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View Full Version : Can you be held accountable???

12-04-2007, 07:13 PM
For the comments you make on online forums (http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/law/12/04/blog.arrest.ap/index.html). Even if you think you are being discreet or anonymous? Where exactly is this fuzzy line????

12-04-2007, 07:25 PM
I would take his comments as sarcasm. That is just how they come across to me though since I find it hard to believe anyone would actually believe what he said.

What about Megan Meier? A grown up drives a disturbed teen to suicide via myspace and there isn't anything the law can do about it.

12-04-2007, 09:28 PM
... Where exactly is this fuzzy line????
In no one place.

12-04-2007, 09:35 PM
I think it kind of depends ... for example, you can certainly be held accountable when it comes to child porn type of comments in direct conversations online ... at least here in the US because they've developed federal laws and state laws on those issues, but the law is a long way from catching up with all possibilities. At least as far as criminal prosecution ... civil lawsuits however could be very real possiblities IF you can prove who "said" it and that you have damages from their doing so.

12-05-2007, 06:07 AM
In this case, this man was arrested. As a teacher, simply being arrested despite whether or not the charges stick, your career is over. No one will touch you.

12-05-2007, 06:18 AM
Perhaps the teacher should have thought of that ahead of time.

12-05-2007, 06:55 AM

12-05-2007, 09:46 AM
Sadly, most people miss out on the irony under any circumstances...in this case, we've previously touched out the subject of how hard it is to convey such irony with the typed word. Irony this thick was bound to be missed without attaching a hundred smilies, with diagrams & arrows & a paragraph at the bottom to explain. As Lil points out, his career as a teacher is over...but I have a problem with prosecuting anyone for practicing free speech, & the repugnant nature of his speech is exactly the kind that must be protected...allowing only words that don't offend anyone is not free speech...

12-05-2007, 09:54 AM
... allowing only words that don't offend anyone is not free speech...

12-05-2007, 02:35 PM
In this case, the line isnt' fuzzy at all.

A clear case of abuse of power by the authorities involved, as the comments made no actual threats. One person decide s/he was "uncomfortable" by the statements in question, and then the investigating fuckhead decided to impose his own personal view of politics on the commentator.

Yeah, it really is well past time we gave our constitution to the Iraqi people, since we clearly aren't using it anymore.

12-05-2007, 03:43 PM
What next? Praise for "World Trade Center" mishap,9/11, an "Atta Boy" for Osama Bin Laden? or "Way to Go Hitler",thumbs up Adolf? Columbine and refrences such as above are clearly offensive and WAY past the line,no matter what line your refering to;(Fuzzy,Hard,Bottom,In The Sand).But,as ignorant,offensive,and just plain wrong,his statement might have been,it was not a direct threat to anyone in particular,so under "Freedom of Speech" I dont see it to warrent an arrest charge.Ironicly,a lessor, One word verbal statement; "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater,would result with incarseration to the individual.Unsafe is not equal to Untastefull,Unfortunatly for the reader.I do, however wonder about the website he posted on,was it an underground,radical,Militant,subversive site? Unmonitored forum?Large reader based?How many hits a day?Etc...Would'nt the "Site" be more accountable for allowing his repulsive "Post". I,myself, know had he tried to post that crap here at "Pixies", Free Speech or not,All Rights Reserved,and so on, Our Moderators would have been "ALL OVER" him,(I hear Ms.Lilith,has a "Special Room",in the back,for his sort, and a "Special Punishment" equal to the offensiveness of the post) :kisser: Which is how he should have been dealt with. His public Arrest, now has only justified his crap with "martyrdom",and made him the "victim", giving him nortoriety,and in his mind celebrity status I'm sure. So, with this subject,the line of accountability is not the only thing that is "FUZZY". :shrug: Be kind to one another,,,Crazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee