View Full Version : What Should A Christmas Tree Look Like?
12-02-2007, 01:09 PM
As trends and fashions change, so does the centerpiece of our holiday decoration for many of us. What is your vision of a perfect Christmas tree?
Are you a traditionalist that enjoys the ceremony of real tree selection and the scent of pine throughout the house or are you a practical, spare a tree and like the collective fun of the erector set tree? Do you like the hodgepodge of many different ornaments and colored lights or is the rotating wheel of colored light shinning on an aluminum tree what catches your eye? Should it touch the ceiling with an angel on the top with an electric cord going up her skirt or another apple like all the rest of the ornaments at eye level on top?
Tell us what other Pixies see when they envision the perfect tree.
12-02-2007, 01:33 PM
We cut down our White Pine yesterday, and will trim it with an Angel on top when the children have returned home for their Christmas holidays.
12-02-2007, 02:12 PM
We used to go cut down a tree each year when the kids were little ,but due to the wifes allgeries we now have a artifical tree 7"tall with an angel on top,a hodge podge of ornaments,strings of lights and garland. Since its a pain with a fake tree there are no icicles :tear: ,but with little helping hands a very nice tree
12-02-2007, 02:35 PM
We do a real tree...typically spruce. I like them 7'-8' tall, with a big lit star on top. We have red, blue, and purple bulbs, white lights, and some red and gold bead garland that we use for trim.
The only thing I hate is picking up the fallen pine needles...btu it's better than having them stab your feet. :rofl:
12-02-2007, 02:35 PM
We go back and forth between real and fake. This year will be fake as we will be leaving the day after Xmas. Mine's green although I hear black is the rage. Mine has tons of handmade and sentimental ornaments. My lights are white, my balls are multi- colored, and an angel sits atop.
12-02-2007, 03:24 PM
When I was a kid, we'd get a real tree from the guy who sold trees just a few houses down, and drag it home form there. My mother hates the mess of a real tree though, and my father is allergic to touching them (but he always wore gloves, so it wasn't really a big issue), so now we have a fake tree. :(
Back then we had mostly homemade little needlepoint ornaments and little Santas and snowmen my mother had made, along with a bunch of random ones we got here and there. (My sister and I would divide the ornaments between us and we'd put them all at the perfect spots. The next morning, they were always in different spots - my mother would have spent the rest of the night after we were in bed changing them all around til she was happy.) We had big thick silver garland and multi-coloured lights and a big lit-up star on top. Now we still have the same ornaments along with even more random ones thrown in, with red beads instead of garland, all white lights and an angel on top.
What I don't like seeing is lights that flash and blink - drives me nuts! lol But, in the end, the perfect tree is one that was put up with friends and family with love, it doesn't matter how it's decorated.
12-02-2007, 03:35 PM
We use silver beads instead of garland.
12-02-2007, 03:46 PM
My wife's allergies prevent us putting up a live tree. We have opted for a 3 ft fiber optic tree, green in color. We set it on a 5 ft long table in front of the picture window. The table bears a collection of ornaments and decorations that tell a story from both our pasts to the present.
12-02-2007, 03:54 PM
PLastic and tinsel thing. Real trees are too much hassle.
12-02-2007, 05:38 PM
Artificial tree here. Gold garland, lots of multicolored lights, and a mix of homemade and store bought Christmas ornaments.
12-02-2007, 06:38 PM
artificial tree here..
read bead garland and blue and white led lights
12-02-2007, 08:05 PM
Artificial tree with lights already installed.. lol
We used to go and get a tree when the kids were little. When they got to be teens, it wasn't as much fun because they were sullen and didn't like the enforced family time.. lol
Decorations depend on the mood. We have three (haha.. 3 is on the brain from that other thread PF) different sets of decorations. We have blue balls and silver tinsel, purple balls and gold tinsel and then we have all different kinds of Santa's with red beads rather than tinsel. We have 3 different skirts too... white, multi, and red.
On the blue tree we have an angel, on the purple tree there is a silver star and on the red Santa tree there is a wooden weave type looking star with small red balls at the point. This year we will probably have the Santa tree.
12-02-2007, 08:29 PM
... We have three (haha.. 3 is on the brain from that other thread PF) different sets of decorations. .... We have 3 different skirts too... white, multi, and red.....
It's been on my mind too. :tongue:
....... and on my fist, and all over the keyboard and ......... :3way:
My tree is a 6' artificial that is fairly skinny so it doesn't hog all the space in our fairly small living room. It has white lights and silver and white garland. There are mostly white, silver, and crystal ornaments covering the tree along with the ornaments that I have bought my daughter every year since her first Christmas. There is star on top that is trimmed in silver and has white lights. Last year my Sweetie started a tradition of buying me a Waterford crystal snowflake ornament. I have two as of this year and look forward to the day my tree is covered in them. :)
12-02-2007, 11:17 PM
My wife and I have sharply contrasting points of view about this. We both like a real tree. That is where the similarities in preference end. Thus, we have two trees, and we alternate years to determine who gets the prime main level spot in front of the bay window and who gets the family room spot in the basement.
She likes to make the tree "personal" and throw every single ornament she has ever owned on the thing. Mulit-colored lights and a hand-sewn angel that some ancient relative made probably on the actual night of the blessed birth.
I prefer a carefully thought out theme. Since I have the VIP spot this year, I have gone with a balsam fir, white LED lights and silver, white, or clear crystal/glass onaments. I have a great silver and white star that tops the tree.
Well here's my big confession, I haven't bothered with a Christmas tree for at least the last 10 years .... I love them, but it just seems like too much of a hassle to put up and then take down when December has been my busiest working month and I end up being home and aware usually about 2-3 hours per day from mid November until mid January.
I do however love the things .... and still continue to collect ornaments ... and give them as a fun gift to work acquaintances, etc. (not every year, but about every 2-3 years - something really special that I make - usually beginning in April that year).
My favorite trees are the real ones -- or if artificial -- ones that look real ... and I prefer an assortment of ornaments that are unique and most have a special memory or person who is attached (emotionally) thru it. I like having white lights (that don't blink) AND colored lights that do blink. Tinsel is really pretty, but I don't really like having to hang the stuff, so if it were me decorating the tree, I'd go with strings of beads.
Truth be told though, I like the look of all kinds of Christmas trees, it's nice to be able to see what different people put up .... and
thanks PF, because it's also nice to read about the trees that people put up!
12-03-2007, 05:46 AM
BTW, I don't think there is a "should" when it comes to trees except that you should do what makes you happy.
12-03-2007, 08:21 AM
picky, bitchy, picky. :hair:
You "shouldn't" post before 09:00. :coffee:
12-05-2007, 10:34 AM
We prefer a live tree, our fav is a Frasier Fir 6-8' tall, but in recent years our financial situation has restricted us to using the plastic job the "out-laws" passed down to us. Most of the ornaments are keepsakes given to us by MIL every year since we married, along with, of course, the 2 commemorating the years our babies were born...after 32 years, it takes a pretty good size tree just for those, plus we always add some red or blue silky balls that help "unify" the tree...among the keepsakes are some handmade ornaments my mother created just before she left us in '98...this year the tree's still not up, & when & if it goes up may be put off till we get to the source of the missus' belly pains.
Just heard an ad on the radio promoting the "green" aspect of buying locally grown live trees, since they're 100% recyclable, 1 to 3 trees are replanted for each one cut, & buying local cuts down on the fuels used for transporting them to market...sounds good to me...
12-13-2007, 09:28 AM
Over the years trees have included: real ones, fake green, one of those aluminium ones and one year when my dad was away sick in the hospital we put lights and decorations on my mom's plant stand.
Have used a wide variety of decorations homemade and store bought.
This year is the first year of using the pre-lit fiber optic 6ft. tree. We have kiddo's ornaments and Boog's childhood ornaments on it and a santa on the top cause the angel didn't fit. I just relized I don't have any childhood ornaments.
Have done color themes in the past but if I had all the trees up I would want at the same time I would need one in every room, and maybe more rooms. :)
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