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12-02-2007, 07:56 PM
Anyone here have one? If you do, how did you get started? Tell a total beginner about it.

I am interested in this, and I think I am dragging Cobalt right along with me.. lol

I been to Ham Radio Online and other places and have learned a few things, but I know nothing can compare to real world advice.


12-02-2007, 10:21 PM
unfortunately, i am totally clueless about it. if my father was still with us, i would direct you to him. he was an avid ham radio operator. had his license and everything.

12-03-2007, 07:53 AM
Look around you may have a local Ham Operator group in your area, they can help you. A good start would be to go to a store that sells ham radios and talk with them. You may want to search book stores and maybe online to get the study book for the licensing test you have to take to be able to talk on Ham Radios.

12-03-2007, 04:19 PM
My grandpa was a ham operator many moons ago. I remember as a kid,the room filled with radio equipment.He even had one of those morris code senders.--- ... --- I really thought by now it would have been obsolete by the internet and cell phones. It was a good hobby for him. Good luck with it.Maybe I'll pick up your signal in my fillings someday.heh heh

12-03-2007, 04:27 PM
There are elements of Pixies in ham radio networks.

Strangers who become friends through unconventional communication means.

With the chase to make the most contacts, it mayeven have been the template for ham-face oh, I mean facebook.

12-03-2007, 07:11 PM
LOL @ everyone! :D

I know it seems kinda backwards for our techie familiy, but it is something that I find interesting. I did do a search on the net for clubs in our area and I did find two. I sent off an email to them to get some advice and I have found the information for the test to get a license.

I think it would be interesting to speak with people across the country and the world and to have the units available in case of emergencies. There have been many articles of ham radio operators being emergency communication providers when everything else has failed.

I will keep everyone posted as to our progress if there is an interest. :D Who knows? Maybe we can have a supplement form of communication between all of us! :D