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01-01-2008, 05:49 PM
Lately I have been wondering if it's just Pixies or if the general public is starting to come off this high of connectivity????

Do you spend as much time online as you used to?

Do you spend as much time communicating with people online as you did, say 1-2 years ago?

Has your purpose for logging on to the internet changed over the past few years?

Do you use the internet more often for business or pleasure? Is that consistent with your usage in the past?

01-01-2008, 06:36 PM
I don't chat nearly as much as I once did. Yahoo eliminated the user created chat rooms and then it became nothing but bots.

I still play games, but I've moved away from Everquest, and World of Warcraft (still have my account just haven't played for a couple of weeks), and moved towards poker.

01-01-2008, 06:38 PM
I spend more time online now than in the past. I also do alot more buisness online, I no longer snail-mail any payments. In the last 6 months I have spent less time communicating online, but hoping that will change soon.

01-01-2008, 06:53 PM
I probably spend more time on the net than I did in the past, but it is definitely more quality time. Instead of communicating and e-mailing, I spend more time looking up info regarding wife's cancers and treatments, background on news events and reading news from other parts of the USA and the world. Seeing something on the History Channel will sometimes result in a trip to the computer to find out more.
On the shopping side, I do product research, price comparisons and consumer reviews before buying. I have definitely purchase a lot more using the net, most recently 1350 sq. ft of ceramic tile used to remodel and saved $2853.00 over the best price I could get within a 200 mile radius. Today, I bought a new computer online direct from the manufacturer and saved $270. over the retail version of the same at Circuit City or Best Buy. So, I am using it more now for information, personal growth and commerce than entertainment.

01-01-2008, 06:56 PM
I spend much more time online now than I have in the past. I've got much more spare time on my hands now than previously and since I upgraded to a DSL connection from dial up last Spring, I find myself jumping online much more frequently.

The majority of my online time is spent chatting with friends, reading online newspapers and of course Pixies.

I do pay some of my bills online but there are still a few that get the snail mail treatment.

01-01-2008, 07:28 PM
Do you spend as much time online as you used to?

Probably more so as web based applications and on-line customer support tools proliferate.

Do you spend as much time communicating with people online as you did, say 1-2 years ago?

Yes, no change there. I probably TXT more often than I used to, though.

Has your purpose for logging on to the internet changed over the past few years?

No...same reasons.

Do you use the internet more often for business or pleasure? Is that consistent with your usage in the past?

More often for business.

01-01-2008, 07:31 PM
Do you spend as much time online as you used to? I spend far less time online now that i used to. Thats due to family, real life interests and time constraints really.

Do you spend as much time communicating with people online as you did, say 1-2 years ago? Nope, definately not.

Has your purpose for logging on to the internet changed over the past few years? Yep. I rarely surf porn anymore *L*. I use it more so for research, buying/selling things, catching up on news.

Do you use the internet more often for business or pleasure? Is that consistent with your usage in the past? Still for pleasure, same as before.

01-01-2008, 07:34 PM
Do you spend as much time online as you used to? No but mainly because now I have kiddos to deal with..family, work, etc takes up alot of my time.

Do you spend as much time communicating with people online as you did, say 1-2 years ago? no..mainly because I've had the gained a few lost a few thing happen.

Has your purpose for logging on to the internet changed over the past few years? not really...just added the fact of looking for card making supplies to the list.

Do you use the internet more often for business or pleasure? Is that consistent with your usage in the past? Mostly Pleasure...still consistent with the past.

01-01-2008, 07:35 PM
I'm not entirely sure. I think I spend as much or more time online (mainly at Pixies) as I used to (not including times like when I had the surgery) ... but I don't really keep score. I've kind of cut back on online shopping because of the number of warning about identity theft and all. And, I don't spend as much time in the chat room because it seems more awkward to get into chat. Back when it just meant clicking on the "Chat" button at the top of the page, I went to chat more often.

I still use email as much as in the past but delete anything I'm not sure of as soon as I see it. No sense tempting fate. And, I quit forwarding jokes or "cute" sayings or sad stories. If there's really something I want to forward, I generally re-enter the text in my own email and send it.

01-01-2008, 07:52 PM
Do you spend as much time online as you used to?

No, now that I'm going to school, have real life friends, and the best guy in the world, I spend much less time online

Do you spend as much time communicating with people online as you did, say 1-2 years ago?

No, I don't at all. I do regret that I don't talk to some of my online friends like I used to and I wish I could change that. However, for the most part I don't miss the mindless chatting I used to do just to kill time.

Has your purpose for logging on to the Internet changed over the past few years?

Not really. I still log on so that I can pursue my interest. Although, some of my interest have since changed.

Do you use the Internet more often for business or pleasure? Is that consistent with your usage in the past?

I use it for business and pleasure where in the past it was only for pleasure.

01-01-2008, 09:13 PM
Lately I have been wondering if it's just Pixies or if the general public is starting to come off this high of connectivity????

Do you spend as much time online as you used to?
Yes I spend about as much time online as I used to

Do you spend as much time communicating with people online as you did, say 1-2 years ago?
A couple of years ago I didn't visit chat rooms,now you can find me in Pixies on weekends ,and a blacksmiths chat I use

Has your purpose for logging on to the internet changed over the past few years?
No its stayed pretty much the same

Do you use the internet more often for business or pleasure? Is that consistent with your usage in the past?
More or research then business then pleasure

01-01-2008, 10:46 PM
Do you spend as much time online as you used to?

Yes, but I've refocused it. I spend less time at Pixies than some years, and more time writing in my LiveJournal and even IMing with friends. I also use the internet and my computer for work and for school, which keeps me tied up.

Do you spend as much time communicating with people online as you did, say 1-2 years ago?

I've always gone through phases with this - and sometimes I'm more active than others.

Has your purpose for logging on to the Internet changed over the past few years?

I do more online shopping, and more internet based research. I almost never read a newspaper anymore.

Do you use the Internet more often for business or pleasure? Is that consistent with your usage in the past?

I use it about half and half - which is probably more business time than used to be before I worked for an Internet company. :)

01-01-2008, 11:23 PM
I've cut back on the number of forums I post at, but the total amount of time has remained the same, or maybe increased.

01-02-2008, 03:57 AM
I'm still here.

01-02-2008, 12:50 PM
I answered the poll that neither the amount of time nor purpose have changed, at least not much in the last couple of years, but a more detailed answer would be that my time online continuously evolves. Six+ years ago when I joined Pixies, a lot of time was spent playing, chatting, exploring my limits & broadening my horizons...not so much time to chat anymore, but I still spend a lot of time online just for pleasure, although what pleases me is not always what it was then. During the warm weather months I spend a great deal of time online strictly tending to the family business on Ebay, but when I'm done with that, I'm very likely to take a break & tend to some very personnal (& sticky) needs as well ;)