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11-29-2007, 06:31 PM
The National Weather Service In Des Moines Has Issued A Winter Storm Watch... Which Is In Effect Saturday And Saturday Night.

Conditions Will Deteriorate Rapidly Saturday Morning As Snow Spreads From Southwest To Northeast Across The State. Over The Southwest Half Of Iowa... The Snow Will Not Last Long And Quickly Transition To Freezing Rain Or Sleet Before Temperatures Rise Above Freezing Later In The Afternoon. However Until That Time Significant Icing And Sleet May Occur With Two To Four Tenths Of Ice Accumulation Possible.

Over The Northeast Half Of Iowa... The Event Will Be Of Longer Duration As Temperatures Remain Below Freezing. Anywhere From One To Five Inches Of Snow Should Fall In These Areas With The Highest Amounts Along And Northeast Of An Estherville To Waterloo Line. On Top Of The Snow... Two To Four Tenths Of Ice Accumulations Will Be Possible As Well.

Additional Minor Accumulations Of Light Freezing Rain May Occur Saturday Night As The Storm Exits The Area Into The Great Lakes Sunday Morning.

The Potential For Ice Storm Conditions Exists With This Storm. Glazing In Combination With Brisk Southeast Winds Gusting From 20 To 35 Mph Could Produce Scattered Power Outages And Downed Trees. A Winter Storm Watch Means There Is A Potential For Significant Snow... Sleet... Or Ice Accumulations That May Impact Travel. Continue To Monitor The Latest Forecasts And National Weather Service Products.

11-29-2007, 06:48 PM
Why are you excited about this? I have absolutely no idea dear. :shrug:

I'm just hoping that the storm stays a bit north of where I'm at. :wish:

11-29-2007, 06:56 PM
IowaMan - I was just talking with Cobalt last weekend about how brown and ugly the land is between the end of falling leaves and the first snow accumulation. I think that is part of it - although I am worried about the ice.

I know the other part of it is that I don't have to feel guilty about not going into work.. lol - We can actually spend the day playing video games or 'other' games if we want.

I get the same way at the end of winter just before the earth starts to sprout the little bit of green and the trees start budding out....

11-29-2007, 07:02 PM
Good points Cheyanne. :nod:

Yeah, it's not overy scenic around these parts once the leaves fall. And I guess you really can't beat the feeling of staying in on a snow day. :p

Let's skip the ice though. :yikes:

Looks like a little bit of snow on Saturday afternoon and then a night full of ice and sleet here for me. :(

11-30-2007, 12:14 AM
I never thought I would say there is a blow I did NOT want from you. :banghead:

;) I really do hope this is not one that makes it straight over to us. I've been concerned about the truly late leaf dropping. Our trees are still holding WAY to many and a heavy snow or ice storm will take out a lot timber. The past few years have seemed to be holding longer and longer to me. I had noticed that even the color peek seemed to be almost a month late this year.

These pics were taken on the 14th of this month and I was going to post before the subject became preempted. By the middle of November 75% of the leaves should be on the ground from my recollection.

11-30-2007, 10:14 AM
We can actually spend the day playing video games or 'other' games if we want.

Or, of course, you could always make a video of you playing "other" games.

11-30-2007, 11:55 AM
We have the same forecast for the central mtns. of PA. and it is supposed to last through Monday. I agree that the potential of heavy ice, which they are predicting, will further the damage many of the trees. Over the last couple of winter seasons we have had some really damaging ice storms that have taken a considerable toll on the woods and forrests here, not to mention power outages that have lasted for days in some areas.

11-30-2007, 05:14 PM
I won't post the whole forecast here --- it is too long... :eek:

However, they are now predicting at least 1/2 inch of ice after the 3-5 inches of snow! :( I would take the snow, but not the ice.

I agree PF... I hope that this storm doesn't head your way with all the leaves on the trees. We have been without leaves for a while now.

11-30-2007, 05:24 PM
Yep, looks like it's time to go out and get in line to stock up on all of the staples in case it's a long weekend. :mad:

Hopefully this is the first of very few times we get to do this over the winter. :wish:

11-30-2007, 11:30 PM
Yeppers... the Des Moines TV station told us the bad news.. damn ice. :(

The grocery store was chaotic - 'nuff said about that. I too hope it is one of few we get, but I wonder....

12-01-2007, 02:19 PM
We barely have enough snow to cover the rooftops here but the ice has been coming down for about 3 hours now. :(

Keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't turn into a situation like we had back in February. :wish:

12-01-2007, 10:22 PM
We got a little bit of snow but it is mixed with sleet. Driving home from work wasn't bad.

Suppose to be rain/snow mix off and on for tomarrow too, so we may have a delayed start for school on Monday.

12-01-2007, 10:37 PM
So, ya still excited about the storm Cheyanne? I'm thinking you must've had more snow up your way than we did over here. I'm guessing that we had maybe an inch of snow and there is a good inch of ice on my steps and sidewalk that is hopefully going to melt tomorrow.

12-02-2007, 11:01 AM
Well, I am glad that we don't have to look at all of that brown yucky land and some of the trees are pretty with that coating of ice....

We didn't get near the snow that the weatherman was predicting, and later in the day we did get the ice (not too much) and then rain which froze overnight coating the sidewalks.

There is a light snow now - not much, but it sure is pretty.

12-02-2007, 11:13 AM
Pics please.

And I'm glad you are safe.

12-02-2007, 11:28 AM
had snow overnight..

my little one is enjoying it