats just plain not a good idea.

This is the Ep we will see this Wednesday night

The Ringer
Mick becomes obsessed with a woman he meets at the scene of a fire. Things get more complicated when Mick begins looking into the theft of Morgan's cameras and discovers eerie similarities between this fire and the fire that killed Coraline.

OOOOOOOOO you are in for a treat then. I won't give it away but you will understand what I mean about Coraline when this episode is done. Yes, she is his 'sire'. :D

Yes, Beth does have major lust for Mick but she does have a cutie police detective at home...

I think you are about 4 episodes behind us - better than I thought which is good! I will be very careful to not give anything away for you!

Soda you should try to catch Moonlight since you like Anita Blake. I think you would like the show.

01-18-2008, 01:19 PM
I never watched it cause it was on the same time as something else.

This is the first season, correct?

I might have to check it out sometime.

01-18-2008, 05:03 PM
Yes it is the first season. I am not positive, but I think you could catch up on the episodes online. go to www.cbs.com and the click on shows > Moonlight.

01-18-2008, 11:07 PM
I was thinking of checking to see if they were online.

Thats how I watched the last 2 episodes of Bloodties.

Gotta love the internet.