View Full Version : Special Pixies

12-21-2007, 11:03 PM
There have been several Pixies over the time that I have been here that go above all to do special things for people they have never met face to face.

Some of those events get posted about for us to read. I remember a stuff animal, a bear I think it was, that went across the water and back for a school project. Pixies that send stuff that others collect, even a giant monster got sent.

So now is my time that I get to tell you about the special gift my Daughter received today from someone she has not yet met although Boog and I have.

Kiddo, who is 10 and a half, was very excited and impressed with a seal she got that imprints her name. She can imprint a book page with "From the Library of (insert her name)" She thought this was pretty flipping cool!!!!!!

The person that sent this to her is the brunt of alot of jokes but its only because we love him that we tease him sooooo bad. I look forward to seeing him again at Nashville as he is truly one of a kind.

Thank You PF for making a little girl feel very special!!!!!

12-22-2007, 01:35 AM
It's acts such as that, that make ever lasting memories.
What a kind gesture!

12-22-2007, 01:59 AM
Awww!!!! That is so sweet. I am crying!

Good Grief! I miss you guys and I can't wait until we move back to the States so that we can see you all again!

12-22-2007, 06:07 AM

12-22-2007, 08:06 AM
He's a sweet lovable bastard! He sent me the best baby doll I ever had. It doesn't pee or eat or talk but it does shoot rockets out it's shell :D

12-22-2007, 11:13 AM
Pretty nice there PF! :nod: :thumb:

12-22-2007, 11:14 AM
That was only to counteract the exposure to Booger.:banghead:
We don't want people saying bad things about us and our stupid kids so I just figured we need to help her keep all the books we can. :nod:

(... And it can keep her busy embossing all her books while you study that road map to Cleveland. :hump: )

12-22-2007, 08:12 PM
Way to go, PF! Good show. ;)

12-23-2007, 01:00 AM
Truly "SPECIAL PIXIES" is not me :o ........... But I know one of the many people we have with real talent. And I got a package from one of them. I was told I was getting some hand forged 'reindeer shoes' that I'll be posting about in a couple days. ;)

But the best part is I got a present myself that I wasn't expecting. Take a look at an iron feather. :D

Pixies has more un-touted talent than the Smithsonian :nod:

12-23-2007, 08:49 AM

12-23-2007, 02:46 PM
Wish I could do that.

12-23-2007, 06:18 PM
Very nice PF!!!!!!

I've thought about asking him if he likes to do letters or names, just not sure kiddo would like it.

12-23-2007, 07:07 PM
Not if you were thinking of a branding iron. :rofl:

12-23-2007, 09:36 PM
Not if you were thinking of a branding iron. :rofl:

12-23-2007, 10:36 PM
But branding comes in handy when they get lost or in trouble! :yikes:

12-25-2007, 04:35 AM
Now for the talent of a real special Pixie. As I mentioned above, I received "reindeer shoes" from a special Pixie (^^^ ;) ) and spent some late hours visiting my grandkids homes tonight.:xmas: These tiny shoes (about 3" long) have been casually talked about for the past two weeks at the homes of my 5 year old grandson and granddaughter. Tonight they left bowels of oats out side for Santa's reindeer before heading to bed. I have it on good word that they will not only see that the reindeer enjoyed the treat, but left tracks all around the now empty bowels, and one actually lost a 'golden reindeer shoe' in the tracks leading away.

[a small bracket welded to another shoe with a 1/2" EMT connector makes putting it on the end of a 3' (1m) piece easy and keeps you from having to crawl around......... Especially if you have some snow. ;) ]

(Note: Even if the family dog happens to love your visits, don't sneak around their house at night and be surprised that they end up having to be let out to see who it is before they stop trying to wake the wrong people. :banghead: )

12-25-2007, 11:51 AM
COOL ^^^

Merry Christmas, Grandpa. :x:

12-25-2007, 02:00 PM
Did I understand that correctly, jay-t made those shoes? That is so incredibly great! What a wonderful gift and to be able to use them to make the reindeer tracks. Now that's a pretty darned special gift to be able to give. :thumb:

12-25-2007, 06:46 PM
You got it right. ;) (http://www.pixies-place.com:81/forums/showpost.php?p=1511758&postcount=9)

Jay-t is a blacksmith and makes all kinds of artwork in his forge. :thumbs: He mentioned and described the "reindeer shoes" one night in chat. He told about how exciting it was when his grand daughter found one a couple years back and when she visited the next year before Christmas, how she had saved and taken it along to return it to :xmas: . That sounded so neat, I browbeat :brows: the poor guy into sending me one for each of my smallest grandkids (http://www.pixies-place.com:81/forums/showthread.php?t=5050).

He gave me the extra to 'adapt' so I wouldn't be crawling around in the dark in possible snow, to make the prints, and sure enough, when you follow the track away from the dish.......... you find a "golden reindeer shoe" that was lost the night before. I can tell you it seems to be the most important news about Christmas this year. :line:

(Thanks jay-t for making this a special year for a couple excited kids. :cheers: )

12-25-2007, 06:51 PM
Now for the talent of a real special Pixie. As I mentioned above, I received "reindeer shoes" from a special Pixie (^^^ ;) ) and spent some late hours visiting my grandkids homes tonight.:xmas: These tiny shoes (about 3" long) have been casually talked about for the past two weeks at the homes of my 5 year old grandson and granddaughter. Tonight they left bowels of oats out side for Santa's reindeer before heading to bed. I have it on good word that they will not only see that the reindeer enjoyed the treat, but left tracks all around the now empty bowels, and one actually lost a 'golden reindeer shoe' in the tracks leading away.
How precious are they!

Errrr PF....i'm sure ya meant bowls not, well ummmm, bowels :D:D:D

12-25-2007, 07:24 PM
LOL I wonder how he makes all the reindeer poop on the lawn ??????????????lmfao

12-25-2007, 08:06 PM
PF your welcome and I'm glad the little ones were very excited . The shoes are small enough that when the kids grow up they can hang them on the tree as proof to their kids!

Lilith does that answer your question: :ewe:

12-25-2007, 09:16 PM
Santa didn't bring me the new spell checker YOU asked him for. :hair:
