View Full Version : What's New Pussykats???

12-30-2007, 07:44 PM
I've been awol. How is everyone? Anything exciting going on?

12-30-2007, 08:43 PM
Hi Lil :)

Last night I had an early New Years Eve party and drank way too many vodka slushies and ate way to much of everything. Today, I'm bloated and tired, but the party was fun and I really adore my friends.

There has been some serious rain the last three days and we in Georgia are very grateful. :loveshowe

We went to Starbucks, twice, and cruised around in the rain looking at new homes. We still think building our own is the best idea since we can't find one to compare to what we have envisioned as our dream home.

It's not even 9:00pm and I'm seriously considering going to bed. *Yawn*

12-30-2007, 09:44 PM
I went to this socialite's yearly soiree. I drank farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr too many white russians and then shook my moneymaker on the dance floor to "Brick House" in attempt to be thrown out of the party.

Tess, I too hit Starbucks. What do you get there? Glad you had a happy holiday and that Ga got some rain.

12-30-2007, 10:02 PM
I stayed home, drank Southern Comfort, and wrote erotica to an e-lover

12-30-2007, 10:07 PM
anything good?????????????????

12-30-2007, 10:18 PM
She asked me what I would do with her if I had her in my room for 24 hours.

I described to her in great detail, starting romantically with dinner and wine ordered in, and then slow dancing naked, and then making sweet love, starting with the tips of her toes.

It went on from there. She liked it, and I got aroused just writing it.

12-30-2007, 10:20 PM

12-30-2007, 10:36 PM
The written word turns me on, whether reading it, or writing it. I should get off my lazy ass and post some more of my writing, because I have a half dozen or so finished up.

12-30-2007, 10:47 PM
Yes you should. :nod:

Sure Lil. :mad:

You SNEAK away without warning and before I can finish my search for you to be sure it's safe to ..........help :rolleyes:, you storm in just as I get ready ( :boink: ) to take care of things while you're gone. :banghead:

12-30-2007, 11:50 PM
Welcome Back Lilith!!

I got Strep over xmas and I renamed IowaMan. He is now CatMan............LMAO!!!!

12-31-2007, 01:21 AM
My husband had a concussion, but as of 2 days ago has rejoined the land of the living. I have no plans for New Years, and I still dislike Starbucks.

My mom leaves to go back to Ohio tomorrow morning. My husband is back to being obsessed with work and I am a little lonely.

12-31-2007, 02:05 AM
^^^^ Thank heavens your husband is okay, osuche. He's been in our prayers (along with you)!

Been to two parties, so far. One was Friday evening (where my leather jacket was taken by accident) and the other yesterday. Plans are to go to a third one this evening for the real New Year's Eve.

Oh yeah, got a call yesterday from the person that accidently pcked up my jacket. Will get it back soon.

12-31-2007, 09:48 AM
PF~ precisely why I said nothing :p

soda~ euw! strep is horrid. Are you better? Wouldn't Pussyman be better than Catman ????????

osuche~ I was wondering about your hubby. I've had concussions but they did not seem to produce problems the length of time they did for Mr. Osuche. Glad he's finally better. I'm making spaghetti for New Years and just hanging out with my peeps. I was visiting with my family too and now feel disconnected already. Where I was visiting there are like 30 some odd people living in the same area but with visitors there were over 50 of us.

dicksbro~ so lucky an honest person found your jacket. Sounds like you've been a bit of a party animal.

12-31-2007, 09:52 AM
LMAO...........I was thinking PussyMan last night but left it CatMan, was waiting for someone to say the other.

Yes I am feeling better thank you, thought I was gonna die over Christmas.

12-31-2007, 10:01 AM
Hmmm, well not a lot new with me really other than the new name. :rofl:

And I am sure Boog will be joining in shortly to give his version of why Pussyman isn't a suitable name for me. See what you started Soda? :p

12-31-2007, 10:03 AM

12-31-2007, 01:54 PM
Sorry Pussyman (http://www.pussyman.com/main.html) has already been taken. I do think Crazy Old Cat Guy is much more fitting.

01-02-2008, 12:19 PM
Nothing but one of the most shit-tastic NYE parties I've ever had. As a realut, I'm even more depressed, cynical, and pissed off than I usually am.

01-02-2008, 03:03 PM
Just the way we luv you!